
The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

author:Yoko 娱乐


New Year's bells reverberate around the globe and people celebrate the arrival of the new year, but in one corner of Asia, a once-bustling country has come to an end at this special moment. The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, a small country in the Caucasus, disappeared from the map overnight and became a deserted "ghost town".

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries


The Mystery of the Ghost Town: The Mystery of the Dissipation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Region

The Nagorno-Karabakh region, once known as a paradise, is home to rolling Caucasus mountains and green meadows. Its beauty once attracted the attention of countless people, but now the land is in ruins. The streets were deserted, and the houses were engulfed in flames, leaving only ruins and dust.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

Why, then, did this once-vibrant small country come to the brink of dissolution? What forces drove its people to flee their homes and set their homes on fire? What secrets and truths are hidden behind all this?

The shadow of history: Nagorno-Karabakh's grievances with its neighbors

To solve the mystery of the dissolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh region, we have to go back to the depths of its history. The Nagorno-Karabakh region is located in Azerbaijan, but it is inextricably linked to Armenia. The population is mainly made up of Armenians, who have long regarded Nagorno-Karabakh as their homeland.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

However, the course of history is often fraught with twists and turns and conflicts. During the Tsarist period, the Nagorno-Karabakh region was incorporated into the territory of Tsarist Russia, and then under the Soviet Union, it was placed under the jurisdiction of Azerbaijan. This arrangement has sparked strong dissatisfaction and protests in Armenia, and the people of the Nagorno-Karabakh region have also demanded their return to Armenia. As a result, the tension between the two countries intensified, culminating in the outbreak of war in 1988.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

The war has brought untold suffering and destruction to the Nagorno-Karabakh region, however, the war has not solved anything. On the contrary, it exacerbates hatred and hostility between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Nagorno-Karabakh region has become a focal point of contention between the two sides and a victim of the conflict.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Nagorno-Karabakh region tried to get out of this predicament by becoming independent. However, its path to independence was not smooth. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan strongly oppose the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and are trying to occupy the land by force. So, in 1992 and 2020, war broke out again in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

These wars have brought great suffering to the Nagorno-Karabakh region and have also made the population of Nagorno-Karabakh full of disgust and hostility towards Azerbaijan. They would rather flee their homes than live under Azerbaijani rule. Therefore, when the Nagorno-Karabakh authorities announced their dissolution, most of them chose to flee and set fire to their houses with their own hands as a way to express their resistance and dissatisfaction with Azerbaijan.

The choice of the people: fleeing and burning their homes

On the eve of the dissolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh region, the population here faces a difficult choice. They can choose to stay and accept Azerbaijani rule, or they can choose to flee their homes and find a new life. However, for most people, neither option is what they want.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

They love the land dearly, but cannot stand the domination and oppression of Azerbaijan. They do not want to become vassals of Azerbaijan and even less want to see their homeland destroyed. Therefore, they chose to flee and bid farewell to their homeland with fire and tears.

The process of escaping is fraught with hardships and dangers. They had to cross the border and evade the pursuit and bombardment of the Azerbaijani army. Some managed to escape to neighboring Armenia, while others lost their lives in the process. Those who have managed to escape are also facing new life challenges and dilemmas. They must start anew, build a new home and a new life.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

In the process of escaping, many chose to set their homes on fire with their own hands. It's a reluctant choice, and it's also a symbolic rebellion. They used flames to destroy their homeland as a way to express their anger and dissatisfaction with Azerbaijan. At the same time, they also hope that in this way, more people will see their plight and plight, and attract the attention and assistance of the international community.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

The hearts of these fleeing people are filled with pain and despair. They have lost their homes and loved ones, as well as hope and confidence in the future. However, they did not give up, and they still believed that one day they would be able to return to their homeland and rebuild their homeland.

Great Power Game: The International Power Behind Nagorno-Karabakh

The dissolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh region is not a simple geopolitical event, but a game and contest between major powers hidden behind it. In this game, Russia, Turkey and other major powers play an important role.

Russia, as an ally of Armenia, has always maintained a delicate position in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. On the one hand, it is trying to mediate the contradictions between the two sides through diplomatic means to maintain regional stability, and on the other hand, it is also secretly supporting Armenia against the forces of Azerbaijan and Turkey. However, at the critical moment, Russia chose to wait and see and remain silent, and did not directly intervene in the conflict. This attitude has disappointed and angry Armenia and has also caused the population of the Nagorno-Karabakh region to lose confidence in Russia.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

Turkey, by contrast, did not hesitate to take the side of Azerbaijan. It has provided substantial military aid and support that has helped Azerbaijan gain an advantage in the conflict. Turkey's involvement has exacerbated tensions in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and made the population of the region even more disgusted and disgusted with Azerbaijan.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

In this great power game, the fate of the small Nagorno-Karabakh region is ruthlessly manipulated and sacrificed. Its dissolution is not only the result of geopolitical struggles, but also a victim of the game of interests of the great powers. In this game, no one cares whether the people of Nagorno-Karabakh are willing to give up their homes and live under someone else's rule. They only care about their own interests and status, and only care about how to win this game.

The first country to announce its dissolution in 2024 will allow people to burn down their houses and flee to neighboring countries

The dissolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh region is both a tragedy and a cautionary tale as well. It tells us that in the international political arena, the fate of small countries is often decided by large countries. They have no autonomy, no choice, and can only passively accept the arrangement of fate. However, we should also note that the people of Nagorno-Karabakh have not given up and are still fighting for their homeland and future. Their perseverance and courage will forever be remembered in the long river of history.

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