
The wild giant panda was suspected of drowning, and its head was buried in the water and did not move, and netizens commented that it exploded

author:Heavy rain again

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The wild giant panda was suspected of drowning, and its head was buried in the water and did not move, and netizens commented that it exploded

The tragic death of a wild panda in the river, the people's indifferent reaction, what should the society reflect on?


On April 11, 2023, in Ya'an, Sichuan, a motorcycle traveler accidentally found the body of a wild panda cub in a remote mountain river. According to the client, Mr. Shi, he was unable to stop due to time constraints and instead informed the residents of the nearby village of his discovery. Residents have shown astonishing calmness about the incident, speculating that the panda may have drowned after falling from a tree, and similar incidents do not appear to be uncommon here.

The wild giant panda was suspected of drowning, and its head was buried in the water and did not move, and netizens commented that it exploded

Panda drowned

This incident reflects not just an animal tragedy, but the attitude and efficiency of the whole society towards wildlife conservation. Although the giant panda is a national treasure and enjoys a high level of attention and protection, the reaction of villagers in the area where the accident occurred to such an accident has exposed the weak awareness of wildlife protection at the grassroots level. At the same time, the incident has also raised questions about wildlife protection measures, with many people taking to social media to question why such accidents occur so often and the effectiveness of existing protections.

The wild giant panda was suspected of drowning, and its head was buried in the water and did not move, and netizens commented that it exploded

Rhetorical question: Should we remain indifferent to the unexpected death of a national treasure, or should we review and strengthen our wildlife protection measures?

Netizens have something to say about this matter:

I stared at the screen for a long time, waiting for the panda to look up, thinking that it was just playing a game of grievance.

The wild giant panda was suspected of drowning, and its head was buried in the water and did not move, and netizens commented that it exploded
The wild giant panda was suspected of drowning, and its head was buried in the water and did not move, and netizens commented that it exploded
The wild giant panda was suspected of drowning, and its head was buried in the water and did not move, and netizens commented that it exploded

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