
#李小龙与叶问: Master and apprentice, legendary student In 1954, a 14-year-old boy knelt in front of Ip Man and asked to learn the art of apprenticeship, his goal was to learn Wing Chun. Ip Man, when

author:Benevolence Mango k0

#李小龙与叶问: Master and apprentice, legendary student

In 1954, a 14-year-old boy knelt in front of Ip Man and asked to learn the art of Wing Chun with the goal of learning Wing Chun. Ip Man, who was already a master in the martial arts world at that time, was a little hesitant about this young man, but finally accepted him and gave him, a young apprentice, a chance to learn. Bruce Lee's talent and hard work allowed him to quickly make a name for himself in the martial arts gym, which caused some sensation in the Hong Kong martial arts, but Ip Man was constantly worried about his character flaws.

Ip Man knows that martial arts is not only about mastering skills, but also about self-cultivation. He is always low-key and firm in dealing with people and things, and even in the face of provocations, he can value peace. This kind of open-mindedness is what Bruce Lee lacks. The relationship between master and apprentice gradually became delicate. Bruce Lee will always be that young and vigorous warrior, he has risen rapidly, but he is also constantly consuming himself. In his eyes, the enemy should be able to defeat the enemy with one move and not give the other party room to maneuver. This uncompromising attitude is incompatible with Ip Man's teachings.

Ip Man is an amazing martial arts master, and his teachings are far more than martial arts, but also in the philosophy of life. He is often able to influence the people around him, and he adheres to a low-key, easy-going attitude to life, which is deeply respected by his apprentices and friends. An incident in 1910 fully demonstrated Ip Man's mind and wisdom. Faced with a lustful warlord platoon commander who made a bad move against his cousin, Ip Man couldn't bear to stand by and help, and subdued the other party with just one move, and he didn't hurt people too much, just gave the other party a lesson, showing his righteousness and mind.

However, Ip Man has always had concerns about the character of his apprentice Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee's competitive and aggressive personality is incompatible with Ip Man's teachings. Ip Man often advised him: "Xiaolong, don't go too fast, what's the hurry?" This sentence is not only a warning for the rapid development of his martial arts, but also a warning for his life.

The fate of the master and apprentice is a good story in the martial arts and a legend. They each have their own beliefs and pursuits, and they never give up even if the road is tortuous. Bruce Lee's life may have been short, but his light has illuminated the world and become a legend in the martial arts world. And Ip Man, although he has passed away, the teachings he left behind will forever be engraved in Bruce Lee's heart and become a beacon on his life path.

#李小龙与叶问: Master and apprentice, legendary student In 1954, a 14-year-old boy knelt in front of Ip Man and asked to learn the art of apprenticeship, his goal was to learn Wing Chun. Ip Man, when
#李小龙与叶问: Master and apprentice, legendary student In 1954, a 14-year-old boy knelt in front of Ip Man and asked to learn the art of apprenticeship, his goal was to learn Wing Chun. Ip Man, when
#李小龙与叶问: Master and apprentice, legendary student In 1954, a 14-year-old boy knelt in front of Ip Man and asked to learn the art of apprenticeship, his goal was to learn Wing Chun. Ip Man, when

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