
A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

author:Leisurely bright moon flat

Hidden corners of history: those stories you may not know

History, like a long river of twists and turns, flows with countless stories and secrets. In the grand historical context we know well, there are many little-known details and interesting facts. Today, let's unveil the mystery of history together, explore those small stories hidden in the long river of history, and satisfy your curiosity.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

Qin Shi Huang, one of the famous emperors in Chinese history, unified the six kingdoms and established the powerful Qin Dynasty. However, this eloquent emperor also had his weakness - the pursuit of immortality. According to historical records, Qin Shi Huang sent the priest Xu Fu to the East China Sea in search of the elixir of life. However, there is another lesser-known version of this story.

Legend has it that during the reign of Qin Shi Huang, there was a monk named Lu Sheng, who claimed to be able to refine a mysterious elixir. When Qin Shi Huang heard this, he was very excited and immediately summoned Lu Sheng into the palace. Lu Sheng had been refining the pill behind closed doors in the palace for several months, and finally refined a mysterious pill. However, when Qin Shi Huang took this pill, it did not achieve the expected immortal effect. Instead, his health deteriorated, and he eventually died in the dunes.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

Although this story has a certain mystery, it also reflects Qin Shi Huang's desire for immortality and the prevalence of Fangshi culture at that time. At the same time, it also reminds us that the pursuit of immortality is not an easy task, and we should cherish the present life.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, his life is full of legends. At the beginning of Zhu Yuanzhang's uprising, he met a mysterious Taoist priest. The Taoist priest left Zhu Yuanzhang a book of the art of war and a sword, and predicted that he would become a generation of kings.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

After Zhu Yuanzhang got these two treasures, he was invincible as if he had received divine help. With the strategy in the art of war cheats, he successfully defeated all the princes and finally established the Ming Dynasty. And that sword has also become a national treasure of the Ming Dynasty.

However, there is no exact record of the identity and origin of this mysterious Taoist priest in history. This also makes the story full of mystery and legend. Perhaps, this Taoist priest was just a passer-by in Zhu Yuanzhang's life, but his appearance changed Zhu Yuanzhang's fate and the historical trend of the Ming Dynasty.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

Emperor Qianlong was an outstanding monarch of the Qing Dynasty, and his cultural and martial arts were all first-class. However, this emperor also has a suave side. During Qianlong's southern tour, there was a rumor of an affair between him and a talented woman in the south of the Yangtze River.

It is said that this talented woman is not only outstanding in appearance, but also talented. Her poems were deeply loved by Qianlong, and the two became acquainted. During Qianlong's southern tour, they had many secret meetings to appreciate poetry and songs. Although this rhyme has not been recorded in the official history, it is widely spread among the people.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

However, this rhyme is not completely untraceable. In Qianlong's imperial poems, we may be able to get a glimpse of some clues. For example, Qianlong once wrote a poem entitled "Remembering Jiangnan", in which he expressed his deep attachment and longing for Jiangnan. Whether this has anything to do with the talented woman in Jiangnan in his heart? We don't know.

Yue Fei was a famous general in the Southern Song Dynasty, and his deeds of loyalty to the country and his heroic fighting deeds were widely praised by later generations. However, in Yue Fei's life, he also encountered many dangers and challenges. One of the most thrilling was the "mysterious assassin" incident he encountered.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

According to historical records, during Yue Fei's defense of Xiangyang, a mysterious assassin infiltrated his mansion to assassinate him. This assassin was agile and highly skilled in martial arts, and he once put Yue Fei in danger. However, at the critical moment, Yue Fei showed his superb martial arts and courage in the face of danger, and successfully subdued the assassin.

There is no exact record of the identity and origin of this mysterious assassin. Some speculate that he may have been a spy or agent of the Jin Kingdom, while others believe that he may have been a traitor within the Southern Song Dynasty or a killer sent by hostile forces. Whatever the truth, this incident showed Yue Fei's bravery and wisdom.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

Zheng He's voyage to the West is a great story in Chinese history, which demonstrates the maritime power and foreign exchange ability of the Ming Dynasty. However, there are also many little-known stories and fantasy hidden in this legendary voyage.

It is said that in Zheng He's fleet, there was a ship-accompanying interpreter named Ma Huan. He was fluent in several languages and provided important assistance to Zheng He's seafaring career. However, this Ma Huan has a secret that no one knows - he is a mysterious magician.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

During the voyage, Ma Huan used his magic to help the fleet survive many crises. For example, during a battle with pirates, he used his magic to create storms and waves that successfully repelled the pirates' attacks. Although these fantastical stories are not recorded in the official history, they are widely circulated among the people. They add a lot of mystery and fantasy to the legend of Zheng He's voyage to the West.

Emperor Kangxi was an outstanding monarch of the Qing Dynasty who was full of interest and curiosity about Western culture and technology. During the reign of Kangxi, a Western painter came to China and painted a portrait of the Kangxi Emperor. The painting is still preserved in the Palace Museum and has become an important witness to the cultural exchange between China and the West.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

According to historical records, this Western painter is not only highly skilled in painting, but also proficient in many Chinese languages and cultures. He established a deep friendship with the Kangxi Emperor and became an important window for Kangxi to understand Western culture. Through this painter, the Kangxi Emperor was exposed to many advanced Western technologies and cultural concepts, and made important contributions to the prosperity and development of the Qing Dynasty.

However, there are few historical records about the identity and origin of this Western painter. Who exactly was he, from which country, and how did he come to China? These questions are still full of mystery and unknown. Perhaps, one day in the future, we will be able to uncover the story and truth behind this strange relationship.

A concession by a vested interest has made Rome a hegemony for 500 years, why don't other countries follow suit

History is always full of unknowns and mysteries, and every historical person and event has its own unique side waiting to be discovered. These little-known historical stories not only give us a deeper understanding of history, but also make us feel the charm and mystery of history. In the process of exploring these stories, we seem to have a dialogue with the ancients through time and space, and feel the weight and charm of history.

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