
The 57-year-old uncle insisted on eating a few peanuts every day, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body had changed greatly after half a year!

author:Sharp eyes on the world

"Uncle Wang, you seem to be in much better spirits lately, how did you do that?" Xiao Zhang asked curiously.

Wang Jianguo, a 57-year-old retired engineer, smiled and said, "Actually, I just insist on eating a few peanuts every day. ”

Xiao Zhang's eyes widened: "It's that simple?"

"That's right," Wang Jianguo nodded and said, "I didn't believe it at first, but after persevering for more than half a year, I do feel much better than before." Blood pressure has stabilized, and even sleep quality has improved. ”

The 57-year-old uncle insisted on eating a few peanuts every day, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body had changed greatly after half a year!

Xiao Zhang was amazed after hearing this: "I really didn't expect that the little peanut would have such a big effect!"

Wang Jianguo added: "Yes, sometimes health is hidden in the small details of our daily life. As long as we are good at discovering and using it, we can bring unexpected benefits to the body. ”

Zhang was so inspired by this conversation that he decided to try this simple but effective healthy habit when he returned home. And Wang Jianguo's change has also inspired the neighbors around him, and everyone has begun to pay attention to the small health details in their daily life.

The 57-year-old uncle insisted on eating a few peanuts every day, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body had changed greatly after half a year!

The benefits of eating peanuts consistently

Peanuts, a nutritious snack that, when consumed in moderation and consistently, can have a variety of health benefits.

First of all, peanuts have an excellent cardiovascular protective effect. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, which is able to lower blood cholesterol and thus effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, the vitamin E and dietary fiber in peanuts also help maintain cardiovascular health.

The 57-year-old uncle insisted on eating a few peanuts every day, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body had changed greatly after half a year!

Second, peanuts may also help improve memory. It contains lecithin and cerebral phospholipids, which are important substances required by the nervous system, which can delay the decline of brain function and enhance memory. This is especially beneficial for middle-aged and older people and people who need to use a lot of brain.

In addition, the calcium rich in peanuts has a positive effect on the development of children's bones, so moderate consumption of peanuts can help promote children's bone development.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that some components in peanuts, such as tryptophan, help the body produce serotonin, a substance that is able to improve sleep quality. Therefore, for those with sleep disorders, eating peanuts in moderation may be a good adjunct.

The 57-year-old uncle insisted on eating a few peanuts every day, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body had changed greatly after half a year!

Common misconceptions about eating peanuts

Myth 1: The more peanuts you eat, the better. Although peanuts are highly nutritious, excessive intake can increase digestive stress and may lead to obesity. For people with high blood viscosity, eating too many peanuts may also worsen the condition. Therefore, when eating peanuts, it is necessary to control the intake and consume a small amount.

Myth 2: Eat moldy peanuts. If the peanuts are not stored in good conditions and deteriorate, they must not be eaten. Because moldy peanuts are prone to aflatoxin, which is a substance that is harmful to human health, excessive intake may directly lead to liver cancer.

The 57-year-old uncle insisted on eating a few peanuts every day, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body had changed greatly after half a year!

Myth 3: It is better to eat peanuts raw than cooked. While eating peanuts raw retains more nutrients, eating peanuts raw can cause gastrointestinal upset for people with poor digestion. In addition, cooked peanuts can effectively remove harmful substances such as aflatoxin, which is safer and more hygienic.

Myth 4: Love fried or over-processed peanuts. Fried or overly processed peanuts can be higher in calories and unhealthy fats, and nutrients can be lost.

The 57-year-old uncle insisted on eating a few peanuts every day, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body had changed greatly after half a year!

How to eat peanuts correctly

Peanuts are a nutritious food, but to get the most out of their nutritional value and avoid potential health risks, you need to know how to eat them correctly.

First of all, peanuts should be consumed in moderation. While peanuts are packed with nutrients, excessive intake can lead to calorie exceedances or indigestion. Typically, only a small handful of peanuts per day is sufficient.

Secondly, it is also important to choose the right cooking method. Eating peanuts raw retains more nutrients, but it can be uncomfortable for people with weaker digestion. If you choose to eat it cooked, it is recommended to boil, steam or bake it and avoid excessive frying or salt baking to reduce your intake of unhealthy fats and salt.

The 57-year-old uncle insisted on eating a few peanuts every day, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body had changed greatly after half a year!

In addition, when eating peanuts, you should also pay attention to the combination with other foods. For example, it can be consumed with foods rich in vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron. At the same time, avoid eating at the same time with a lot of protein foods so as not to affect digestion.

Finally, it is important to note that peanuts are not suitable for everyone. People with peanut allergy should strictly avoid eating peanuts, and because peanuts contain high fat, patients with gallbladder disease need to choose to eat them carefully. In addition, due to the high calorie content of peanuts, people who need to control their weight should also eat them in moderation.

Note: The health and wellness suggestions in the article are for reference only (part of the picture is from the Internet, and the infringement contact is deleted)

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