
Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

On April 10, the joint prevention and control of integrity risks of the 100,000-ton high-quality base liquor and science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project of Xifeng Liquor and the kick-off meeting of the Chaoying Integrity Culture Project was held in the conference room on the first floor of the staff home of Xifeng Group Company. Ma Baofeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Baoji Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, member of the Supervision Committee and first-level researcher, Guo Wentao, head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Baoji Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Zhang Zheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Xifeng Group Company, Chairman of the Joint Stock Company, Mo Jiangfeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the Fourth Construction Co., Ltd. of China Construction Seventh Bureau, Luo Zhongzhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Chairman of the Labor Union of China Construction Third Bureau Northwest Co., Ltd., Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Labor Union of Xifeng Group Company, Guo Shunxin, vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and Shi Hongqin, deputy general manager of Xifeng Co., Ltd., attended the meeting. The heads of relevant units of Xifeng Group, China Construction Third Bureau, China Construction Seventh Bureau, supervision company, party member representatives of the construction unit, and all management personnel of the general contracting project department attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Gao Yuan, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisor of Xifeng Group Company.

Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held
Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held

Zhang Zheng extended a warm welcome to the leaders. He pointed out that the joint prevention and control of integrity risks and the project of super-British integrity culture is not only a specific action to implement the comprehensive and strict governance of state-owned enterprises, but also a useful exploration to reflect the responsibility of state-owned enterprises, promote project construction, and show the image of integrity. He stressed: First, it is necessary to know discipline and discipline and build a strong line of defense. It is necessary to take the party discipline study and education being carried out by the whole party as an opportunity to educate and guide all personnel of the project to always learn discipline, know discipline, abide by discipline, and always be loyal, clean and responsible. Second, we must work hard and take responsibility and seek practical results. It is necessary to effectively enhance the sense of mission of the original intention, truly perform duties loyally and conscientiously, work hard and be promising, and realize the high-quality and accelerated progress of the project. Third, we must improve the system and strictly restrain it. It is necessary to firmly establish the awareness of "traffic light", draw the red line and the bottom line, further revise, improve and refine and optimize various systems and regulations, and ensure that all project personnel can do things, do things, and do not miss things or accidents. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and strictly administer enterprises. It is necessary to deepen the integrated promotion of the "three non-corruptions", strengthen daily supervision and inspection, carry out in-depth warning education, and adhere to the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere for a long time, so as to form a clean, refreshing, sunny and fair project construction environment.

Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held

Ma Baofeng pointed out that all parties involved in the construction should improve their political positions, implement the "two responsibilities", ensure that the development of enterprises is highly consistent with the national strategy, and continue to strengthen the construction of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work of enterprises. It is necessary to deeply understand the connotation of the culture of integrity, work together to build a system of integrity, implement the construction of a culture of integrity into concrete actions, and actively create a clean and upright political ecology. It is necessary to strengthen the joint prevention of integrity risks, take high-quality, efficient and honest projects as a common political responsibility, pay close attention to the implementation of plans and measures in accordance with the requirements of the plan deployment, ensure the implementation of the supervision system, and form a normalized joint prevention and control mechanism. It is necessary to highlight political supervision, in-depth coordinated supervision, integrate supervision work into daily life and do it regularly, and work together to create a fair, open, just and honest engineering construction ecosystem.

Mo Jiangfeng pointed out that all participating units should strengthen publicity, make concerted efforts to promote the improvement of grassroots party building, integrate into the center, strengthen management and control, and build a clean and efficient cadre team; and deeply integrate with each other, be pragmatic and efficient, and establish a long-term mechanism for joint prevention and control. Luo Zhong pointed out that it is necessary to highlight the "high" position and build a solid ideological line of defense, to cultivate the concept of "honesty" and create a good atmosphere, and to do the work of "supervision" to promote the implementation of tasks.

Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held

In his concluding speech, Gao Yuan emphasized that all parties involved in the construction should attach great importance to the ideology, adhere to high standards and strict requirements, form a strong joint force to jointly promote the joint prevention and control of integrity risks, and gather strong momentum to promote the high-quality development of project construction; The "vertical" linkage within the unit, the same question and the same frequency resonance, promote the formation of a "game of chess".

Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held
Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held
Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held

At the meeting, Shi Hongqin read out the "Joint Prevention and Control of Integrity Risks and the Creation Plan of the Chaoying Integrity Culture Project" to all the participants. The persons in charge of all parties signed an agreement on joint prevention and control of integrity risks, issued a letter of appointment for discipline inspection supervisors, presented integrity books to party members and employee representatives, awarded the team flags of "Chaoying Commando" and "Chaoying Volunteer Service Team", and unveiled the "Joint Prevention and Control of Integrity Risks" and "Striving for Chaoying Integrity Demonstration Site" on the spot, and Ma Baofeng put the finishing touch to the mascot of the event "Lian Bao".

Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held
Xifeng Liquor 100,000 tons of high-quality base liquor, science and technology research and development comprehensive service area construction project integrity risk joint prevention and control and Chaoying integrity culture into the project kick-off meeting was held

After the meeting, the participants visited the production process of Xifeng Liquor, Xifeng Liquor Culture Center, Xifeng Liquor Haiku, and watched the special film of Xifeng Liquor Culture.

Editor in charge: Anxin Review: Yang Yong

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