
The grid members of Guoxizhang Village, Mubo Town, Huanxian County, give full play to the role of grassroots governance outposts

author:Huanxian financial media

In recent years, Guoxizhang Village, Mubo Town, has conscientiously studied and learned from the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, and groups of grid workers have walked in the fields and gone deep into the homes of the masses to do enough work to resolve contradictions and disputes among the masses, and give full play to the role of grassroots governance outposts.

The grid members of Guoxizhang Village, Mubo Town, Huanxian County, give full play to the role of grassroots governance outposts

Highlight "propaganda" and expand the awareness rate of the masses

With the help of village-level loudspeakers, villager group meetings, WeChat groups, Meijian, Douyin, Kuaishou and other media, the grid members actively publicize laws and regulations and policies benefiting farmers to the masses, and forward short videos with educational significance in a timely manner, so that the masses can learn, understand and use policies. At the same time, we will give full play to the professional knowledge and expertise of "people who understand the law", and preach to the masses the blind spots and precautions in grassroots life through cases, so as to effectively improve their awareness of prevention and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

The grid members of Guoxizhang Village, Mubo Town, Huanxian County, give full play to the role of grassroots governance outposts

Pay attention to "entry" and discover "contradictions" in time

Give full play to the advantages of "popularity, geography, and kinship" of grid members, and carry out door-to-door investigations on a regular basis for key families such as people with special difficulties, ex-prisoners, persons with mental disorders, unfortunate lives, marital discord, and single parents, as well as people who are frustrated in life, psychologically unbalanced, mentally disturbed, and paranoid in their personalities, especially at key nodes such as major festivals and important meetings, and adopt the method of squatting and marking people, and be reliable and responsible, so as to timely and effectively grasp the marriage disputes and neighborhood disputes between the masses. In view of the emerging and tendentious hidden dangers discovered, they should be entered into the "Longqing e-Tong" platform in a timely manner, and the parties should be reasonably guided to reflect their demands in accordance with the law and rationally. We must resolutely prevent the expansion and escalation of contradictions and disputes, and strive to discover, handle, and resolve them as soon as possible.

The grid members of Guoxizhang Village, Mubo Town, Huanxian County, give full play to the role of grassroots governance outposts

Implement "mediation" in multiple ways to solve people's worries

In view of the slight contradictions and differences between neighbors and between cadres and the masses, the two parties were invited to drink tea and chat in the conference room to resolve each other's embarrassment and win the understanding of both parties; For heinous behaviors such as intentional destruction of property, the grid members will cooperate with the town's comprehensive management office, police station, court and other functional departments to mediate through discussion and exchange.

Follow-up "visits" for long-term monitoring and control to promote stability

In order to prevent the recurrence and rebound of the contradictions and disputes that have been successfully mediated, the grid staff always pay attention to and return to the parties to the conflict, and do a good job in the later observation and diagnosis. Understand the satisfaction of both parties with the mediation results in a timely manner, urge both parties to perform the mediation agreement as agreed and do a good job in education and guidance, strive to prevent conflicts and disputes at the source, resolve them in the grid, and eliminate them in the bud, effectively maintain social harmony and stability, and continue to promote the construction of harmonious villages.


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