
In spring, eat less big fish and meat, often eat 8 kinds of vegetables, nourish the liver, moisten dryness and enhance immunity, suitable for all ages

author:Splendid v Shandong


Egg tofu soup

In spring, eat less big fish and meat, often eat 8 kinds of vegetables, nourish the liver, moisten dryness and enhance immunity, suitable for all ages

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 soft tofu, 500ml broth or water, chopped green onion (optional), salt, cooking oil


1. Prepare the ingredients: Cut the tofu into small pieces and set aside. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat and set aside.

2. Cook the stock: Pour the stock (or water) into the pot and bring to a boil over high heat.

3. Add the tofu: Once the stock is boiling, put the chopped tofu cubes into the pot and continue to cook for 1-2 minutes to soften the tofu slightly.

4. Add the egg mixture: Slowly pour the beaten egg mixture into the pot while stirring with chopsticks or spoons to evenly distribute the egg mixture in the soup.

5. Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of salt according to personal taste and stir well.

6. Cook until flavorful: Continue to cook for a while to allow the soup to fully blend with the tofu and eggs to absorb the flavor.

7. Remove from the heat: When the tofu and eggs are cooked through, turn off the heat and remove from the heat.

8. Plating: Place the boiled egg and tofu soup into a soup bowl.

9. Serve to the table: Egg and tofu soup can be eaten on its own as a light soup, which is delicious and nutritious.

Meat foamed tofu and eggs

In spring, eat less big fish and meat, often eat 8 kinds of vegetables, nourish the liver, moisten dryness and enhance immunity, suitable for all ages

Ingredients: 1 piece of tender tofu, 100 grams of pork filling, 2 eggs, an appropriate amount of shallots, a little minced ginger, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, sugar, starch, cooking wine, and edible oil.


1. Cut the tender tofu into thick slices, put it in a deep dish, sprinkle with a small amount of salt and let it stand for a while, let the tofu better absorb the seasoning, add cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, minced ginger and starch to the pork filling, stir well, marinate for 10 minutes to make it taste.

2. Spread the marinated meat filling evenly on the tofu slices, then crack the eggs into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt and stir well, slowly pour the egg mixture on top of the meat filling, and try to cover all the tofu.

3. Add water to a boil in a pot, put in a plate with tofu and minced meat, cover the pot, and steam over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes until the egg liquid solidifies and the minced meat is cooked through.

4. After steaming, take it out, sprinkle with chopped green onions, heat an appropriate amount of cooking oil in another pot, pour the oil on the chopped green onions after the oil is hot, stimulate the fragrance of green onions, and add the fragrance of the dish.

5. This dish of meat foam tofu egg is completed, the tofu is tender, the minced meat is mellow, the egg liquid is smooth, the taste is delicious, the nutrition is rich, and the aftertaste is endless.

Stir-fried snow peas with beef

In spring, eat less big fish and meat, often eat 8 kinds of vegetables, nourish the liver, moisten dryness and enhance immunity, suitable for all ages

Ingredients: beef, snow peas, red cabbage pepper, cooking oil, oyster sauce, starch, oil, sugar, chicken essence, salt


1. Break off the two ends of the snow peas, wash them, and slice the red cabbage peppers for later use;

2. Cut the beef into thin slices, marinate for 15 minutes with a spoonful of cooking oil, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of starch and a little oil;

3. Blanch the snow peas in the oil and salt water for about half a minute, put the beef in the hot oil and stir-fry for 30 seconds, and serve!

4. Put in the hot oil and stir-fry the garlic slices, pour in the red cabbage pepper and stir-fry for 1 minute, then pour in the snow peas and beef, add a little salt, sugar, and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly!

Scrambled eggs with celery fungus

In spring, eat less big fish and meat, often eat 8 kinds of vegetables, nourish the liver, moisten dryness and enhance immunity, suitable for all ages

Ingredients: celery, fungus, eggs, minced garlic, dried chilies.

How it works:

1. Soak the cork, then clean it with the celery, then cut it separately for later use, then boil the water, after the water boils, put in the celery and fungus and blanch for three minutes, then remove and drain the water for later use.

2. Take a bowl and beat three eggs, then stir well with chopsticks, then heat the oil in a pan, after the oil is hot, pour in the adjusted egg liquid and cook it, and then put it out for later use.

3. Cut the minced garlic and dried chilies, then heat the oil in a pan, after the oil is hot, add the minced garlic and dried chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the celery and fungus and stir-fry a few times.

4. Pour in the fried eggs and stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of salt and oyster sauce to taste, continue to stir-fry evenly and taste, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

Apple and pear pork rib soup

In spring, eat less big fish and meat, often eat 8 kinds of vegetables, nourish the liver, moisten dryness and enhance immunity, suitable for all ages

Ingredients: pork ribs, apples, pears, carrots, figs, sea coconut.


1. Chop the ribs into small pieces, blanch them in a pot under cold water after cleaning, put in ginger slices to remove the smell, skim off the foam after boiling, and then scoop up the ribs and clean them.

2. Sprinkle the surface of apples and pears with salt, scrub them and cut them into small pieces. Peel the carrots, wash them and cut them into small pieces.

3. Put the pork ribs, carrots, figs, and coconut into the soup pot, add enough water, cover and simmer for 40 minutes.

4. When the time is up, add the apples and pears and continue to simmer for 20 minutes. Once cooked, add salt to taste. Stir well and cook until flavorful, then remove from the pot and serve.

Sautéed snow peas with minced garlic

In spring, eat less big fish and meat, often eat 8 kinds of vegetables, nourish the liver, moisten dryness and enhance immunity, suitable for all ages


300g fresh snow peas, 2 Cantonese sausages, 3-4 garlic cloves, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking oil, a little sugar (optional)


1. Prepare the ingredients: Remove the two ends and shreds of the fresh snow peas, wash them and drain them for later use. Cut the Cantonese sausage into thin slices and chop the garlic cloves into fine pieces for later use.

2. Heat the pan with cold oil, first put the sausage slices into the pot, stir-fry over medium-low heat to bring out the fragrance and fat, and put it out when the surface of the sausage is slightly browned.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the minced garlic, and stir-fry the garlic over low heat until fragrant, taking care not to fry the paste.

4. Then pour in the processed snow peas, stir-fry quickly over high heat, until the color of the snow peas becomes more green and the texture softens slightly.

5. At this time, add the previously fried sausage slices, stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of salt and a small amount of sugar (if you like sweetness, you can add it), and continue to stir-fry for a few minutes, so that the snow peas can fully absorb the fragrance of the sausage.

6. Finally, after confirming that the snow peas are cooked thoroughly and the flavors of the sausage and snow peas are blended, you can remove the pot and serve on a plate, and a delicious stir-fried snow peas with minced garlic sausage are complete.

Beef with bell peppers

In spring, eat less big fish and meat, often eat 8 kinds of vegetables, nourish the liver, moisten dryness and enhance immunity, suitable for all ages

Ingredients: Beef (tenderloin or fat beef): 300g, bell pepper (one each red, yellow, green pepper): appropriate amount, ginger: appropriate amount, garlic: appropriate amount, cooking wine: appropriate amount, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, sugar: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, starch: appropriate amount, edible oil: appropriate amount


1. Preparation: Cut the beef into thin slices and marinate for a few moments with a little cooking wine, light soy sauce and starch. Wash the bell peppers, remove the seeds, and cut into cubes. Mince the ginger and garlic and set aside.

2. Cook beef: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot, add the marinated beef slices, stir-fry until it changes color, then remove it for later use.

3. Stir-fry the bell peppers: Heat the pot again, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil, add the minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the chopped bell pepper pieces and stir-fry for a while.

4. Seasoning and stir-frying: Put the fried beef into the bell pepper, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt and other seasonings, stir-fry evenly, so that the seasoning can fully penetrate into the ingredients.

5. Remove the juice from the pot: After the bell pepper is slightly soft, and the beef is cooked thoroughly and flavorful, thicken and remove the juice.

6. Serve on a plate: Place the stir-fried beef with bell peppers on a plate and garnish with chopped green onions or sesame seeds according to your personal preference.

Cold fennel

In spring, eat less big fish and meat, often eat 8 kinds of vegetables, nourish the liver, moisten dryness and enhance immunity, suitable for all ages

Ingredients: fresh fennel: 300 grams, red pepper, garlic: 3 cloves, edible salt, sugar: vinegar, sesame oil: chili oil


1. Blanch the fresh fennel in boiling water quickly, immediately remove it and immerse it in cold boiled water to cool down to keep its crisp taste and green color, remove and drain the water for later use.

2. Prepare a large bowl and add the blanched fennel segments, shredded red pepper and minced garlic to it.

3. Add an appropriate amount of salt, sugar and vinegar to the bowl, mix the proportion according to personal taste, stir well to fully wrap the seasoning on the fennel.

4. Drizzle sesame oil, if you like spicy taste, you can add an appropriate amount of chili oil at this time, mix well, so that each fennel can absorb the mellow oil juice and seasoning taste.

5. Finally, put the mixed fennel in the refrigerator for about half an hour to fully absorb the flavor and then take it out, then put it on a plate and enjoy.

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