
Party building leads the creation of a new engine for the high-quality development of "five new" hospitals

author:Nanchong News Network

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the party's leadership over public hospitals has never been relaxed. Adhering to and strengthening the party's overall leadership is the fundamental way to grasp the correct direction of running a hospital and implement the high-quality development of hospitals.

In recent years, in accordance with the party's new requirements for the construction of public hospitals, based on the strategy of the national medical alliance, and seizing the important strategic opportunity period for the high-quality development of public hospitals, Peng'an County People's Hospital has put forward the development idea of "five new" hospitals, further stimulated the endogenous power of hospital development, and launched the new engine of "five new" hospitals to drive the high-quality development of hospitals at full speed, providing inexhaustible momentum for the sustainable development of healthy China.

Improve the new system and cohesion of party building

The party organization has a position in the hospital, and the party's leadership can be implemented. Party building is integrated into every aspect of the central work of the hospital, so that the development of the hospital can unite the joint efforts of all parties.

Improve the new system of the leadership team. In the further promotion of medical and health reform in the new era, Peng'an County People's Hospital strives to break the problem of "two skins" of party building and business, focuses on improving the new system of the president responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee, completes the revision of the rules of procedure of the party committee and the president's office meeting, establishes a regular communication system between the secretary and the president, and builds a party building work pattern of public hospitals where party building and business resonate at the same frequency, so as to truly integrate party building into all aspects of hospital management, and the party committee plays an important role in guiding the direction, managing the overall situation, making decisions, promoting reform, and ensuring implementation.

Strengthen the new system of branch construction. The quality of grassroots party building work is directly related to the development level and service capacity of public hospitals. Peng'an County People's Hospital actively and steadily promotes the working method of "the branch is built in the department, and the department relies on the branch", and the members of the party committee sink to the branches as party building instructors, participate in the operation and management of the daily work of the branch, and constantly consolidate the grassroots foundation of the party. In 2023, the proportion of department directors and branch secretaries will reach 89%, and the proportion of branch committee members and department directors will reach 83%, and the hospital's party building work will be fundamentally strengthened, providing a strong guarantee for promoting the construction of "healthy Peng'an".

Revitalize the new system for the development of party members. The majority of party members and cadres are an important cornerstone of the grassroots party organization to play the role of a vanguard fortress, Peng'an County People's Hospital actively improves the learning and education system for party members, and forms a "8 hours away" learning system + "learning power" and "WeChat exchange" dual-platform online learning mode, educating and guiding every party member to establish a sense of rules, stimulate party members and comrades to work in a down-to-earth manner, and honestly grasp the endogenous power of implementation. The hospital was awarded the honorary title of Nanchong Party Building Demonstration Unit, and its party members have been awarded the honorary titles of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Sichuan Province", "Model Worker of Sichuan Province", and "Advanced Individual in Fighting the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic in Sichuan Province".

Leading the new trend and strengthening the foundation of party building

At present, public hospitals are at an important moment of medical reform and arduous development, and strengthening the party building work is the key to solving the "difficult problems" of "who will grasp it", "how to grasp it" and "grasp it well" in hospitals.

Follow the trend according to the map. The "Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Hospitals" of the General Office of the State Council clearly stated that strengthening the construction of clinical specialties should be an important part of "leading the new trend of high-quality development of public hospitals", and the development of specialties should be used to promote the improvement of diagnosis and treatment capabilities and levels. In just a few years, Peng'an County People's Hospital has become a national third-class general hospital from a second-class hospital, and has successfully established a national-level chest pain center, stroke center, trauma center VTE center, PCCM standardized construction unit, orthopedics, general surgery, pediatrics and other 9 municipal key specialties to fully meet the medical needs of the people.

Consolidate the strong foundation of the organization. The members of the team of Peng'an County People's Hospital conscientiously implement the "one post and two responsibilities", not only to "manage business", but also to "grasp party affairs". Organize heart-to-heart talks and other forms to find the right focus, so that party members and cadres can establish a sense of serving the people ideologically, take the initiative to play the leading role of party members in their work, drive all employees to strive for excellence, play the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, and constantly strengthen the political function of grassroots party organizations, and realize the high-quality leapfrog development of the hospital with party building.

Deep integration is fundamental. Peng'an County People's Hospital is well versed in the work of party building and business work like "the two wheels of a car" and "the wings of a bird", and the two influence and promote each other. In the business development of the hospital, Peng'an County People's Hospital will consider the party building work and business work as a whole, find a suitable entry point, formulate, inspect and implement together, further break the directional thinking and outdated views, take the initiative to adapt to the new situation and new tasks, extend the chain of party building work to every corner of the hospital, and extend each branch, Party members are included in the effective management of the party organization in a timely manner, give full play to the role of the party branch as the front line and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, effectively convey the political guarantee of party building work to the party member team, improve the ability and quality of the party member team in the hospital, and finally manifest it as a high-quality output of the quality of medical business work.

Enhance new efficiency and empower party building in a diversified manner

In recent years, Peng'an County People's Hospital has adhered to the guidance of party building, taking co-construction as the starting point, focusing on improving efficiency, focusing on hospital operation efficiency, and forming a refined connotation development model of "party building leading + multi-hospital empowerment", ensuring the public welfare of public hospitals, and further promoting the modernization of hospital governance capabilities, smoothness of medical procedures, and maximization of operational efficiency.

Standardization of management efficiency. The leadership team of Peng'an County People's Hospital has always put party building in a prominent position in line with the goals and requirements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, unswervingly implemented the president responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee, promoted centralized and unified management, and invited professional third-party institutions in accordance with the principle of optimizing coordination and efficiency, further improving the institutional setting of functional departments and departments, optimizing the division of responsibilities, realizing the unity of powers, clear rights and responsibilities, and smooth operation, and promoting the hospital management to run more efficiently from top to bottom and from bottom to top.

Efficient service efficiency. The hospital took the opportunity of "I do practical things for the masses" and "Theme Party Member Day" to carry out the theme party building activities of "Let the Party Flag Fly High on the Golden Land of the Townships and Towns in the County", and the party member activities were fully rolled out, delivering high-quality, convenient and effective medical services to the doorsteps of the masses, truly realizing the homogenization of medical quality and service quality in villages, towns and townships, and the first "honest service" in Nanchong City Characteristic volunteer activity stations, the establishment of special office management, to create high-quality, efficient and convenient medical services, reduce the waiting time of patients to come to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, convenient for the masses of medical treatment, and enhance the sense of gain and satisfaction of the masses.

Scientific medical efficacy. The development of medical services in mainland China is transitioning from "informatization" to "intelligence", and Peng'an County People's Hospital vigorously promotes the intelligent management of hospital information, providing patients with services such as appointment diagnosis and treatment, waiting reminders, bargaining payment, health education, etc., so as to truly realize "medical services at your fingertips"; Establish a nursing quality and safety organization and management system, form a PDCA management model with management characteristics, and improve the ability of nursing services; take hierarchical diagnosis and treatment as the starting point, cooperate with Internet hospitals, introduce specialized technical experts, cultivate and build characteristic departments; go all out to strengthen discipline construction, build high-quality medical services with excellent medical level, Peng'an County People's Hospital is on the list of "Thousand Counties Project" of the National Health Commission, and set up the first intravenous drug dispensing center in northeast Sichuan, from the traditional "medical-nursing" model to "medical-pharmaceutical-nursing". The model has been transformed to improve the safety and quality of drugs in the whole hospital and effectively ensure medical safety.

Activate new impetus and upgrade the quality of party building

Talent is the solid foundation of grassroots party building, is to give full play to the party's role as a fighting fortress and vanguard and exemplary role, and the construction of a "noble medical ethics, superb technology" medical talent team is the inexhaustible driving force for the development of the hospital.

Ideological construction stimulates enthusiasm for forging ahead. Party cadres are the backbone of the party, the country, and the hospital, and the party organization of Peng'an County People's Hospital relies on the basic system of central group learning and "three meetings and one lesson", and combines centralized education with regular education, organizational training and personal self-study, so as to promote party members and cadres to always strengthen their ideals and beliefs, strive to improve their own abilities, and carry forward their enthusiasm.

Organizational construction stimulates endogenous motivation. The construction of grassroots party organizations is the "last mile" of party building in hospitals. The hospital effectively strengthens the idea of guiding the business development of the hospital with the concept of party building, extends the party building work to the hospital business promotion project, expands and deepens the responsibility project of party style and clean government construction horizontally and vertically, organically combines the party building work with functional management, and truly implements the responsibility of "one post and two responsibilities", realizes the full coverage of the party building work, fully mobilizes the initiative and enthusiasm of party members, cadres and workers to demonstrate and lead, and stimulates the endogenous power of the hospital's health, safety and stable development.

Team building stimulates the vitality of officers. In recent years, the hospital has adhered to the guidance of party building, vigorously implemented the strategy of "rejuvenating the hospital with talents", innovated work ideas, continuously improved the preferential policies for the introduction of medical talents, and made the construction of the talent team a solid and detailed work. Adhere to both ability and political integrity, morality first, pay attention to the selection of outstanding cadres who have undergone practical training and major tests, establish a correct employment orientation, ensure that people make the best use of their talents, and stimulate the vitality of party members, cadres and workers of the whole hospital to compete for the first place.

Build a new culture, party building, culture, and innovation

In recent years, Peng'an County People's Hospital has vigorously promoted the construction of party building culture, focusing on strengthening the construction of learning party organizations, committed to the research and exploration of hospital construction culture, highlighting the advanced, oriented and characteristic nature of party building culture, and building the cultural behavior norms of "thinking together" and "doing together" for the staff of the hospital, further enhancing the value identity and sense of belonging of party members and the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and opening up a new road for the party building work of the hospital.

Strengthen the construction of medical ethics and medical style, and strengthen the overall quality of party members. Build a demonstration site for party building cultural activities and a party building cultural wall in Peng'an, blow out the "wind" of medical ethics with the "wind" of party building culture, and turn the "wall" of party building culture into a "strong" party building culture, always remind party members and cadres to abide by honesty and self-discipline, create a "green" medical environment and a "red" educational atmosphere, and forge an invincible "angel in white" red party member team.

Shape the core of party building culture and improve the level of party building work. Peng'an County People's Hospital adheres to the concept of "immediate development depends on the system, and long-term development depends on culture", shaping the development idea of "people's hospital for the people" as the main content, with party building as the guide, party building culture as the core, hospital development as the main line, and "people's hospital for the people" as the main content, so as to enhance the cohesion of hospital staff and promote the high-quality development of the hospital.

Innovate the development mode of party building and create a characteristic culture of the hospital. The Party Committee of the hospital insists on seeking development in innovation and showing the demeanor of the hospital in the development. The party building and cultural edification are carried out simultaneously, the code of conduct and moral cultivation of medical staff are nourished by the hospital motto, the performance appraisal reward and punishment system is used to stimulate the innovation and efficiency ability of the staff of the hospital, and a good working atmosphere of high-spiritedness, unity and progress, and the pursuit of excellence are created, so as to lead the behavior of the staff of the hospital to be conscious, and urge the staff to fully show the value of life and career in their respective positions, and show the characteristic culture of the sublimation hospital.

Peng'an County People's Hospital will continue to focus on the construction of the "five new" hospitals, focus on the overall situation of medical reform services, and complement each other with business work, and then lead the development of the hospital to a new level with the help of new opportunities for a century of development. (Huang Yan, Peng'an County People's Hospital)