
Why are strawberries so big, sweet, and beautiful? Organize your own seedlings with strawberries

author:Bright-tailed fox science

We already know that if a wicker or grape branch is inserted in moist soil, it will sprout and grow into a complete plant. So, if a small leaf or stem tip of a plant is placed in the right environment, can it also form a complete plant?

Why are strawberries so big, sweet, and beautiful? Organize your own seedlings with strawberries

The answer is yes! Scientists are using plant tissue culture technology to achieve this goal.

Tissue culture of plants is a biotechnology that uses the principle of asexual reproduction to rapidly develop plant tissues or cells into new plants. The shoot tips, leaves, stem segments or explants such as anthers and pollen of plants are placed under sterile conditions and cultured on artificially prepared media to allow them to develop into complete plants.

Why are strawberries so big, sweet, and beautiful? Organize your own seedlings with strawberries

Using plant tissue culture technology, a large number of "test tube seedlings" can be induced in a short period of time with only a small amount of plant material. For example, with a single strawberry plant, millions of strawberry seedlings can be bred in a year. This method not only has a fast reproduction rate and is less affected by the season, but also relatively easy to induce mutation, which brings great convenience to scientific research and production.

Why are strawberries so big, sweet, and beautiful? Organize your own seedlings with strawberries

In addition, the use of shoot tip culture can also effectively remove viruses, resulting in healthier plants. The development of plant genetic engineering technology also relies on plant tissue culture technology. Plant tissues or cells in culture facilitate the introduction of exogenous genes.

Why are strawberries so big, sweet, and beautiful? Organize your own seedlings with strawberries

Plant tissue culture technology has been widely developed and applied, and has received more and more attention in the field of plant breeding, which plays a very important role in screening out excellent germplasm resources with resistance to stress stress, high yield, disease resistance and herbicide tolerance.

It is believed that in the future development process, plant tissue culture will penetrate into various fields and cooperate with other science and technology to form better prospects, such as deep cross-integration with genetics, bioengineering, genetic engineering, etc., to maximize its own advantages, and then uncover the mystery of life, so that the development of life science will enter a new chapter.

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