
2024 People's Daily Commentary Collection 2024-04-10

2024 People's Daily Commentary Collection 2024-04-10

“更要做种树者” | 人民论坛

Xiang Xianbiao People's Daily Review 2024-04-10 08:14 Beijing

  The spring breeze blows the green of a thousand mountains. It's the season of afforestation again, and the land of China is full of new greenery.  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The predecessors planted trees and the later people enjoyed the shade, and each of us is a shader, but we must be tree planters." "It's about planting trees, but it's not just about planting trees. Tree people are like trees, the so-called "those who plant trees must cultivate their roots, and those who plant virtue must nourish their hearts". Party members and cadres should take the lead in participating in voluntary tree planting, planting more trees, planting good trees, and managing trees well; they should also enhance their historical consciousness, cultivate their feelings for the people, plant trees for the people, and bring benefits to the masses through tree planting.

 There is a detail in the report on the "greening general" Zhang Lianyin, which is very insightful. Holding a pine seedling in his left hand and the soil at the root with his right hand, he said to a group of "red scarves": "If the seedlings are planted with soil connected to the roots, the survival rate will be high and the growth will be good." Just like us, we must have roots, and we must not forget our roots wherever we go. "The ground on which a person stands is also fertile ground for his spiritual growth. Only by taking deep roots in the soil can we be grounded and strengthened. Zhang Lianyin cherished the "rooted soil", retired and returned to his hometown to plant trees for 20 years, and led the team to plant more than 2 million trees. What he left behind was not only a green shade, but also a firm belief and a lofty realm.  

Trees do not forget their roots, and people do not forget their roots. Once, when Comrade Zhu De returned to his hometown to visit relatives, the villagers who had not seen him for many years said, "When I became the commander-in-chief, I still look like a farmer." Zhu De smiled: "What is the commander-in-chief? Without everyone and the masses, what else is the commander-in-chief!" Party members and cadres should always ask "who am I?" and they should be "officials of the common people" and be ordinary people. Party members and cadres should take this party discipline study and education as an opportunity to learn discipline, know discipline, know discipline, abide by discipline, establish a correct view of power, always be loyal, clean and responsible, and be a good public servant of the people. 

 Rooted in practice, worship the masses as teachers. The grassroots are the best classrooms, and the masses are the best teachers. During his work in Lankao, Comrade Jiao Yulu, a good example of the secretary of the county party committee, relied on a bicycle and a pair of iron feet to visit and conduct research on more than 120 of the county's 149 production brigades, and asked the masses for advice face-to-face. It was this kind of in-depth investigation and study that enabled him to sum up effective methods for controlling sandstorms in a relatively short period of time. There are thousands of difficulties, but it is not difficult to ask the masses. Going deep into the grassroots and among the masses and "being willing to be primary school students" should become the normal state of work for the vast number of party members and cadres. 

 Standing up to the sky and spreading "green shade". Think of yourself as a tree, rooted in the soil, not only to absorb nutrients and strengthen yourself, but also to support a green shade to shelter the masses. Our goal is grand and simple, and it boils down to making life better for ordinary people. Only by firmly rooted in the people, establishing a correct view of political achievements, and doing our best to seek well-being for the people, can we win the reputation and trust of the masses with our actual achievements, and can we also obtain a steady stream of spiritual nourishment and burst out the inexhaustible motivation to move forward bravely and resolutely.

Expanding high-level opening-up (Commentator's Observation)

——Excellent business environment, strong development magnetic field (4)

  In the eyes of many foreign companies, investing in China is investing in the future. According to a survey conducted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, more than eighty percent of the surveyed foreign-funded enterprises rated China's business environment as "satisfied" or above in 2023. According to AmCham China's China Business Climate Survey released in February, 50 percent of companies surveyed ranked China as the world's top or top three investment destinations. The continuously optimized business environment enables foreign investors to share the new opportunities brought about by China's high-quality development and high-level opening-up.

  The business environment is related to a high level of opening up. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Strengthen the construction of a market-oriented, law-based, and international business environment, and enhance the attractiveness of domestic and foreign factor resources." "Focusing on optimizing the business environment, supporting foreign-funded enterprises to continue to cultivate and develop better in China, and continuously expanding high-level opening up to the outside world are conducive to making better use of domestic and international markets and resources, promoting mutual benefit and win-win results, and cultivating new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition.

  The rule of law is the best place to do business. Will participating in regional development and investment projects be discriminated against and treated unfairly? This is an issue of common concern to foreign-funded enterprises. Not long ago, the "Action Plan for Solidly Promoting High-level Opening Up and Making Greater Efforts to Attract and Utilize Foreign Investment" was issued, proposing a series of pragmatic measures such as improving the bidding and bidding system to optimize the fair competition environment. Since the beginning of the new era, China has promulgated and implemented the Foreign Investment Law, improved an open and transparent foreign-related legal system, and strengthened the protection of intellectual property rights...... We have improved the system and norms, further stabilized expectations, and made foreign-funded enterprises more confident and confident in investing in China. The rule of law goes hand in hand with opening-up, and persisting in promoting high-level opening-up on the basis of the rule of law will create a more stable, fair, transparent and predictable investment environment for the majority of foreign-funded enterprises.

  The degree of openness to the outside world and the degree of connectivity with the outside world affect the attractiveness of a country and a place to foreign investment, which is an important part of the business environment. In 2013, the mainland's first negative list for foreign investment access contained 190 items. At present, there are 31 items in the national version of this list, and only 27 items in the pilot free trade zone version. Such a contrast shows the solid pace of the mainland's opening up to the outside world. Whether it is to continue to reduce the negative list for foreign investment access, explore mutual recognition of standards with major trading partners, or implement the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) with high quality, vigorously promote institutional opening-up, high-level alignment with international economic and trade rules, and form a pattern of opening up to the outside world on a larger scale, in a wider field and at a deeper level, it will open up a broad world for the development of foreign-funded enterprises and bring new opportunities to the world with China's new development.

  Whether the business environment is good or not, the service is real. When a foreign entrepreneur first arrived in Shanghai, he needed to register and file taxes, but he couldn't find a multilingual application channel. In January this year, the new version of the English website of the Shanghai International Service Portal was put into trial operation, which not only provides consulting services such as taxation and accounting, but also integrates various information resources. "I can even recommend this website directly to my grandmother, and when she comes to Shanghai, I don't have to have to worry about translating a lot of material anymore. The entrepreneur's emotion highlights the progress of Shanghai's government services and witnesses the optimization of China's business environment. Establish a roundtable system for foreign-funded enterprises, implement five measures to facilitate foreign personnel to come to China, and solve the mobile payment problems encountered by foreign personnel in China...... Doing a solid job in various service guarantee work, solving practical problems for foreign-funded enterprises and related staff, eliminating worries, and helping to fully stimulate their innovation and creativity vitality.

  "China has become synonymous with the best investment destination, and the next 'China' is still China." Looking to the future, China will continue to strengthen the construction of a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment, and solidly promote high-level opening-up, so that China will always be a hot spot for global investment and make new and greater contributions to global development.

Neighbors become teammates, potential energy turns kinetic energy (on-site commentary)

——Write a new chapter in the rise of the central region (2)

  I went to the new functional area of Dingshan-Xianhe interprovincial adjacent area at the junction of Anhui and Suzhou, and walked into the factory of Chuzhou Jietai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and my eyes lit up: in the workshop, more than 600 robots are running in an orderly manner, which can produce 7 million cells per day.  In addition to the complete upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain and the good business environment, Ouyang Jianbo, the relevant person in charge, told reporters: "Taking advantage of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the high-quality development of the central region, the location and talent advantages here are obvious. "The company was established in 2021 and will achieve an output value of 2.2 billion yuan in 2022.  To attract foreign enterprises to settle down, it is necessary to rely on real skills. Anhui is bordered by Henan and Hubei in the west and Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the east. Thanks to the geographical advantage of "connecting the east and the west", Anhui has strengthened the coordinated development with neighboring provinces and reaped fruitful results: the new functional zone in the adjacent area of Dingshan-Xianhe interprovincial has attracted a number of projects of more than 100 million yuan, Wuhu has become a hot spot for attracting investment in the Yangtze River Delta, and Chizhou has accurately undertaken industrial transfer. As a province with strategic superposition such as the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the rise of the central region, Anhui has seized opportunities and continuously released new momentum for development.

 Give full play to the advantages of strategic superposition, and infrastructure interconnection is the guide. In the morning, Mr. Wu, who lives in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, drove from his home and crossed the Xianhe Bridge along National Highway 104, and arrived at his workplace in Chuzhou, Anhui Province 45 minutes later. Since the opening of the Xuanhe Bridge, many people have lived a "two-city life". We will continue to weave a dense inter-provincial road network, smooth the "main arteries" of transportation, and facilitate the orderly flow of people and materials, which will help break through the blockages that restrict the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality development.  

Strengthening inter-provincial cooperation is inseparable from platforms and mechanisms. Not long ago, Anhui and Henan jointly compiled the "Yeji-Gushi "One River and Two Banks" Ecological Priority Green Development Industrial Cooperation Zone Development Plan", which clearly built an industrial cooperation demonstration park and a common prosperity cooperation zone. In recent years, Anhui has actively participated in cross-regional cooperation and further promoted planning and co-construction, people's livelihood sharing, and ecological co-governance, from building a twinning cooperation and assistance mechanism, going to Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to learn from experience, to building a large platform for science and technology industry cooperation, and jointly carrying out core technology research. Practice has shown that by strengthening planning, making long-term contributions, building platforms and unblocking mechanisms, regional cooperation can achieve tangible results.  

To promote the rise of the central region, how to promote industrial development is a must-answer question. Adhere to the dislocation development, find the correct positioning in the industrial chain, and make characteristics, in order to stand out in the market competition. In Chuzhou, the Xuanhe Rail Transit Equipment Industrial Park has gathered more than 130 supporting parts enterprises, and almost all the parts and components needed by CRRC Nanjing Puzhen Vehicle Co., Ltd. can be purchased here. The complete industrial chain not only helps small and medium-sized enterprises increase orders, but also allows OEMs to reduce costs and increase efficiency. From undertaking low-end backward production capacity to agglomerating emerging industries such as new energy vehicles and artificial intelligence, Anhui's transformation proves that only by adapting measures to local conditions, insisting on doing something and not doing something, and working hard to optimize the business environment, improve the industrial structure, and enhance innovation capabilities, can we effectively promote industrial transformation and upgrading.  Jumping out of Anhui to see Anhui, promote the "close neighbors" who are close to each other geographically and personally, and gradually become "teammates" who are connected by industry and development, and the "potential energy" of major development strategies will continue to be transformed into the "kinetic energy" of regional coordinated development. Further strengthen the regional strategic docking and integration, and form a coordinated development pattern with reasonable division of labor, complementary advantages, and unique characteristics, and the central region will surely usher in greater opportunities and create more achievements.