
Commander Chen Yi's first battle was blocked, and he smashed the table angrily to shake the generals!!

author:Monument Sea VII

At the beginning of the establishment of the New Fourth Army, Commander Chen Yi ushered in an important battle in his military career. This battle not only tested his command ability, but also tested his decision-making wisdom. However, at a critical moment in the preparation of the campaign, an unexpected argument erupted in a meeting of the military department.

The purpose of the meeting was originally to discuss how to defend Yancheng against the attack of the Japanese puppet and stubborn three sides. Commander Chen Yi put forward his battle plan, but just as everyone expressed their support, Huang Kecheng, the commander of the 3rd Division, suddenly attacked and sharply questioned Chen Yi's plan.

Commander Chen Yi's first battle was blocked, and he smashed the table angrily to shake the generals!!

Huang Kecheng bluntly pointed out that Yancheng was flat and undefendable, and the enemy had strong troops and excellent equipment, and if he insisted on defending the city, he would pay a huge price. He advocated abandoning Yancheng, adopting more flexible tactics, and dealing with the Japanese hypocrisy.

This view immediately caused an uproar in the room. Many generals thought that Huang Kecheng was shaking the morale of the army, and some even directly refuted his views. However, Huang Kecheng did not back down, he insisted on his judgment and elaborated on the benefits and necessity of giving up Yancheng.

Commander Chen Yi's first battle was blocked, and he smashed the table angrily to shake the generals!!

Just when the two sides were arguing, Commander Chen Yi suddenly slammed his fist on the table, and the entire venue instantly fell silent. He did not immediately state which side he supported, but after pondering for a moment, he proposed a compromise plan: neither to abandon Yancheng nor to defend the city, but to adopt a more flexible and mobile tactic to deal with the enemy's attack.

This plan was recognized by most of the generals, and it also made Huang Kecheng let go of his worries a little. In the end, the New Fourth Army won the battle, not only successfully defending Yancheng, but also showing their flexible tactical style.

Commander Chen Yi's first battle was blocked, and he smashed the table angrily to shake the generals!!

Although this controversy was short and intense, it showed the spirit of the generals of the New Fourth Army who dared to question and innovate. They were not bound by traditional tactical thinking, but flexibly adjusted their strategy according to the actual situation, and ultimately won the victory. This spirit deserves to be remembered and learned forever.

Huang Kecheng's doubts were not based on a personal sentimental dispute, but on the basis of a deep understanding of the war situation and a deep concern for the safety of the troops. Although his outspokenness made the atmosphere of the meeting tense for a while, it brought a new direction of thinking to the New Fourth Army. Commander Chen Yi's decisive decision shows his courage and wisdom as an outstanding general. He did not get angry because of Huang Kecheng's opposition, but calmly analyzed the situation and put forward a combat plan that was more in line with reality.

Commander Chen Yi's first battle was blocked, and he smashed the table angrily to shake the generals!!

The significance of this controversy goes far beyond the victory or defeat of a battle. It has allowed us to see the growth and progress of the New Fourth Army in the war, and its spirit of daring to face difficulties and make innovations. It was precisely this spirit that enabled the New Fourth Army to achieve brilliant achievements in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and to make tremendous contributions to China's liberation cause.

Today, we look back on this period of history, not only to commemorate the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and the people, but also to inherit and carry forward their spirit of daring to question and innovate. In the new historical period, we are also facing various challenges and difficulties, and only by keeping an open mind and daring to try new methods and ideas can we remain invincible in the fierce competition.

Commander Chen Yi's first battle was blocked, and he smashed the table angrily to shake the generals!!

At the same time, we should also recognize that no decision can be made overnight, and needs to be fully discussed and weighed. In the team, we should encourage different voices and perspectives and allow everyone to express their views and opinions. Only in this way can we brainstorm ideas, avoid blind decision-making, and make more informed and correct choices.

In addition, we should also learn from the spirit of the generals of the New Fourth Army who put the overall situation first. In the arguments, they did not affect the unity and combat effectiveness of the whole team because of individual differences of opinion. On the contrary, they were all able to proceed from the overall situation, put the interests of the country and the people first, and work together for the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. This spirit is also of great significance in today's society, and only by uniting and working together can we achieve our common goals.

Commander Chen Yi's first battle was blocked, and he smashed the table angrily to shake the generals!!

In short, the controversy between Commander Chen Yi and Commander Huang Kecheng is not only a discussion of military strategy, but also a spiritual baptism. It has shown us the bravery and wisdom of the generals of the New Fourth Army, and has also strengthened our determination to inherit and carry forward their spirit. In the new historical journey, let us go hand in hand and create brilliance together!

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