
"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

author:Ah Yuan wants to sleep


The light of the characters in "Walking with the Phoenix".

In the TV series "Walking with the Phoenix", each character has their own unique story line, like the stars in the night sky, and there is no need to compete for light, because they are each light.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

The audience's familiarity with the actors is like the reunion of old friends, and the appearance of each character can evoke a trace of warm memories - whether it is Xiao Chen's wit, Xiao Tao's agility, Meng Xuanlang's calmness, or the depth and majesty of the master and the emperor. All this is like a visual feast, and the audience not only witnesses the growth of the characters in the advancement of the plot, but also experiences an emotional baptism.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

The heat is cold, enthusiasm and calmness coexist, as if every character in the play can give the audience the warmth of a fire in the cold winter, making people reluctant to turn off the TV and nostalgia for that fictional but humane world.

The friendship between Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao


Behind this series, the friendship between the two actors, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao, is as fascinating as the plot in the play.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

Wang Yiyao's group photo and long post on Weibo not only recorded the filming process, but also showed the deep friendship between the two. Although Zhao Liying is a popular actress, she has no star frame, and she gets along with Wang Yiyao like sisters. And Wang Yiyao's joining, "Walking with the Phoenix" is recommended by Zhao Liying, which highlights the deep relationship between them.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

Netizens were all moved by this interaction and expressed their envy, and some even joked that they wanted to join their sister group. In this seemingly cold entertainment industry, the relationship between the two is like a warm current, warming the hearts of countless fans.

The happy tears of drama fans


The love and friendship of the characters in the play are layered and wonderful, allowing fans to experience an emotional roller coaster in the process of chasing the drama.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

Whenever there is a highlight moment in the picture, the fans must be in front of the screen with laughter. What's more, when the plot is touching, tears flow uncontrollably. However, don't forget, behind these tears is the taste of happiness! Just like some netizens shouted in the comment area: "The plot is too distracting, even the heart is taken away when the tears fall!" This kind of happy tears is like a sweet burden for drama fans, heavy but pleasant.

Zhao Liying's outlook on life


Zhao Liying's attitude towards life outside the play has also won the respect and love of fans. She once said, "You have to make your own decisions about your own life." This phrase has simply become her motto and has inspired countless young people to pursue their dreams.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

Her attitude is particularly valuable in the environment of the entertainment industry, she not only brought countless wonderful roles to the audience on the screen, but also showed the sense of responsibility and persistence of an artist in life. Netizens left messages under her Weibo saying: "It's really worthy of being my Yingbao, her words and deeds are consistent, and she always works so hard to do things!" It seems that such Zhao Liying has not only won the love of fans in the play, but even her outlook on life has become an example for everyone to learn.

A reluctant ending


With the end of "Walking with the Phoenix", fans of the drama can't help but feel a little reluctant while lamenting the wonderful plot. After all, this drama is not only the end of a story, but also represents the days and nights that accompany these characters will also become memories.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

Wang Yiyao's Weibo photo and long post have become a new topic for fans. Their friendship is so sincere in front of and behind the camera, and it has become a unique warmth that spreads in the hearts of fans for a long time. Even netizens joked in the comment area: "This drama is too grinding, it's more uncomfortable than the last time I broke up!" This kind of humorous exaggeration is actually a true portrayal of fans not wanting to leave this story.



In today's era of information explosion, every drama wants to leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience, but "Walking with the Phoenix" has undoubtedly done it.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

is not only because of the excitement of the plot, but also because of the deep friendship between the crew. The friendship between Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao is no longer limited to the screen, they have broken through the boundary between virtual and reality, and have become a source of warmth in everyone's heart.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

Of course, some people may say that in this era of looking at faces, friendship and character are important, but don't forget, behind every smiling face, there is an untold story, and "Walking with the Phoenix" and its actors are the best interpreters of these stories.

"Walking with the Phoenix" ended today, Zhao Liying and Wang Yiyao's friendship, others were envious when they saw it!

Now, with the end of the series, the discussion among the audience has become more and more heated. In this competitive entertainment industry, we see not only the success and failure of the characters, but also the brilliance of human nature. So, netizens, what do you think? In this world of looking at faces, is it really only appearance that can win applause and applause? Welcome to leave your views in the comment area, let's discuss together!

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