
From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

author:Frontline melon master


Put down the qualities and pick up the hammer

Tong Zhuo's studio's latest Weibo dynamics are dazzling and dazzling. First of all, the sentence "let go of personal qualities and enjoy a life without morality" is simply a new height of Internet buzzwords, which makes people laugh.

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

It's not just an expression of an attitude towards life, it's more like a statement of fearlessness, as if to say, since the world is so crazy, then I also reject normality.

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

Immediately afterwards, "Instead of wronging yourself, it is better to embarrass others", as soon as these words came out, netizens said, is this going to start the counterattack mode of life? Let's explore the deep meaning behind this series of operations of Tong Zhuo Studio.

Xin Zhuowei is alive, and melon farmers are rubbing their hands


"Tong Zhuo Studio, as long as you give an order, we will support you to become the new Zhuo Wei !!" As soon as the words came out, they immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens. In this era of information explosion, who can become the new navigator of the deep water area of internal entertainment?

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

Tong Zhuo seems to be ready. And the mysterious 7.2G chat history is even more imaginative. Netizens can't help but ridicule, is this an attempt to amplify the trick at once and redefine the standard of the domestic entertainment breaking news industry?

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

Everyone is looking forward to what secrets are hidden in those records, which is enough to move the entire entertainment industry.

A happy debt collector in a world of creditors


"Reborn me in the entertainment debt collection", this series of operations of Tong Zhuo Studio seems to tell everyone that they are not just here to stir up the water. Behind this seemingly relaxed and witty is the defense of one's own rights and interests again and again.

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

And this attitude of irony of reality in a humorous way just poked the laughter of young netizens. Debt collection becomes a mental pleasure, as if to say that you owe not only a debt, but also a wonderful performance.

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

If there is a fart, we are all "fart people"

followed by the sentence "If you have a fart, let it go! Come on a really big melon, you can collapse the house and withdraw from the circle, otherwise shut up." "Hilarious. Behind this seemingly absurd language, it reflects the helplessness and ridicule of netizens about the truth and falsehood of the entertainment industry.

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

This attitude of both expectation and skepticism constitutes the complex psychology of young people observing the entertainment industry. And this bold remark of Tong Zhuo Studio undoubtedly gave everyone an outlet to release their emotions, and at the same time made people look forward to how this game will develop.

The crazy world needs crazy us


Finally, when netizens saw "I went to see Yuan Bo and PLQ, and sure enough, if I'm not crazy, I'm just crazy", everyone couldn't help laughing. This self-deprecating and humorous attitude shows the attitude of Tong Zhuo Studio in the face of controversy and challenges.

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

In this crazy world, they choose to deal with it in a more crazy way, and this attitude is the reason why it has attracted the attention and support of countless netizens.

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

In this seemingly absurd but unusually real entertainment industry, Tong Zhuo Studio has redefined the concepts of "debt collection" and "revelation" in an unprecedented way. In light-hearted, even slightly provocative language, they express their dissatisfaction with the status quo and their quest for justice.

From debt collection to revelations: Tong Zhuo's absurd entertainment industry counterattack!

This attitude of facing up to controversy and expressing himself bravely has undoubtedly won them a large number of supporters. In this seemingly unfair battle, they proved in their own way that even in an environment like the entertainment industry, real voices can be heard.

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