
2021 Know the Answer Catering Management Latest Wisdom Tree Full Score Chapter Test Answer Meeting Class: High-end Catering Industry Classification and Site Selection Meeting Class: Catering Enterprise Crisis Public Relations Processing Meeting Class: Catering Space Atmosphere Creation Meeting Class: Catering Block Planning Chapter 1 Unit Test Chapter 2 Unit Test Chapter 3 Unit Test Chapter 4 Unit Test Chapter 5 Unit Test Chapter 6 Unit Test Chapter 7 Unit Test Chapter 8 Unit Test Chapter 9 Unit Test

author:Spend a good full moon education

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Meet Class: Classification and Site Selection of High-end Catering Industry</h1>

1, the problem: the catering format is the different combination of the internal elements of catering, different combinations will produce different effects, there will be different market performance. Then, the internal combination of elements of the catering industry mainly includes the following contents


A: Target market

B: Product structure

C: Service mode

D: Hardware facilities

E: Pricing strategy

Answer: [Target Market;

Product structure;

Mode of service;

Hardware facilities;

Pricing Strategy】

2. Problem: The business district refers to the range of consumption places selected to distribute to the consumption place when consumption behavior occurs. What layers can be divided into business districts?

A: Core business district

B: Secondary business district

C: Marginal business districts

D: Population business circle

E: Technology business district

Answer: 【Core business district;

Secondary business districts;

Edge Business District】

3, the problem: the location of the restaurant often determines the success or failure of the business operation. Based on comprehensive, systematic research and analysis, which of the following principles should be considered for restaurant location

A: Market principles

B: The principle of convenience

C: Stability principle

D: The principle of visibility

E: The principle of return on investment

Answer: [Market Principles;

The principle of convenience;

Stability principle;

The principle of visibility;

Principle of Return on Investment】

4. Problem: Which of the following are the main characteristics of the mass restaurant format

A: The field is positioned as an ordinary wage earner

B: The price is low, the amount of dishes is large, and the speed of serving is fast

C: The marketing method is novel and deeply loved by young people and children

D: Mostly distributed in convenient transportation, floating population or residential areas

E: Whether it is the operation skills, dishes, or services, the environment reflects the strong nationality and historicity

Answer: [The field is positioned as an ordinary wage earner;

The price is low, the amount of dishes is large, and the speed of serving is fast;

Mostly distributed in convenient transportation, floating population or residential areas】

5. Question: If the number of demand in the business circle is greater than the supply quantity of a certain store, it means that the business district is

A: Saturated business district

B: Incremental business district

C: Stock-based business districts

D: Stop-in business district

Answer: 【Incremental Business District】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > Meeting Class: Crisis Public Relations Handling of Catering Enterprises</h1>

1. Question: The three key points of the public relations crisis do not include one of the following:

A: Daily crisis management mechanism

B: Crisis handling early warning system

C: Crisis management methods

D: Crisis resolution mechanism

Answer: 【Crisis Elimination Mechanism】

2. Question: What are the wrong psychology of crisis handling:

A: Block messages

B: Debunking and denying

C: Ostrich policy

D: Slow response, perfunctory

E: Ignore online public opinion and online public opinion

Answer: [Block message;

Blindly debunking and denying;

Ostrich Policy;

Slow response, perfunctory;

Ignoring Online Public Opinion and Internet Public Opinion]

3. Question: The strategic starting point of crisis management is wrong

A: Key information must not be passed on

B: Buy more time

C: Minimize losses

D: Get more information

Answer: [Key information must not be passed on]

4, the problem: the word "public relations" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the essence of public relations is

A: Give

B: Accept

C: Communication

D: Compromise

Answer: 【Communication】

5, the problem: the principle of sincere communication tells us that when a crisis event occurs, the most important thing for the enterprise is

A: Attitude

B: Method

C: Recognize

D: A, charm

Answer: 【Attitude】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > Meet class: Creating an atmosphere in a dining space</h1>

1. Problem: Traditional catering enterprises are not included

A: Table-top service restaurant

B: Themed restaurant

C: Flavor restaurant

D: Hot pot

Answer: 【Hot pot】

2. Problem: The characteristics of theme restaurants are not included

A: The particularity of decoration

B: High profitability of operation

C: The source of customers is for the public

D: High risk of operation

Answer: 【Customer source for the public】

3. Problem: The functional space of catering is not included

A: Crosslink space

B: Public space

C: Supporting space

D: Auxiliary space

Answer: 【Auxiliary Space】

4, the problem: the principle of lighting in the catering design is not included

A: The principle of practicality

B: The principle of decorativeness

C: The principle of meeting consumer needs

D: The principle of consistency of light and color

Answer: 【Principle of consistency of light and color】

5. Question: The following is correct

A: High illumination High color temperature - uncomfortable

B: High illumination Low color temperature - uncomfortable

C: Low illumination Low color temperature - uncomfortable

D: Low illumination High color temperature - comfortable

Answer: [High illumination, low color temperature - uncomfortable]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > Meet class: Restaurant Block Planning</h1>

1. Problem: According to the results of spatio-temporal development, catering blocks can be divided into ( )

A: Inherited

B: Indoor type

C: Retrofit

D: New planning type

Answer: [Inherited;

Retrofit type;

New Planning Type】

2. Problem: Planning elements of special food districts ( )

A: Peripheral features

B: Core products

C: Theme targeting

D: Cultural roots

Answer: [Peripheral elements;

Core products;

Theme positioning;

Cultural Roots】

3. Problem: Characteristics of catering block planning ( )

A: Scientific

B: Hierarchical

C: Policy

D: Cultural

Answer: [Scientific;



4. Problem: How to create products that meet the needs of the target market ( )

A: Discover the pain points of the target population

B: Create a distinctive product

C: Distinguish between physical and geographical conditions

D: Analyze the current situation of the industry

Answer: [Discover the pain points of the target population;

Create a distinctive product】

5. Question: The basis for the theme positioning of the catering block is ( )

A: Assurance system analysis

B: Cultural grooming

C: Human analysis

D: Competitive factors

Answer: [Cultural combing;

Competitive Factors】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > Chapter 1 Unit Testing</h1>

1. Multiple choice questions:

What are the conditions of the software for the establishment of food and beverage management?


It is necessary to have a sound organizational structure and leadership system

B: The level of decoration and beautification of the enterprise's consumption environment must be consistent with the company's grade specifications


It is necessary to have a staff team whose personnel quality is compatible with the grade specifications of the enterprise


It is necessary to formulate sound corporate charters and rules and regulations

Answer: 【


2. Multiple choice questions:

The restaurant industry developed into an independent industry in itself



Summer Shang Week



3. Judgment questions:

Independent catering enterprises we also call it the restarant type, this type of catering enterprises, it is independent accounting, self-financing, self-development, self-risk, like most of our current restaurants, restaurants, restaurants, restaurants, etc., are restaurant type.

A: Right

B: Wrong

Answer: [Yes]

4. Judgment questions:

Dependent catering enterprises we also call it hotel type of catering enterprises, this kind of catering we often do not call it an enterprise, but call it a catering department, because it is attached to the hotel, it is not an independent enterprise, but a department within the enterprise.

5. Multiple choice questions:

The characteristics of food and beverage management are

The catering sales method is flexible and the income elasticity is large

The composition of catering costs is complex and not easy to control

Catering products have many varieties of colors and high technical requirements

The production process of catering products is short, and they are produced and sold as they are sold

6. Multiple choice questions:

What are the hardware aspects of the conditions for the establishment of food and beverage management?

Various facilities and equipment must be adapted due to the level of the enterprise

Must have housing facilities that are basically consistent with their size,

The level of decoration and beautification of the enterprise's consumption environment must be in line with the grade specifications of the enterprise

There must be a sound corporate charter and rules and regulations

7. Judgment Questions:

The catering industry is a production and operation service industry that uses equipment, places and a certain consumption environment to provide catering products and dining services for guests who eat out.


B: Right

8. Multiple choice questions:

The catering industry can be divided into investment methods.

A: Business-type catering

B: Wholly state-owned catering

C: Limited catering

D: Joint stock company catering

Answer: [Wholly state-owned catering.]

; Limited Catering; Joint Stock Company Catering】

9. Multiple choice questions:

In the pre-Qin period, the northern and southern flavors of catering have begun to appear, and the ancient books listed in which the dishes that show the characteristics of southern cuisine are ( ).

A: Tasting. Ben Wei》

B: Chu Ci. The Conjuring

C: "Food Menu with the Garden"

D: Western Zhou "Eight Treasures"

Answer: 【Tasting. The Taste of Nature"; Chu Ci. The Conjuring

10. Multiple choice questions:

The northern and southern flavors of Chinese catering have begun to see the beginning in ( )

A: Han Dynasty

B: Pre-Qin

C: Song Dynasty

D: Tang Dynasty

Answer: [Pre-Qin.]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="89" > Chapter 2 Unit Testing</h1>

1. Single choice questions:

The setting of the catering management organization, there are mainly ( ) steps?





Answer: 【4】

There are ( ) general models set up by catering management organizations





3. Multiple choice questions:

The Law on the Quota of Posts applies to ()

A: Cold halo kitchen chef quota

B: The foreman in charge of the catering enterprise or catering department

C: Chef quota for stir-fry kitchen

D: Pastry kitchen chef appointment

Answer: 【Foreman in charge of catering enterprises or catering departments】

4. Single choice questions:

The daily number of employees in a hotel's pastry kitchen is 4, the kitchen averages 1.5 shifts per day, the planned attendance rate is 98%, and the quota of pastry kitchen is ()





Answer: 【9】

What are the contents of the formulation of job specifications? ()

A: The content of job responsibilities

B: The basic requirements for the post

C: Job language specification

D: The number of post personnel

Answer: 【Job responsibilities; Basic requirements for post positions】

6. Multiple choice questions:

The staffing methods applicable to the management department, cold meat kitchen and pastry kitchen of the F&B enterprise are: ()

A: Reception quota law

B: The law on the number of employees

C: Quota law

D: Custodian of the designated rated person

Answer: 【Quota Law】

7. Single choice questions:

A hotel operates Sichuan-style dishes, the stir-fry kitchen has 10 stoves, each cook on the stove is measured to be responsible for a stove, the kitchen needs to process 3 chefs per shift at the same time, 2 people on the water table and the lotus, and the kitchen caretaker quota is ().





Answer: 【0.67】

8. Judgment Questions:

Kitchen production capacity to the number of stoves as the main symbol, it and the restaurant reception capacity is compatible, the stronger the kitchen production capacity, the smaller the number of stoves, the less people must be employed.

Answer: [Wrong]

9. Judgment Questions:

On the basis of the determination of the leadership system of the catering management organization, the size and form of the catering management organization of the hotel, hotel and restaurant are determined by their customer sources.

10. Judgment Questions:

Weekly staff attendance affects restaurant staffing

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="100" > Chapter 3 Unit Testing</h1>

The unstable political situation often takes a heavy toll on the restaurant industry, which shows that the restaurant industry is deeply affected by ().

A: Political and legal environment

B: Economic environment

C: Socio-cultural environment

D: Natural ecological environment

The significant differences in people's attitudes towards new things and the taste of catering in different regions will affect their choice of catering products, which shows that catering enterprises should pay attention to the impact of ( ) when marketing.

B: Natural ecological environment

D: Economic environment

Nowadays, catering enterprises have been transformed, and the () strategy is popular.

A: Mass marketing

B: Product diversification marketing

C: Mass marketing

D: Targeted marketing

Now many catering enterprises use customized marketing to meet personalized needs, of which customized marketing belongs to ( )

B: Mass marketing

C: Product diversification marketing

5. Single choice questions:

Purchase motivation, number of purchases, etc. are all based on the ( ) of market segmentation

A: Demographic factors

B: Purchasing behavior factors

C: Psychological factors

D: Geographical environmental factors

The demand characteristics and purchasing behavior of the market segment can be clearly distinguished, which reflects the principle of market segmentation( ).

A: Measurability

B: Profitability

C: Accessibility

D: Distinguishability

The advantage of the ( ) strategy is that it can save costs.

A: No-difference marketing

B: Differentiated marketing

C: Customized marketing

D: Centralized marketing

8. Single Choice Questions:

KFC's global implementation of the "CHAMPS" championship program reflects its ( ) market positioning compared to competitors.

A: Service differentiation

B: Image differentiation

C: Product differentiation

D: Personnel differentiation

9. Multiple choice questions:

Through training and other businesses, it is possible to strengthen the ( ) of catering enterprises in the competitive market.

A: Personnel differentiation

B: Product differentiation

C: Service differentiation

D: Image differentiation

Which of the following market positioning is based on some or some of the advantages of your product, or according to certain interests that your target customers value? ( )

A: Quality/price positioning

B: Utility positioning

C: Feature positioning

D: Use occasion positioning

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="111" > Chapter 4 Unit Testing</h1>

The organization of the catering business operation process focuses on doing a good job in three aspects: In addition to the restaurant and banquet sales service organization, the other two tasks are: ()

A: Staffing and organization

B: Organization of the kitchen production process

C: Guest meet service organization

D: Procurement and supply of raw materials for food and beverages

2. Multiple choice questions:

The menu is divided in a pricing manner, which can be divided into ( )

A: Mixed menu

B: Zero menu

C: Package menu

D: Team menu,

How many steps are there in menu design? ()





In which way is the bridge rice noodle named for the dish? ( )

A: Named after the place

B: Named after historical or cultural allusions

C: A name that faithfully reflects the characteristics of the dish

D: Named after a person

The font size of the Chinese menu is usually ( )

A: Lead word No. 5

B: Lead word No. 3

C: Lead word No. 2

D: Lead letter No. 4

The size of the one-page menu is ()





The general procedure for Western menus is ( )

A: Appetizer - soup - main course - salad - sweets - drinks

B: Appetizer - Soup - Main Course - Salad - Sweets - Drinks

C: Appetizers - soups - salads - main courses - sweets - drinks

D: Appetizer - salad - soup - main course - sweets - drinks

What are the requirements of the market occupation strategy for enterprises

A: It is required that the enterprise is a newly opened enterprise

B: It is required that the enterprise be an enterprise that has been operating for a period of time

C: It is required that the enterprise is a large-scale enterprise with strong funds

D: It is required that the enterprise is a business that operates a special flavor

The price of catering products is formed in the process of production, sales and consumption, and its price formation is different from that of general commodities. It does not have to be acquired, allocated, or wholesaled.

The English menu should use general print, or all capitals

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="122" > Chapter 5 Unit Testing</h1>

In addition to the "daily purchase approval method", there are also methods for determining the quantity of food raw materials purchased and used, that is

A: Economic batch determination method

B: Daily consumption estimation method

C: Preventive Insurance Determination Act

D: Seasonal Reserve Approval Method

E: Standard stock verification method

Procurement management refers to the method of effectively managing the procurement quality, purchase quantity and () of food raw materials required by the restaurant in order to achieve the best operating effect and manage food costs.

A: Purchase price

B: Type of procurement

C: Procurement personnel

D: Procurement method

Suitable for dry goods, seafood, valuable raw materials, etc. with a long storage period, which procurement method should be used ( )

A: Short-term reserve procurement

B: Sporadic direct procurement

C: Bidding for delivery and purchase

D: Centralized bidding procurement

The procurement specification is the main basis for the procurement of catering food raw materials, and its content mainly includes: ()

A: Raw material type, texture, form and quality requirements

B: Raw material name, specification, use and quality requirements

C: Raw material type, origin, quality and price requirements

D: Raw material origin, form, weight and quality requirements

A hotel plans to purchase 26,430 bottles of beer in the first quarter, priced at 0.9 yuan per bottle, costing 5 yuan per order, storage rate of 8%, and the economic batch is () bottle.





The average daily consumption of raw material sea cucumber by the catering department of Yamashiro Hotel is 1.6 kg, the procurement cycle is 30 days, the insurance amount is 2 days, the raw materials are sent for 2 days, and the existing amount is 1.5 kg.





Use the correct method of thawing, and never thaw at room temperature.

For fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood and other food raw materials that are resistant to storage, in order to maintain their freshness, catering companies often buy daily and enter the kitchen directly after purchasing. This kind of procurement method that does not need to be put into storage and directly enters the kitchen is called centralized bidding procurement.

The temperature of the dry goods storage room should be controlled at 15-30 degrees, if the room temperature can be lower, it is more able to maintain the quality of food, the higher the temperature, the shorter the shelf life

The temperature of the preservation warehouse is 10-15 degrees, and the main storage period is short, fresh meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and soy products, semi-finished products, etc. the time is more than 5-10 days, and the freezer and refrigerator can be used instead of the storage tube.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="133" > Chapter 6 Unit Tests</h1>

All the main cooking equipment is combined back-to-back in the kitchen, under the same ventilation exhaust hood, and the chef stands opposite each other to operate in the () layout mode

A: U-shaped layout

B: Straight-line layout

C: Back-to-back layout

D: L-shaped layout

The widespread use of kitchens such as general restaurants or pastry production rooms is the () layout mode

B: L-shaped layout

D: Straight layout

3. Multiple choice questions:

Hot kitchens are also known as stir-fry kitchens. Its equipment can be determined according to the work tasks of each functional area, and the hot kitchen is generally divided into ( ) functional areas.

A: Raw material processing room

B: Stove processing room

C: Cutting and matching processing room

D: Dishwashing room

4. Multiple choice questions:

There are several ways to determine the production task of catering products: ()

A: Booking statistics method

B: Statistical analysis

C: The degree of liking method

D: Empirical estimation method

The method of determining the need for raw materials for kitchen food, in addition to the rough estimation method, there are the following ( )

A: The degree of liking method

B: Processing statistics

C: The equivalent method of increasing the amount of hair

D: Loss rate determination method

Jiangcheng Hotel Garden Restaurant produces oil-soaked fish, its production task is 78 parts, the amount of dish dishes is 0.5 kg, the loss rate is 15%, the amount of prevention insurance is 5 kg, and the raw material requirement is () kg.





Jiangcheng Hotel Jialing Restaurant received 10 tables of high-end banquets, assuming that the increase rate of crab yellow sea cucumber dry goods raw material sea cucumber is 535%, the amount of plate dishes is 1.5 kg, the loss rate is 2.5%, the amount of prevention insurance is 1.5 kg, and the demand for food raw materials is ( ) kg





The biggest difference between standardized recipes and ordinary recipes is cost accounting, standardized recipes are not only tools for food quality control, it is also an important tool for cost control, so the cost accounting in standardized recipes is particularly important.

The ventilation of the kitchen should first ensure natural ventilation, and the direction of natural ventilation doors and windows should be consistent with the dominant wind direction in summer, and the ratio of the open window area to the wall surface should not be less than 1:10.

The L-shaped kitchen layout generally serves the restaurant area at both ends, and the two sides are separately served, which can shorten the distance between the restaurant and ensure the speed of cooking.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="144" > Chapter 7 Unit Tests</h1>

Using the ABC analysis method to analyze the sales of dishes, the cumulative percentage of sales of Category B dishes is: ()





When arranging the number of seats in various restaurants, it is also necessary to consider the average area occupied by each seat inside the restaurant. There are different types of restaurant seating areas, and in general, () has the smallest seat area.

A: Western steakhouse

B: Banquet hall

C: Group restaurant

D: A la carte restaurant

The average restaurant area standard occupied by each seat in a Western steakhouse is:()

A: 1.5 to 1.7 square meters

B: 1.2 to 1.5 square meters

C: 1.6 ~ 1.8 square meters

D: 1.8 ~ 2.0 square meters

The impact of changes in food and beverage prices on sales volume is very small price elasticity coefficient f is in: ()





When using ME i.e. liking and gross profit analysis, the classification criteria for category 2 dishes are: ()

A: High degree of liking, gross profit is average

B: The degree of liking is average, and the gross profit is high

C: Both liking and gross profit are lower than the backward average

D: Both liking and gross profit are higher than the advanced average

6. Judgment Questions:

The total height of the back bar is generally 175 cm, the top floor should be within reach of the waiter, and the height of the lower layer of the back bar is generally about 110 cm, or the same height as the bar.

There is no uniform standard for the length of the bar counter, generally determined according to the seat between the bars, the staffing of the bar staff, in principle, is 3:1, that is, every 3 meters of length with 1 bar waiter

Bar base wine is used to prepare cocktails of the main liquor, a base wine can be mixed out of many cocktails, the amount of use in the cocktail is larger, the role is outstanding, the base wine in the bar mainly has two kinds of bar base wine and supply point base wine

The total number of restaurant seats in the hotel is equipped with: the number of rooms * 2 * 50%, if the local residents have a high standard of living, or have the habit of eating out, generally speaking, they can exceed this standard, but generally should not be lower than this standard

Small restaurant restaurants generally only need to be equipped with popular restaurants to save space.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="155" > Chapter 8 Unit Testing</h1>

Banquet is a specific way of catering operation, which is different from the daily operation mode of restaurants with three meals a day or two meals, and generally has ( ) characteristics

A: Enjoyment of the process of consuming services

B: The formality and complexity of operation and management

C: Diversity of purpose forms

D: The multi-level nature of customer demand specifications

The role of banquets in food and beverage management ()

A: Banquets are a good opportunity to improve the professional and technical level of managers and service personnel

B: Banquets are an important source of economic income for the catering sector

C: Banquets are a great opportunity to develop the art of cooking and develop the strength of chefs

D: Banquets are an important condition for improving corporate reputation and enhancing competitiveness

After completing the banquet reservation form, what other tasks must be completed by the banquet booker ( )

A: Enter the contents of the reservation form into the computer one by one and leave it for future reference

B: The banquet order is organized and printed into a banquet notice

C: Make a banquet reservation control sheet

D: Make a banquet slot menu

The complexity of the banquet mainly refers to ( )

A: There is a set of more complex working procedures and quality standards for banquet operations

B: Banquet management involves a wide range

C: The banquet menu design is complex

D: The number of people attending the banquet is complicated

The hall and countertop design of the banquet includes ( )

A: Hall countertop pattern design

B: Hall table layout design

C: Banquet scene layout

D: Countertop seating courtesy design

The seating of banquet tables is generally based on the principle of contrapuntal design. In the process of design, one should pay attention to the main table and the dining table facing, the banquet main table and its host and the main guest of the dining table should be placed facing the door, the position should be significantly prominent, followed by the basic requirements of the table seating arrangement is that the host and the deputy host are opposite. The host is adjacent to the main guest, and the chief guest and the deputy guest are opposite.

The split banquet menu is to provide control standards for the banquet booker to negotiate with the guests to negotiate the menu, and the banquet menu is a menu designed for immediate use after the guest has determined the banquet standard

B: Wrong 8, judgment question:

On the basis of the banquet budget, the catering enterprise should charge a certain banquet reservation fee, and the banquet reservation fee is generally charged at 10%-20% of the budget fee.

For catering enterprises, the method of determining the positioning of the banquet market is generally to take the position of the enterprise itself as the center, take the 1-hour driving distance as the radius, and select those customer groups that are compatible with the star rating, banquet environment and grade of the enterprise, as their main target market.

For catering enterprises, high-quality and high-grade quality services are mainly reflected through the management ability of on-site management personnel.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="165" > Chapter 9 Unit Testing</h1>

The cost composition of catering products mainly includes: ()

A: Main ingredient + ingredient + seasoning + wine

B: Expense + tax + profit + labor

C: Raw materials + labor + cost + profit

D: Raw materials + drinks + fees + profits

Costs can be divided into:()

A: Marginal cost and opportunity cost

B: Fixed costs and variable costs

C: Investment costs and operating costs

D: Construction costs and operating expenses 3, single choice question:

The cost of catering is divided into: () according to its nature:

A: Fixed costs and variable costs

B: Direct costs and indirect costs

C: Raw material cost and labor cost

D: Acquisition costs and operating costs

Kitchen collar bamboo shoots 48 kg, the purchase price of 4.2 yuan / kg, after processing bamboo shoots 25.4 kg, the unit cost of bamboo shoots is ( )




There are many methods of catering cost accounting, in addition to the "sequential carry-forward method", the accounting methods applicable to different links and contents of enterprises are: ()

A: Classification accounting method

B: Order accounting method

C: Raw record statistics method

D: Parallel carry-over method

E: Statistical accounting method

The objective basis for catering cost control is ( )

A: Target cost

B: Raw material cost

C: Labor cost

D: Standard cost

The content of group meal costing is based on the daily or per meal ( ) of a team, meeting or banquet

A: Fuel cost

B: Labor cost

C: Capacitable cost

D: Cost of doing business

Fixed costs refer to those costs that do not change with changes in product output and sales over a certain period of time and under certain operating conditions.

Controllable costs refer to the costs that can be controlled by employees in high-level departments through efforts in catering management, mainly including food raw materials, meal and tea supplies, water and electricity energy, etc.

Cost refers to the total cost of the product from the input of raw materials into production and processing, until the output of the finished product. The cost of catering products includes the cost of food raw materials, labor costs.

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