
What are the three distribution channels of enterprises?


In today's competitive market environment, in order for enterprises to succeed, in addition to having high-quality products and services, they need to establish efficient distribution channels. Distribution channel refers to the circulation path between the product from the producer to the final consumer, it is the bridge connecting the producer and the consumer, and plays a vital role in the sales and market expansion of the enterprise. In the market, the three common distribution channels include direct sales, retail, and wholesale. This article will provide a detailed analysis of these three distribution channels to help enterprises better choose the right distribution strategy for them.

Direct Marketing: Directly to the hearts of consumers

Direct selling refers to a distribution method in which a manufacturer sells a product or service directly to the consumer. It communicates and communicates directly with consumers by establishing its own sales team to meet the needs of consumers. The direct sales channel has the following characteristics:

1. Personalized service: Direct sales channels can provide personalized services, because salespeople can directly interact with consumers, understand their needs, and provide corresponding solutions.

2. Efficient communication: Direct sales channels can better convey the characteristics and advantages of products through face-to-face communication, and increase consumers' understanding and trust in products.

3. Rapid feedback: Direct sales channels can obtain feedback from consumers in a timely manner, including the advantages and disadvantages of products, market demand, etc., so as to help enterprises adjust products and sales strategies in a timely manner.

Retail: a bridge between producers and consumers

Retail refers to a distribution method in which products are purchased from producers and then sold to end consumers in smaller quantities and at a lower price. The retail channel occupies an important position in the market and has the following characteristics:

What are the three distribution channels of enterprises?

1. Rich product selection: Retail channels usually provide a rich selection of products to meet the needs of different consumers. Consumers can purchase the products they need in retail stores in one place, and there are three corporate distribution strategies to improve the convenience and efficiency of shopping.

2. Brand image communication: As a place for product display and sales, retail stores can directly convey brand image and values, and increase consumers' awareness and loyalty to the brand.

3. After-sales service: Retail channels usually provide after-sales service, including product maintenance, return and exchange, etc., to provide consumers with a better shopping experience and satisfaction.

Wholesale: Efficient supply chain management

Wholesale refers to a distribution method in which products are purchased in large quantities from producers at a lower price and then sold to retailers or other intermediaries at a higher price. Wholesale channels play an important role in the market and have the following characteristics:

1. Scale effect: Wholesale channels can obtain lower procurement costs through mass procurement, thereby improving profit margins. At the same time, wholesalers are able to offer more choice and better prices to retailers through economies of scale.

2. Supply chain management: Wholesalers play an important role in the supply chain, they are responsible for the procurement, storage, distribution and other links of products to ensure that products can reach retailers and final consumers in a timely and efficient manner.

3. Market information feedback: As a bridge connecting producers and retailers, wholesalers can timely feedback market information to producers, including product demand, competition, etc., to help producers adjust their production and sales strategies.

In the market, direct sales, retail, and wholesale are the three common distribution channels. Each channel has its own unique characteristics and advantages, and enterprises should choose a distribution strategy that suits them according to their own product characteristics, market demand and resources. No matter which distribution channel is chosen, enterprises should focus on communication and interaction with consumers to provide quality products and services to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Corporate strategic behavior, senior management characteristics, strategic behavior and CSR information disclosure quality

Vol. 32, No. 2 Economic Latitude Vol. 32No。 March 2015. 2015 Strategic Behavior of Senior Management Characteristics and the Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure Zheng Guanqun, Song Lin, Hao Yuanxiao ( School of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China) Abstract: The exercise of corporate social responsibility may be a strategic behavior of management, and the characteristics of senior management are important factors affecting the quality of corporate social responsibility information disclosure Under the SCP analysis paradigm, the author uses the H-M theoretical framework and uses 2009 2011 The empirical study shows that the tenure characteristics and salary incentive characteristics of senior management of listed companies have a significant impact on the quality of CSR information disclosure, and the resignation of general managers will worsen the quality of CSR information disclosure, and the length of the remaining tenure is positively correlated with the quality of CSR information disclosure. Shareholding ratio of senior management Annual salary income is positively correlated with the quality of CSR information disclosure These correlations reflect the following: CSR is a strategic behavior of senior management to realize personal interests Keywords: structure-behavior-performance; strategic behavior; Characteristics of the C-suite; Corporate Social Responsibility; Information Disclosure Quality Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China ( ) About author:Zheng Guanqun ( 1989- ), male, from Yichang, Hubei Province, Ph.D. candidate, mainly engaged in industrial economic research; Song Lin ( 1969- ), male, from Dali, Shaanxi, professor and doctoral supervisor, mainly engaged in industrial economic research; Hao Yuanxiao ( 1960 - ), male, from Dali, Shaanxi, professor, mainly engaged in industrial economic research CLC:F 270; F062。

What are the three distribution channels of enterprises?

9Literature identification code: AArticle number: 1006 -1096( 2015 ) 02 -0111 - 06Received: 2013 - 11 -05 In recent years, the research focus on corporate social responsibility (hereinafter referred to as CSR) has been deeply rooted in the driving factors of CSR, but it is still relatively rare to directly explore the impact of corporate senior management characteristics on the quality of CSR information disclosure Implementation and disclosure play a pivotal role in all aspects (Wal, 2008), and senior management characteristics should greatly affect CSR motivation and the quality of information disclosure Therefore, CSR studies that omit senior management characteristic variables are likely to draw biased or even misleading conclusions The first question in studying the influencing factors of CSR is: What are the motivations of enterprises to pursue C SR at the micro level? Corporate social responsibility lies in the pursuit of profit maximization, and those public preferences that are combined with democratic rights mean that it should be handled by the government rather than corporations Under this "dichotomy", the social problem theory from the perspective of management believes that C SR is an idealistic or altruistic behavior at the expense of shareholder interests With the deepening of research, more and more scholars believe that CSR is not necessarily incompatible with the goal of profit maximization corporate strategic behavior, and that C SR that is not entirely motivated by social interests may also exist if In order to please stakeholders outside of classical preferences, CSR may become a strategic tool used by managers to pursue goals such as product differentiation and good image and reputation (Li et al., 2012) CSR for "altruistic motives" reflects the personality traits and values of decision-makers (H, 2007), and demographic characteristics that reflect the personal experiences and cognitive abilities of these groups of people have become important variables to explain the drivers of CSR (Huang, 2013; Man-ner, 2010) The "strategic behavior" of the C SR may reflect more of the characteristics of the corporate governance structure, so a reasonable inference is that the characteristics of the company's senior management have an important impact on the disclosure of strategic CSR information Based on this strategic behavior, this paper uses the data of China's A-share listed companies to examine the impact of senior management characteristics on the quality of CSR information disclosure, and verifies whether the strategic CSR is in the standard SC P among mainland Chinese listed companies Under the analytical paradigm, the basic logic of this paper is: How do senior management characteristics affect the quality of CSR information disclosure through strategic behavior?2 Theoretical analysis and assumptionsAccording to the C SR driver factors proposed by H et al. (2004) 11 1 DOI:10. 15931/j。 cnki。 1006-1096。 2015。 02。 019