
The woman threw excrement down from the 10th floor many times, just because it was hot to in her own toilet

author:Happy evening breeze

An astonishing incident in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, is simply astonishing! A woman threw excrement from the 10th floor many times because she thought her toilet was too hot. This bizarre behavior is not only shocking, but also has aroused widespread concern in society.

The woman threw excrement down from the 10th floor many times, just because it was hot to in her own toilet

When I first heard about this, I couldn't help but open my mind, and it was hard to imagine that someone would make such an "unprecedented" move. Just yesterday, this "book" case was quietly staged in Changzhou, making the city boil. The woman selflessly threw excrement from the air, as if to express her dissatisfaction with life and protest, but she never thought that such behavior violated public order and social morality.

The woman threw excrement down from the 10th floor many times, just because it was hot to in her own toilet

Residents were fascinated by the power to record this incredible moment in a variety of ways. The mobile phone camera was frequently pulled up, and the moment of "high-altitude" was quickly filmed, and many people opened their mouths in surprise, thinking that they had entered the "world of".

The woman threw excrement down from the 10th floor many times, just because it was hot to in her own toilet

The woman's actions not only sparked anger and condemnation from residents, but also exposed the neighbors to huge safety risks. Falling excrement from a height not only pollutes the environment, but may also cause injuries and even life-threatening injuries to pedestrians.

For this "creative" woman, the toilet being too hot seemed to be an unbearable pain for her. But who have we ever heard of someone choosing such an extreme way to vent their frustrations? Social media is full of speculation and condemnation of the woman, with some believing that she may be suffering from psychological or physical distress, while others believe that she is simply seeking hype and attention.

The woman threw excrement down from the 10th floor many times, just because it was hot to in her own toilet

Did the woman realize that her actions had crossed the moral and legal boundaries? Society needs to advocate public health and civility and courtesy, and such bad behavior must be severely punished.

In response to the incident, the local police in Changzhou have launched an investigation and said that the woman will be held accountable in accordance with the law. At the same time, the relevant departments should also strengthen public education and health supervision, improve the awareness of social morality, and avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

The woman threw excrement down from the 10th floor many times, just because it was hot to in her own toilet

Undoubtedly, this case of "throwing from a high altitude" has aroused widespread concern in society. While some of them are ironic, they also provoke us to think about social morality and public order. I hope that similar incidents will not happen again, our society will be more civilized and harmonious, and there will be no more such "".

The woman threw excrement down from the 10th floor many times, just because it was hot to in her own toilet

In this world of competition and conflict, we need more understanding, tolerance and inclusion. No matter how hot the toilet is, it does not allow us to cross the red line of morality and express our dissatisfaction in such an extreme way. Let us work together to create a more civilized and harmonious social environment, so that the behavior of "throwing from high altitudes" will become a thing of the past, and will no longer be our shame.

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