
Israel is working against the United Nations, dragging down the United States, the deployment of aircraft carriers is stretched, and Kyiv is also suffering

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

According to the U.S. Navy's plan, the CVN 75 USS Truman will go to the waters of the Red Sea to replace the USS Eisenhower in the "Prosperity Guardian" joint escort operation. In the long-term planning of the US Navy, there is no option to stay in the Red Sea for a long time, because the waters of the Red Sea were originally "peaceful", but now the US Navy wants to concentrate 50% of its aircraft carrier deployment forces in the Red Sea. The United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire between Palestine and Israel on March 25, while Israel continues to attack central Gaza.

Israel is working against the United Nations, dragging down the United States, the deployment of aircraft carriers is stretched, and Kyiv is also suffering

Although Israel had withdrawn its troops from Hanyounis in Gaza on 7 April, it had retained a brigade in central Gaza and had not abandoned its bombing campaign against the Gaza Strip using fighter jets. Israel is a member of the United Nations and therefore needs to stop military action in strict accordance with the requirements of the United Nations Security Council, but now Israel has violated the obligations of member states under the UN Charter, highlighting Israel's hegemonic nature.

Israel is working against the United Nations, dragging down the United States, the deployment of aircraft carriers is stretched, and Kyiv is also suffering

Israel's confrontation with the United Nations has directly dragged down the United States, because the United States wants to maintain the deployment of aircraft carrier strike groups in the Red Sea for a long time, and if Israel ends its military operations in the Gaza Strip, the Yemeni Houthis will stop their blockade of Israel, and the US Navy will not carry out its mission in the Red Sea waters. Because of Israel's "perverse behavior", the United States is not only exhausted in the Middle East, but also has problems with its support for Ukraine, so now the Kiev authorities in Ukraine are also suffering. Originally, the U.S. Navy deployed an aircraft carrier formation in the Mediterranean, but the U.S. had to transfer aircraft carriers to the waters of the Red Sea in order to support Israel.

Israel is working against the United Nations, dragging down the United States, the deployment of aircraft carriers is stretched, and Kyiv is also suffering

After the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, the U.S. Navy used aircraft carriers to enter the Mediterranean Sea in an attempt to establish a deterrent to Russia. Now it is an opportunity for Russia, and it can be seen from Russia's recent actions that Russia has intensified its attacks on Ukraine's infrastructure, and many power facilities in Ukraine have been destroyed, for which the Ukrainian Kiev authorities have complained that there are not enough Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, and the Ukrainian Foreign Minister has strongly asked Western countries to provide Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, and it is not hesitant to fall out with Western countries.

Israel is working against the United Nations, dragging down the United States, the deployment of aircraft carriers is stretched, and Kyiv is also suffering

Russia, apparently aware of the United States' exhaustion, has changed its tactics during the crisis of the conflict in Ukraine, and has been ruthless in attacking Ukraine's infrastructure, originally trying to bring Ukraine to the negotiating table through pressure, and now it is striking in the direction of completely eliminating Ukraine's ability to resist. Due to Israel's drag, the United States cannot be separated from the Middle East, at least the deployment of the aircraft carrier strike group has been held by Israel's nose. In fact, the US Navy aircraft carriers are not only to be deployed in the Middle East, but also to carry out regular patrols in the Asia-Pacific region.

Israel is working against the United Nations, dragging down the United States, the deployment of aircraft carriers is stretched, and Kyiv is also suffering

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