
I am the successor of communism - "Speech and storytelling contest for primary and secondary school students" was held in Yantan District

author:Zigong observes


Video/Song Ziyi

Zigong reporter Ouyang Hongmei

Feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party. Today (April 11), Yantan District held the 2024 "Forge Ahead on a New Journey and Be a Good Successor" speech and storytelling competition for primary and secondary school students, and primary and secondary school students from 27 schools in the district participated in the competition. This is also a theme activity of Yantan Education for more than 20 consecutive years.

I am the successor of communism - "Speech and storytelling contest for primary and secondary school students" was held in Yantan District

In this competition, primary school students in the district participated in a storytelling competition, and middle school students participated in a speech competition. In the competition, whether it is storytelling or speech, the children lead the audience into the world of their stories with their voices and colors. The children's narration focuses on the deeds of the characters in the process of the establishment and construction of New China, including the Red Army of the Long March, as well as Yuan Longping, Qian Weichang, Lei Feng and other models who have made outstanding contributions to the construction of New China, reproducing the history of the party and the country.

I am the successor of communism - "Speech and storytelling contest for primary and secondary school students" was held in Yantan District
I am the successor of communism - "Speech and storytelling contest for primary and secondary school students" was held in Yantan District

As one of the organizers, the relevant person in charge of the Yantan Cultural and Tourism Integration Development Service Center told reporters, "This kind of activity is a manifestation of our creative team's active involvement in the moral education of primary and secondary school students, the purpose is to let more children fall in love with local culture, and even take the initiative to enter the excavation of local culture, so that children can tell the "beach story" and "Chinese story" well, and become the disseminator and inheritor of the beach culture." ”

I am the successor of communism - "Speech and storytelling contest for primary and secondary school students" was held in Yantan District

It is reported that the Yantan District Education Bureau regards the storytelling and speech contest of primary and secondary school students as an important means of moral education, and incorporates the relevant competition results of the activity into the school's work assessment. The relevant person in charge of the bureau told reporters, "If the youth is strong, the country will be strong, and if the youth is wise, the country will be wise." Our education along the beach is to implant the chips of communist successors and successors of Chinese culture in the critical period of children's growth in their knowledge structure and in their blood, so that they can feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party. ”

Editor: Song Ziyi

Editor: Shu Xuhui

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