
Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

author:Beautiful Wuqing official number

At 11 o'clock on April 11, a fire broke out in a high-rise residential building in the city square of Wulong District, Chongqing.

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

High-rise fires

The spread is fast and the rescue is difficult

Once it happens

It may cause serious casualties and property damage

High-rise building fire

Why did the fire spread so quickly?

This stems from the formation of high-rise buildings

The "Chimney Effect"

The chimney effect

The "chimney effect" is a phenomenon in which flue gas and hot air flow upwards due to convection of air currents in a relatively enclosed vertical space. In the event of a fire, the smoke may spread vertically through stairwells, pipe shafts, glass curtain wall gaps and other parts, and if the fire containment in these places is not done well, the smoke is likely to spread to the entire building in a short period of time, threatening the safety of personnel.

Fire hazard of high-rise buildings

1. There are many fire hazards

High-rise buildings, especially comprehensive high-rise buildings, have complex functions, many combustibles, many fire hazards, and high fire hazards. In particular, smoke and toxic gases are produced in fires, which pose a great threat to life safety.

2. The fire spreads quickly

High-rise buildings generally have more indoor combustibles, and some high-rise residential buildings also set up combustible warehouses in violation of regulations, once a fire starts, the burning is fierce and easy to spread.

3. Difficulty in safe evacuation

Most high-rise buildings rely on stairs for safe evacuation, but due to the large number of floors and long vertical distance, the evacuation time to the ground or other safe places is relatively long, and once smoke is infiltrated in the stairwell, it will seriously affect the evacuation.

4. It is difficult to save

High-rise buildings are tens of meters high, or even hundreds of meters, and it is quite difficult to extinguish from the outside once the indoor firefighting facilities cannot function normally.

Here's a reminder to everyone

Fire safety in high-rise residential communities is of paramount importance

Please be vigilant and prevent "burning"!

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

In the case of a fire accident in a high-rise building

If you want to successfully escape

A lot of the time you have to save yourself

You should keep this in mind


There is an evacuation floor > 100m high!

The interior decoration materials of the roof, walls and ground of the refuge floor are all non-combustible materials, and the refuge floor is equipped with openable windows or independent mechanical smoke-proof facilities. If you are in a super high-rise building that is more than 100 meters away.

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

Running up, or down?

There was a fire downstairs

If there is smoke in the stairwell

Never blindly escape through the stairwell

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

There was a fire upstairs

I'm going to run downstairs

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

Exterior ignition

The fire point and the size of the fire should be judged at the first time

Select the appropriate escape route

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

What should I do if the exit is blocked by smoke and fire?

If the exit is blocked by smoke or fire and cannot be safely crossed, you should choose to close the door on the current floor instead of running up or down. Remember, close the door, seal the crack with a wet towel, and call 119 quickly to wait for help!

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

It's winter and spring

The amount of fire, electricity and gas has increased

Fire hazards are on the rise

Fire safety should not be underestimated

Let's take a look

Guidelines for Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →
Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →
Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →
Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →
Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →
Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →
Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →
Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →
Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →


We still need to pay attention to it in life

The problem of charging and parking electric bicycles

Illegal charging of electric bicycles

or modify or replace lithium batteries in violation of regulations

It is very easy to cause safety accidents


Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

The indoor charging of electric vehicles deflagrates instantly

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

An electric car charging fire broke out in the store

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

An electric car charger caught fire on the terrace on the second floor of the store

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

The flying wire charging fire in the corridor of the electric car

Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

The charging in the corridor of the electric car was deflagrated

Electric vehicle safety tips again!


· Please place the electric vehicle or battery in a centralized charging facility to standardize parking or charging

· Do not charge in the house (including in the building or indoors).

· Never park your e-bike in stairwells, evacuation routes, and safety exits

· Do not modify batteries or buy used batteries in violation of regulations


· In accordance with the provisions on the main responsibility of fire safety and relevant technical standards, set up parking and charging places for electric bicycles

· Take steps to stop illegal parking or charging of e-bikes in buildings

How to choose an electric car?

· It is recommended to choose an electric bicycle brand with high reputation and good reputation;

· Inquire about the "three guarantees" period of the product and the number of local after-sales service outlets to facilitate later maintenance;

· Check the CCC certification mark of the vehicle, check the consistency of the certificate and the overall appearance of the vehicle, especially the length of the saddle, if there is a large discrepancy, it may be that the dealer is suspected of unauthorized modification, which may seriously affect the safety of electric vehicle riding;

· Feel whether the starting, acceleration and driving of the vehicle are stable, whether the vehicle is comfortable to operate, check the brake tightness, handlebar flexibility, wheel mobility, and ensure that the purchased vehicle is suitable for its own control;

· Do not modify or ask the seller to modify the electric bicycle without authorization, so as not to bury hidden dangers for driving safety in the future.

What are the possible serious consequences of an electric vehicle fire?

How to avoid electric vehicle fires?


Heartbreaking! A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building! Urgent reminder →

Finally, let's

Click on the video below to find out

In the event of a fire in a high-rise building

How can residents escape quickly?

General: CCTV New, Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China, China Fire Protection

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