
Qiao Yun investigated spring agricultural production, agricultural product processing project construction, digital village construction, and rural tourism key village construction in Caijiahui Town and Mengjiaping Township

author:Xingxian release

On April 9, Qiao Yun, vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and secretary of the county party committee, investigated spring agricultural production, agricultural product processing project construction, digital village construction, and rural tourism key village construction in Caijiahui Town and Mengjiaping Township.

Qiao Yun investigated spring agricultural production, agricultural product processing project construction, digital village construction, and rural tourism key village construction in Caijiahui Town and Mengjiaping Township

In the experimental planting base of miscellaneous grain seed industry adaptability in Baijiadun Village, Mengjiaping Township, and the cold season bean experimental demonstration base in Liulin Village, Caijiahui Town, Qiao Yun went deep into the field to carefully inspect the growth of seedlings. He stressed that it is necessary to carry out the revitalization of the seed industry in depth, take agricultural science and technology innovation as a breakthrough, deepen cooperation with scientific research institutes and colleges and universities, focus on cultivating the core competitiveness of Xingxian County's miscellaneous grain seed industry, strengthen the seed industry "chip", and strive to move forward to the ranks of large counties in the country. It is necessary to strengthen fine management, persistently take the road of quality development, brand development and green development, improve the comprehensive production capacity of grain, and promote farmers to increase their income and become rich.

Qiao Yun investigated spring agricultural production, agricultural product processing project construction, digital village construction, and rural tourism key village construction in Caijiahui Town and Mengjiaping Township
Qiao Yun investigated spring agricultural production, agricultural product processing project construction, digital village construction, and rural tourism key village construction in Caijiahui Town and Mengjiaping Township

Qiao Yun investigated spring agricultural production, agricultural product processing project construction, digital village construction, and rural tourism key village construction in Caijiahui Town and Mengjiaping Township

In Shanhua Splendid Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Qiao Yun went deep into the processing workshop, R&D room, trial production room and other places of the enterprise to inspect the production, processing, packaging and other processes on the spot. He stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the development of chain, integration, green, branding and standardization, actively explore scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation models with local characteristics, continue to make efforts in the intensive processing of miscellaneous grains, develop healthy, nutritious, green, functional and safe miscellaneous grains, and rely on industrial revitalization to drive the masses to continue to increase income. Relevant departments should strengthen the sense of service, increase support for leading agricultural enterprises, and effectively help enterprises solve the difficulties encountered in production and operation, so that enterprises can operate comfortably and develop with peace of mind. Agricultural enterprises should strengthen their confidence in development, broaden their business horizons, and make great efforts in base construction, production and processing, packaging design, brand building, product promotion, market development, etc., and strive to achieve the "four-up" goal of national leading enterprises on the list, Jinxing board listing, output value of hundreds of millions, and profits of tens of millions.

Qiao Yun investigated spring agricultural production, agricultural product processing project construction, digital village construction, and rural tourism key village construction in Caijiahui Town and Mengjiaping Township

In Shishiwa Village, Qiao Yun inspected the construction of the digital platform for rural governance and the modern agricultural industrial park. He emphasized that it is necessary to accelerate the promotion and application of information technology, vigorously promote the construction of smart government affairs, smart education, smart medical care, etc., and do a good job of things at the doorstep of the masses and around them more efficiently, so as to empower rural revitalization with digitalization. It is necessary to learn and promote the experience of the "Ten Million Project" in all aspects of the construction of key rural tourism villages, highlight practical planning, demonstration creation, and integrated promotion, based on resource endowment, give full play to comparative advantages, focus on the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, and develop new formats such as rural tourism, leisure agriculture, and sightseeing agriculture according to local conditions, so as to ensure that tourists "like to come, stay, and experience well", and promote the construction of key rural tourism villages to speed up, improve quality, and improve efficiency.

The responsible persons of relevant units directly under the county and relevant townships and towns participated.

Reporter: Kang Dong Jinfeng

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