
Raising flowers is most afraid of "5 kinds of fertilizer", the leaves are yellow and the roots are rotten, are you still using them to promote flowers?

author:Sister Rong Flower House

If you want flowers and plants to grow fat, you need to fertilize if you bloom more, because there is a saying that "it is better not to raise flowers without fertilizing flowers". But how to fertilize flowers? What kind of fertilizer? Are you really doing it right? Many flower friends fertilize flowers and plants, and after using them, the leaves turn yellow and rot, not only can not play the role of promoting flowers, but the more they are raised, the weaker they are, and they will also collect empty pots, especially these five kinds of fertilizer.

Raising flowers is most afraid of "5 kinds of fertilizer", the leaves are yellow and the roots are rotten, are you still using them to promote flowers?

1. There is no fermented fertilizer

Many people like to use organic fertilizer when raising flowers, because organic fertilizer can make the soil loose and breathable, so that the roots of flowers and plants can grow fat, and can also make flowers and plants grow strong and produce a lot of flowers.

Although organic fertilizer is good, but if it is not fermented well, it is a kind of pit flower fertilizer, because the use of organic fertilizer without fermentation, fertilizer will produce a lot of heat in the process of fermentation, which will cause the roots of flowers and plants to burn, so that the roots of flowers and plants will rot, and flowers and plants will also appear yellow leaves.

Raising flowers is most afraid of "5 kinds of fertilizer", the leaves are yellow and the roots are rotten, are you still using them to promote flowers?

Therefore, when we use organic fertilizer to raise flowers, we must not be in a hurry and try to ferment as much as possible. If you feel that the temperature is low, you can add some baking powder, or brown sugar, white sugar, and put it in a sunny place during fermentation, which can also play a role in accelerating fermentation.

2. Overly thick fertilizer

Do not use too thick fertilizer to raise flowers, even if you want to make flowers and plants grow faster, you also need to use thin fertilizer and frequent application methods, rather than one-time fertilization is too thick, eat a fat man, which will only lead to flower and plant fertilizer damage and burn roots.

Raising flowers is most afraid of "5 kinds of fertilizer", the leaves are yellow and the roots are rotten, are you still using them to promote flowers?

Whether it is fertilizing flowers and plants, or turning over the pot to change the soil to add fertilizer, it is necessary to use less, or the concentration is lower. Because even if the roots of flowers and plants are stronger, the root system of flowers and plants raised as potted plants is not very strong, and it is especially easy to burn the roots when using thick fertilizer.

Therefore, the concentration of fertilization of flowers and plants must be lower, because the use of thick fertilizer will either cause root burning, or it will lead to soil compaction, because the fertilizer in the soil is not easy, it is quickly absorbed, and it will be accumulated for a long time, which will lead to soil compaction and root permeability, and the permeability is not good.

Raising flowers is most afraid of "5 kinds of fertilizer", the leaves are yellow and the roots are rotten, are you still using them to promote flowers?

3. Fertilize fertilizers that are too diligent

There are also some flower friends who raise flowers, and they always want flowers and plants to grow fat, and they feel that they have a special face when they see it. Therefore, when fertilizing flowers and plants, the interval will be too short, in fact, this practice is wrong.

Because the interval is too short, the fertilizer we apply has not been absorbed by the roots of flowers and plants, and then fertilization is easy to accumulate fertilizer in the soil, resulting in the soil of flowers and plants is compacted, and the air permeability and water permeability are not good, which affects the growth of roots.

Raising flowers is most afraid of "5 kinds of fertilizer", the leaves are yellow and the roots are rotten, are you still using them to promote flowers?

For example, when the concentration is 0.1%, the interval can be about 7 to 10 days, and when the concentration is 0.2%, the interval can be about 15 days. Do not use it too often, as this will only cause root rot and yellow leaf rot of flowers and plants.

4. Fertilizer applied during the slow growth period

Many flower friends have a misunderstanding in fertilization, that is, the weaker the flowers and plants, the more fertilization, in order to promote the growth of flowers and plants.

Raising flowers is most afraid of "5 kinds of fertilizer", the leaves are yellow and the roots are rotten, are you still using them to promote flowers?

This is because the slow-growing flowers and plants are all damaged by the root system, and then fertilization will lead to the root injury of the flowers and plants, and in serious cases, it will be easy to have root rot and empty pots.

Therefore, we fertilize the flowers and plants, and when the growth is slow, we must not fertilize, but need to rest and wait for the recovery of growth before fertilizing. When flowers and plants grow slowly, the main ones are when the temperature is too high and too low, and when the pot is taken after the pot is changed.

Raising flowers is most afraid of "5 kinds of fertilizer", the leaves are yellow and the roots are rotten, are you still using them to promote flowers?

5. Fertilizer applied during flowering

There are also some flower lovers who fertilize the flowers and plants even during the flowering period in order to keep them blooming, especially when they are in full bloom.

In fact, do not fertilize flowers and plants when they bloom, because the use of fertilizer and water for flowers and plants at this time is easy to affect the absorption of water and nutrients by the root system, resulting in an early end of the flowering period and a shortening of the flowering period.

For flowering plants, it is recommended to use phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to promote flowering before flowering buds, which can promote the growth and flowering of flowers and plants. However, when it comes to flowering, fertilization is no longer recommended, because the use of nitrogen, phosphate or potassium fertilizers will shorten the flowering period.

Raising flowers is most afraid of "5 kinds of fertilizer", the leaves are yellow and the roots are rotten, are you still using them to promote flowers?

After the flowers and plants bloom, prune off the residual flowers and branches, and then fertilize the flowers and plants, which can play a good role in promoting growth and promoting flowering, so that the flowers and plants bloom and bloom, beautiful and beautiful.

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