
Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home


Fairy grass tea and fairy grass jelly are popular desserts in summer, and now I will teach you the skills of selecting and boiling dried fairy grass, and you can eat fairy grass at home with peace of mind.

Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home

Master it first, the key to handmade deliciousness!

If you want to do a good job of fairy grass, first know the dried fairy grass

Fairy grass tea and fairy grass jelly should be delicious and delicious, in addition to the production process is not sloppy, the selection of dried fairy grass is particularly important. Fairy grass is suitable for planting in moist soil, so it is produced in Hsinchu, Hualien and some areas of Pingtung, and is planted in mid-March every year and harvested after white dew in September, mostly in the form of one harvest per year. Common fairy grass can be divided into red bone stem and green bone stem, the flavor is slightly different, but they are all suitable for making fairy grass products.

Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home

Dried fairy grass is very similar to Pu'er tea, after picking, it needs to be naturally exposed to the sun until it is completely dry, and stored in the warehouse for more than 2~3 years before it can be used, if you want to buy, it is recommended to choose dried fairy grass that has been dried for 3~5 years, and do not only choose simple leaves or stems, because the leaves are the source of gum, and the stems will affect the aroma, and the gum and aroma are equally important when boiling the fairy grass.

There are 3 steps to smell, look and touch before buying dried fairy grass

There are 3 steps when buying dried fairy grass, first smell the smell of dried fairy grass, if it is damp or musty, it means that the dried fairy grass is not well preserved, and it will deteriorate when boiled; Finally, it is necessary to see if the dried fairy grass has too many impurities, debris or dust, and when there are too many impurities, it is time-consuming and troublesome to clean, which is particularly tricky.

What is the difference between the traditional fairy grass and the young fairy grass in the market today?

The key to the taste of fairy grass is that after the dried fairy grass is boiled into fairy grass juice, a coagulant that will affect the hardness and texture of the fairy grass is added. The cheapest and most common coagulant is seaweed powder, and the fairy grass produced is a large piece of fairy grass jelly that is often seen in the vegetable market or ancient shaved ice shops; if you add cold weather or algin, which is more expensive than cold weather, the texture will be more tender and soft, just like the common tender fairy grass now, and the taste of fairy grass jelly is obviously different.



300 grams of dried fairy grass

10 grams of algin


Sugar: 50 grams


1. Take a large pot, put in water and dried fairy grass, the amount of water needs to be completely covered with dried fairy grass, soak and wet, precipitate sediment, and then pick it up.

Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home

2. Take out the soaked dried fairy grass, put it under the faucet, rinse the dried fairy grass from top to bottom, and remove the remaining debris and debris.

Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home

3. Take a larger pot, pour in 6000ml of water, then put in the dried fairy grass, turn on high heat and boil, continue to turn low heat and cook for about 3 hours to turn off the heat.

Tips: If you add too much water, it is easy to make the fairy grass juice too thin, and too little will become too bitter, so the proportion is recommended to be fixed, not too casual adjustment.

Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home

4. Take 2 strainers, put 1 into a soybean milk cotton bag, and stack the other 1 on top, filter the fairy grass juice twice to carefully remove the branches, leaves, and impurities.

Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home

5. Cool the filtered fairy grass juice through water and wait for it to cool down.

Tips: If you want to cool down quickly, in addition to water, you can also place ice cubes in the outer basin to speed up.

Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home

6. After the fairy grass juice is cooled, add sugar to make fairy grass tea.

Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home

7. If you want to make fairy grass jelly, take another seaweed gum and add 120ml of cold water to dissolve, pour it into fairy grass juice and stir well, cool it and divide it into a container, and refrigerate it for about 2 hours.

Rely on it to cool off the heat and relieve fever! Natural "fairy grass tea, tender fairy grass" is made at home