
Jun'an: "Safety Guard" walked into the fire education base

author:Foshan News

As another model of the "Little Safety Guard" activity, the Jun'an Town Care for the Next Generation Working Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Guan Working Committee") and the town's emergency response office organized 51 teachers and students from Shunfeng Primary School to walk into the town's fire education base on the afternoon of April 9 to learn fire safety knowledge from zero distance and experience.

Jun'an: "Safety Guard" walked into the fire education base

On the same day, in the warning education hall of the base, the fire instructor explained the fire safety problems that are easy to occur in life and the relevant skills of emergency response to the teachers and students in the form of video teaching. The instructor emphasized that when encountering a dangerous fire situation that requires an emergency alarm, it is necessary to remain calm, and accurately inform the specific location, combustibles, fire size, whether there are trapped people and other important information, so as to better call the police and save themselves.

Jun'an: "Safety Guard" walked into the fire education base

Subsequently, the fire instructor led the teachers and students to simulate the emergency escape process in the event of a fire. The students sighed: "Although it is just to experience fire escape, the passage that you can't see your fingers is enough to cause inner unease, not to mention that the real fire happened, which is very scary." Therefore, we should pay more attention to fire safety in our lives and prevent accidents before they occur. ”

Jun'an: "Safety Guard" walked into the fire education base

In the fire garage, the instructor explained the correct wearing and wearing of air respirators, gas masks and chemical protective clothing in case of hazardous chemical leakage, as well as the precautions for on-site emergency disposal, and invited some students to experience the self-rescue skills of the rope sliding safely.

Huang Jiongxian, director of the Jun'an Town Customs Working Committee, and Li Guochao, deputy director, led a team to participate in the experiential learning. Huang Jiongxian hoped that the teachers and students would always be grateful for the bravery and fearlessness of the firefighters, and enhance their awareness of safety precautions and self-protection from learning, and temper their strong will and character.

It is reported that since the beginning of March, the Jun'an Town Customs Working Committee and the Emergency Office have been to Xingcha Primary School, Cangmen Primary School and Central Primary School to hold a concentrated lecture on safety knowledge, and the next stage will also organize teachers and students from some schools to study at the town's fire education base.

Text/Yang Ting, reporter of Foshan News and Media Center

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