
Ju Jingyi did shoulder medical beauty for the small head? Netizens complained about the deformed aesthetics

author:Happy evening breeze

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about the topic that has recently aroused heated discussions among netizens - Ju Jingyi has done shoulder medical beauty for showing a small head. On social platforms, this news has attracted the attention and controversy of many netizens. Some expressed understanding and support for her decision, believing it to be a personal freedom, while others complained about it in various ways, calling it aesthetically deformed.

Ju Jingyi did shoulder medical beauty for the small head? Netizens complained about the deformed aesthetics

First of all, let's take a look at the reason why Ju Jingyi did shoulder beauty for her small head. As a public figure, Ju Jingyi is always under the scrutiny of the public, and the importance she attaches to her image is understandable. Small appearance is a problem that many women will be troubled by, especially for celebrities, and they need to maintain a perfect image at all times. Therefore, it is not surprising that she chose to do shoulder treatment.

Ju Jingyi did shoulder medical beauty for the small head? Netizens complained about the deformed aesthetics

However, this decision has caused many netizens to complain. They believe that Ju Jingyi's aesthetic is deformed, that she pursues physical beauty excessively, and ignores the importance of the inside. We can't generalize about these debates, because everyone's understanding and pursuit of aesthetics is different. Everyone has their own aesthetics, which is a subjective feeling that cannot be judged uniformly.

For a public figure like Ju Jingyi, image and appearance are indeed very important. As an idol, she not only represents herself, but also influences her fans. Therefore, she also needs to take these factors into account when choosing a shoulder treatment. Since she made such a decision, we should respect her rights and choices.

Ju Jingyi did shoulder medical beauty for the small head? Netizens complained about the deformed aesthetics

Of course, for ordinary people, the decision of whether or not to have shoulder aesthetic treatment is entirely up to the individual. We cannot impose our values on others, let alone judge a person's qualities by their appearance. Beauty is diverse, and everyone has their own unique charm and pursuit.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that while pursuing beauty, we should also pay attention to inner cultivation. Appearance is only a part of a person, and it does not completely determine a person's worth. We should discover and shape our uniqueness from within, rather than blindly pursuing physical perfection.

Ju Jingyi did shoulder medical beauty for the small head? Netizens complained about the deformed aesthetics

To sum up, Ju Jingyi's shoulder medical beauty for the small head has become a hot topic of discussion among netizens. While some people expressed understanding and support for her decision, others complained about it. In any case, we should respect everyone's rights and choices to pursue beauty, and at the same time, we should also pay attention to inner cultivation. Most importantly, we need to understand that physical appearance is only a part of a person, and it does not determine the full value of a person. Let's work together to become a better version of ourselves!

Ju Jingyi did shoulder medical beauty for the small head? Netizens complained about the deformed aesthetics

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