
Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

author:Watermelon Quest

That night, Li Yixiao was invited to attend the birthday banquet held by her friend Yin Xiaotian at the Hengdian Film and Television Base. Also present was another friend of Li Yixiao, Ye Xuan, who specially brought two beloved pet dogs.

The reception went on late at night, and everyone was getting tired, and someone proposed to move to Yin Xiaotian's private suite to continue the party. At this moment, someone expressed concern to Ye Xuan, worried that the strong Alaska would attack.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

But Ye Xuan confidently assured that the two dogs had been professionally trained and had a gentle temperament and would not hurt anyone. After hearing this, the people present also let down their guard and stepped forward to pet the dog affectionately.

At this moment, Li Yixiao took the initiative to propose to Ye Xuan that she wanted to take a photo with her dog. Ye Xuan readily agreed, and also assured Li Yixiao that this Alaska was very friendly.

After getting the owner's affirmation, Li Yixiao happily leaned over and prepared to take pictures. However, at this critical moment, the Alaska suddenly went berserk and pounced on Li Yixiao's head, tearing her ears and covering her head with deep and shallow wounds.

The blood flowed, and the scene was shocking.

Everyone hurriedly sent the seriously injured Li Yixiao to the hospital for first aid. Doctors treated her wound so urgently that it took more than 20 stitches to stop the bleeding.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

This tragedy undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Li Yixiao's acting career. In an industry with a high focus on physical appearance, such severe facial trauma would undoubtedly cast a shadow over her future.

Unexpectedly, after this tragedy, Ye Xuan actually accused Li Yixiao of being the perpetrator. She claimed online that the dog bite incident was entirely due to Li Yixiao's unauthorized approach to her pet, which disturbed the dog and triggered the attack.

This unwarranted accusation made Li Yixiao, who was deeply hurt, feel very unfair, and she resolutely decided to use legal means to protect her rights and interests.

After nearly two years of lengthy trials, the dust has finally settled. Ye Xuan happily announced on Weibo that the dispute caused by the dog biting Li Yixiao had ended in his victory.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

However, the truth is not as Ye Xuan wants, and the public has sided with the deeply traumatized Li Yixiao, thinking that the real victim should be her, not Ye Xuan, who is easily accused.

The blossoming of artistic talent

Since childhood, Li Yixiao has shown extraordinary artistic talent. At the age of three, she began to study dance in the Jinzhou Children's Art Troupe, which attracted the attention of the teachers.

At that time, Li Yixiao showed excellent dancing posture and amazing understanding, standing out among her peers or older children, as if she was a galloping petrel.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

At the age of five, Li Yixiao's dancing skills attracted attention again, this time with the favor of the Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe. They wanted to invite the little girl to join their team and receive professional acrobatic training.

But out of love for their granddaughter, Li Yixiao's grandparents did not agree, and they couldn't bear to let her endure the hardships of acrobatic training.

Later, Li Yixiao started an in-depth exchange with Peking Opera. At the age of eight, she officially devoted herself to the stage of Peking Opera and began an indissoluble bond with opera. During her time at school, she spent a happy childhood in the Jinzhou Children's Palace Children's Art Troupe, constantly studying and improving her acting skills.

At that time, Li Yixiao's eyes were clear and bright, and he was lifelike no matter what kind of role he played. Her grasp of the role is precise and in place, and she is full of the demeanor of a young scholar.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

The directors also favored this artist with excellent quality and endless potential, and were happy to work with him.

In these high-quality works full of positive energy, Li Yixiao has created many classic characters that have been well received. For example, in 2021, she and her predecessor Mr. Chen Daoming starred in "The Legend of Chu and Han", which brilliantly interpreted Yu Ji, a character who transcends time and space.

She calmly expounded Yu Ji's inner monologue, and her tone was sonorous and powerful, as if she had personally experienced the tragedy of that turbulent era.

In 2013, Li Yixiao played the unforgettable role of Zhen Mi in "New Luoshen". Zhen Mi is a well-known beauty during the Three Kingdoms period, and allowing Li Yixiao to play such a role of a woman who does not let her eyebrows be shaved is undoubtedly a high recognition of her appearance and acting skills.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

In the palace of art, Li Yixiao is undoubtedly a dazzling star with a bright future. She not only has an excellent appearance, but also has a deep inner cultivation and superb acting skills, which has been widely praised by the industry and beyond.

The bloom of representative works

In her artistic career, Li Yixiao has created many classic roles that have been widely acclaimed. Among them, the most outstanding is "The Legend of Chu and Han" co-starring with her predecessor Mr. Chen Daoming and others in 2021.

In this TV series, Li Yixiao played the important role of Yu Ji across time and space. Her delicate interpretation of Yu Ji's inner monologue made the audience feel the sonorous and powerful momentum.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

When Li Yixiao calmly said "Yu Ji, do you have any regrets?", her performance seemed to bring the audience back to the turbulent Chu and Han eras, and personally felt the desolation of that tragic story.

She then responded firmly, "The concubine follows the king, and she dies without regrets", grasping the essence of this character.

Li Yixiao's performance is like going back in time, making the audience feel as if they have experienced that period of history firsthand. Her interpretation of the role of Yu Ji shows her profound inner cultivation and outstanding acting skills.

This excellent performance not only won wide acclaim from the audience, but also once again proved Li Yixiao's status in the entertainment industry.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

In 2013, Li Yixiao played another memorable role in "New Luoshen" - Zhen Mi. Zhen Mi was a well-known beauty during the Three Kingdoms period, and was praised by Cao Zhi in "Luo Shen Fu" as "Jiangdong has two Qiao, Hebei Zhen Miqiao".

Being able to let Li Yixiao play such a character who does not let women have eyebrows is undoubtedly a high recognition of her excellent acting skills and charming appearance.

In these excellent works, Li Yixiao fully showed her talent and became a star in the eyes of the audience. She not only has an outstanding appearance, but also has a deep inner cultivation and superb acting skills.

In the palace of art, Li Yixiao is undoubtedly a dazzling star, widely praised by the industry and beyond.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

An unstoppable shadow of disfigurement

One night in 2014, when Li Yixiao's acting career was in full swing, a heinous accident pushed her into the abyss. At Yin Xiaotian's birthday banquet held at Hengdian Film and Television Base, Li Yixiao was attacked by her friend Ye Xuan's pet dog, resulting in serious facial injuries.

That night, Ye Xuan specially brought two dogs to participate in the celebration. In the middle of the night, someone expressed concern to Ye Xuan, worried that the strong Alaska would attack.

But Ye Xuan confidently assured that these two dogs have been professionally trained, have gentle personalities, and will never hurt people. After hearing this, the people present also let down their guards and came into close contact with these pets.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

At this moment, Li Yixiao took the initiative to ask to take a photo with Ye Xuan's dog. After receiving permission, she happily leaned over and crouched down, just about to take a picture. However, at this critical moment, the Alaskan dog suddenly went berserk and pounced on Li Yixiao's head, tearing her ears and covering her head with deep and shallow wounds.

Blood gushed out, and the scene was shocking.

Everyone hurriedly sent the seriously injured Li Yixiao to the hospital for first aid, and the doctors took a lot of effort to suture her wound, which required more than 20 suture surgeries.

This terrifying experience undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Li Yixiao's acting career. In an industry with a high focus on physical appearance, such severe facial trauma would undoubtedly cast a shadow over her future.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

Unexpectedly, after this tragedy, Ye Xuan actually accused Li Yixiao of being the perpetrator. She claimed online that the dog bite incident was entirely due to Li Yixiao's unauthorized approach to her pet, which disturbed the dog and triggered the attack.

This unwarranted accusation made Li Yixiao, who was deeply hurt, feel very unfair, and she resolutely decided to use legal means to protect her rights and interests.

After a long trial period of nearly two years, the dust has finally settled. Ye Xuan happily announced on Weibo that the dispute caused by the dog biting Li Yixiao had ended in his victory.

However, the truth is not as Ye Xuan wants, and the public has sided with the deeply traumatized Li Yixiao, thinking that the real victim should be her, not Ye Xuan, who is easily accused.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

Li Yixiao was originally a star in the art world, and once attracted attention with her excellent acting skills and charming appearance. But now, she has suffered devastating trauma to her face, which will undoubtedly take a serious toll on her self-confidence and acting career.

Although she did not ask Ye Xuan for compensation at that time, she still fell victim to this dispute in the end. Even if the court finally ruled in favor of Li Yixiao, she still carried a negative image and it was difficult for her to win the favor of the audience again.

The dilemma after the peak

Once, Li Yixiao was a star in the art world, and once attracted attention with her excellent acting skills and charming appearance, and was known as the "first costume beauty". However, the tragic accident that happened at the Hengdian Film and Television Base in 2014 cast a shadow on her life.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

That night, Li Yixiao was invited to attend her friend Yin Xiaotian's birthday party, but was violently attacked by her friend Ye Xuan's pet dog, resulting in serious facial injuries.

The strong Alaskan dog suddenly went berserk and pounced directly on Li Yixiao's head, tearing her ears and covering her head with deep and shallow wounds. She was immediately taken to the hospital, where it took a lot of effort for the doctors to suture her wounds, which required more than 20 sutures.

Such a serious facial trauma will undoubtedly bring a heavy blow to Li Yixiao's acting career. In an industry that pays great attention to appearance, such disfiguring trauma will undoubtedly become a haze for her future.

Surprisingly, after this tragedy, Ye Xuan actually blamed Li Yixiao as the perpetrator in turn, claiming that the incident was triggered by Li Yixiao approaching her pet without authorization.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

This unreasonable accusation made Li Yixiao, who was deeply traumatized, feel very unfair, and she resolutely decided to resort to law.

After a lengthy trial that lasted for two years, the court finally ruled in favor of Li Yixiao. However, even so, she is still carrying a negative image, and it is difficult to gain the favor of the audience again.

was once the much-anticipated "No. 1 costume beauty", but now it is in trouble and it is difficult to turn over.

Looking back on Li Yixiao's growth process, it is not difficult to find that she has shown extraordinary artistic talent since she was a child. At the age of three, she was already engaged in the field of dance, and with her excellent dancing posture and amazing understanding, she attracted the attention of local art troupes.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

At the age of five, her dancing skills caught the attention of the Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe again, who wanted to invite the little girl to join their team. But out of love, Li Yixiao's grandparents did not agree, and they couldn't bear to let her endure the hardships of acrobatic training.

Later, Li Yixiao started in-depth exchanges with Peking Opera, and this traditional art field also quickly emerged. During her time at the school, she worked tirelessly in the Jinzhou Children's Palace Children's Art Troupe to continuously improve her acting skills.

The directors also spoke highly of this young actor with excellent quality and unlimited potential, and invited her to play wonderful roles.

In 2021, Li Yixiao and her predecessor Mr. Chen Daoming starred in "The Legend of Chu and Han", and she brilliantly interpreted the role of Yu Ji across time and space in the play, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

In 2013, she also played the unforgettable role of Zhen Mi in "New Luoshen", which also fully demonstrated her excellent appearance and acting skills.

In these wonderful works, Li Yixiao has created many classic characters that have been well received and won wide acclaim from the audience. She not only has an outstanding appearance, but also has a deep inner cultivation and superb acting skills.

In the palace of art, Li Yixiao is undoubtedly a dazzling star with a bright future.

However, just when Li Yixiao's acting career was in full swing, the heinous dog bite incident pushed her into the abyss from which she could never recover. Severe facial trauma would undoubtedly be a heavy blow to her future.

Li Yixiao, known as the "No. 1 Costume Beauty": let the dog bite and disfigure, and it is still difficult to turn over after plastic surgery

Even if the court ultimately ruled in favor of Li Yixiao, the negative image she carried still stood in the way of her re-emergence. The once high-profile "No. 1 costume beauty" is now in a predicament that is difficult to turn over.

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