
Jin Yong's "Yunsong Study" landing note

author:Jiaxing Zhengchun and culture

Text | Yin Sheng

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Jin Yong's "Yunsong Study" landing note

There are many stories in Jiajuan.

Li Yinsheng is also a native of Jiajuan, and he and I used to be cars running on two strands, not the same road. Now that we are all retired, we have all come to the circle of "Jia Juan Memory". For a long time, Li Yinsheng did business in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, promoting Jiajuan's silk products, and this experience destined Lao Li to be a person with a story.

Chatting that day, talking about Jiaxing's commemoration of Jin Yong's centennial, Yin Sheng said: I know Jin Yong's family well. He said it lightly, not like bragging, and braggarts are often added to the fire. Among them, it is very interesting to talk about the negotiation process of Jin Yong's construction of the "Yunsong Study" in Hangzhou, so I suggest that Brother Yin Sheng write it down so that more people can see it.

The following is Li Yinsheng's article, which was adopted by "Reading Jia" yesterday. --editor

Mr. Jin Yong's "Yunsong Study" in Hangzhou is a new cultural scene on the shore of the beautiful West Lake, and few people know the details of the motion back then. At that time, as a logistics service staff, I had the privilege to participate in the negotiation process with Mr. Jin Yong on the construction of the "Yunsong Study", and had many years of contact with Mr. Jin Yong's family. When I think back to the process of being involved in making this happen, I am very excited and proud.

During the eighties and nineties of the last century, Jiaxing Silk Spinning Factory set up a joint venture company in Shenzhen, and soon established a wholly-owned Shenzhen Jiajuan Industry and Trade Company, and I was specifically responsible for selling Jiajuan's silk products. In fact, our company can also be regarded as one of the window units in Jiaxing and even Zhejiang in Shenzhen, often responsible for receiving many visits and service teams from their hometowns, and many acquaintances and friends also take our company as a foothold to come to Shenzhen.

One day in 1992, I forgot the specific date, and Zhou Hongchang, deputy secretary general of the provincial government, called me, saying that he had just arrived in Shenzhen and was staying at the Fulin Hotel next to the Luohu port, and asked me to come over and say that there was something important to discuss. When they arrived at the hotel, Deputy Secretary-General Zhou Hongchang summoned the other three comrades who had come together and said that they would hold a preparatory meeting. I learned that these three are cadres of the relevant departments of the Hangzhou Municipal Government.

Zhou Hongchang said that he came to Shenzhen on behalf of the provincial government this time, mainly to make a connection with Mr. Jin Yong's plan to build a house in Hangzhou, negotiate the address, area, style and style of construction, confirmation of ownership, etc., and prepare to sign the agreement, so there are many things, and every link is very important. Zhou Hongchang immediately assigned tasks to us. He said to me: Xiao Li, you are responsible for the logistics support service work of receiving Mr. Jin Yong and his entourage to Shenzhen this time, and your task in the past few days is to do a good job in the whole process, so that Mr. Jin's family is satisfied, and if your work is done well, our negotiation work will be smooth, so the responsibility is heavy.

What I want to say here is that I am only an ordinary employee of a company in Shenzhen, and the reason why Deputy Secretary-General Zhou Hongchang thought of asking me to join the team for this negotiation is probably because he thinks that I am more reliable and have some work experience. I often receive leaders from Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Beijing and other relevant parties, and I am very familiar with them, and Zhou Hongchang once served as the mayor of Jiaxing City, and he is also familiar with me. This time, the leaders trusted me, and I immediately felt a great responsibility.

At noon the next day, I picked up Mr. Jin Yong with Zhou Hongchang at Luohu Port, and Mr. Jin Yong's family of six got into my seven-seat car and stayed at the Shangri-La Hotel, in addition to Mr. Jin Yong, the whole family also had a wife, son, daughter, son-in-law, and niece (about 5 years old).

In the next few days, Zhou Hongchang and Mr. Jin Yong finally confirmed one of the sand table models after many repeated consultations and modified them. The location is in the West Lake Hangzhou Botanical Garden, not far from Zhejiang Hospital. The total investment amount is paid in full by Mr. Jin Yong. During this period, it was said that there was a small project that I forgot to include in the budget, that is, the sewer pipe project leading to the outside was not budgeted. Mr. Jin Yong happily made up $200,000 and said: If it is not enough, you can add more. During the negotiation, it was also clarified that the house would be owned by Mr. Jin Yong after it was built, and Mr. Jin Yong's ownership would be owned by the Hangzhou Municipal Government after a hundred years and used as an exhibition hall. Mr. Jin Yong's tentative name is "Fengyun Study". Both parties happily completed the signing.

In the few days we lived together in Shenzhen, I had the most contact with Mr. Jin Yong's family, and we had daily exchanges. Mr. Jin Yong is amiable, soft-spoken and smiling. He said that he likes to eat the taste of his hometown, so I try to eat in Hangzhou restaurants, Shanghai restaurants, and Cantonese restaurants.

I remember when I was dining at the Canton Hotel, I met a girl from Jiaxing who was the lobby manager, she was young and beautiful, and the service was warm and thoughtful. When he heard that we were talking about our hometown, he came over and whispered to me: Are you from Jiaxing? Is this Jin Daxia? I said yes. She was smart and clever, and immediately said to Mr. Jin Yong: I am very excited to see you in person today, I am very happy, I like to read your martial arts novels, and recite the poems in the book on the spot. Mr. Jin Yong laughed, smiled so happily, and then the Jiaxing girl took out Mr. Jin Yong's book from the cabinet on the side, it turned out that she was reading Jin Yong's novel when she was free, she begged the hero to sign it, and the hero gladly accepted.

Hearing that Jin Yong was here, people in the hotel came around, and people followed suit and signed autographs. I saw that the food was about the same, and there would be more people when I sat down again, and after obtaining the permission of the hero, the lunch was over, and we retreated. The girl took us to the door to get in the car, and said that several colleagues were on their way to buy books and couldn't get autographs, expressing regret. She later returned to work in Jiaxing, and once I met her at the Sunshine Hotel in Jiaxing, and she also talked about the scene of that day, saying that she would never forget it.

I accompanied Mr. Jin Yong's family to visit the scenic spots in Shenzhen. Once, during a visit, I received a call from a leader in my hometown from Jiaxing, he asked me what I was doing, and I told him excitedly that I was participating in the reception of Mr. Jin Yong in the past few days. He said: That's a very high level, you have to accompany you seriously. To tell the truth, I was focused on doing a good job in reception, I didn't think more, I didn't take a few more group photos, I didn't stand tall, I thought about it now, but it was too late.

Later, we went to Hong Kong to open a company, and I worked in Hong Kong for many years. With the friendship established with the hero, I have a lot of opportunities to meet the hero in Hong Kong, and introduced many friends from his hometown to meet the hero, Mr. Jin Yong is also very happy to see the hometown people, always arrange a banquet, and the hometown people often get themselves drunk, Fang Xian's admiration for Mr. Jin Yong, so sometimes lively, sometimes too lively and embarrassing.

I have also become friends with Mr. Jin Yong's whole family, from the villa of the hero at No. 1 Peak Road, to the Ming Pao newspaper office in Happy Valley, and then to the company of Mr. Xiao Cha, the later office of the hero of Java Road (now Minghe Publishing House).

Once, Daxia and I recalled the scene in Shenzhen, he said that he was really happy to go to Shenzhen, stayed for the longest time, generally went, always went in the morning, returned in the afternoon, and spent one night at most. This time, I stayed for four nights and five days, ate hometown food, and completed the big thing in my heart. During the conversation, he said that the name of "Fengyun Study" was changed, and it was called Yunsong Study.

On November 5, 1996, Mr. Jin Yong donated the library and collection to the Hangzhou Municipal People's Government.

I think of the sand table where we watched the "Fengyun Study" with Mr. Jin Yong in Shenzhen, and today the "Yunsong Study" has been completed and has become a permanent memorial to Mr. Jin Yong. On the occasion of the centenary of Mr. Jin Yong's birth, I write this article to express my nostalgia.

[From: Fool's Gossip]