
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......

author:Wuzhong Fire Fighting

How powerful is a kite string?

How can forest fires be prevented?

Is it safe to barbecue in the wild?

How can we escape in the event of a wildfire?

Today, Ah Xiao will explain to you at one time

How powerful is a kite string?

Step into the spring festival

Many friends also like to fly kites

A slender and soft kite string

It can also become a "sharp blade" that hurts people

How do I fly a kite safely?

Click on the image below to learn together

Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......

How can forest fires be prevented?

Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......

Forest fires have the characteristics of suddenness, destructiveness, and difficulty in dealing with rescue, and enter the spring forest and grassland fire prevention period from March to June.

Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......
Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......

Outdoor barbecue instructions

It's time to enjoy spring

Barbecue buffet in the wilderness

It has become one of the activities that everyone loves

But there are also many fire hazards in this event

Let's take a look

How can we escape in the event of a wildfire?

Don't eat one trench in the spring parade, and eat two, three, four, or five trenches......

1. If the fire is small, it can be extinguished in time by watering, burying, and beating with branches. If the fire has started, be sure to move immediately and call the forest fire alarm number 12119 to call the police!

2. When transferring to avoid danger, you must first judge the wind direction and escape against the wind. If the wind stops or there is no wind for a while, it may be that the wind direction is about to change, so don't be careless.

3. Keep away from dense shrubs and grass, and look for an open and safe area. After entering the safety zone, it is necessary to quickly remove the surrounding combustibles and eliminate potential safety hazards. Remember not to choose low-lying areas or potholes or holes, because low-lying areas and potholes are prone to soot deposits.

4. Forest fires will cause harm to people in addition to high temperature fires, as well as smoke and carbon monoxide.

5. When evacuating, if you are surrounded by fire in the middle of the mountain, you should run down the mountain quickly, do not run up the mountain, usually the fire spreads faster than people, and the fire will run in front of you.

6. If you are surrounded by fire, there is really no other way to escape, choose a place where the fire is weak, protect your head with clothes and quickly escape through the line of fire.