
A woman who has no bracelets, rings, or necklaces around her neck illustrates three things

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

As the saying goes: "Everyone has a love for beauty, and women win it." ”

Any woman wants to dress up beautifully, and she wants to have a higher return rate when she goes out on the street.

It is a married woman, subconsciously, who hopes that someone will praise her appearance and be envied as "so young".

But there are exceptions to everything, and women who do not have bracelets, rings, or necklaces around their necks can often meet them.

Their performance can explain the following issues, and you will know how to evaluate them once you understand them.

A woman who has no bracelets, rings, or necklaces around her neck illustrates three things


First, I am accustomed to a low-profile life and am more pragmatic.

There is a passage in "The Painter's Record": "Why they live and how to live, most people don't know and don't pay attention to it, but the days are like this, with or without order, like grass, green in spring and yellow in winter." ”

People grow old, and no matter how you try to retain your youth, it will be futile.

Comparatively speaking, those who toss their appearance, appear ignorant, and those who grow old naturally, have less expenses, and live a prosperous life.

When you reach a certain age, you no longer worry about a ring or a necklace, but live a down-to-earth life. This is the sobriety of the world.

In the program "Thank You for Coming", Wang Xia is a girl in the city who has a job in the city with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan.

After she got married, she followed her husband back to the countryside of Henan Province to raise pigs and take care of children and the elderly. It also helped the people of the village to get rich.

After all kinds of hardships, the benefits of pig raising gradually improved. The family also has some savings.

She also learned skills such as gua sha, which not only allowed her mother-in-law to enjoy filial piety services, but also saved a small part of the cost of going to the hospital.

In the show, the husband took out more than 7,000 rings, saying that he wanted to make up for the regret of not having a ring when he got married.

Wang Xia said: "Return it, this money is enough for children and the elderly to buy a lot of things." ”

Once, as a girl, I really looked forward to a ring that represented love eternity. But later, I felt that it didn't matter, because the best love is firewood, rice, oil and salt, and husband and wife bear it together; At a low point in life, husband and wife boil together.

No longer be a material woman, but work wholeheartedly for the family, then all the jewelry will seem redundant.

There are always women who say very frankly: "I just don't like it, I don't like it, I don't think it's in the way." ”

Life is simple, that is, it is for every family member, and the burden is reduced. There is no longer more pressure to make money, and there is no fear of emergencies because the family has no savings.

Marrying a woman who can live a low-profile life is a man's lifelong blessing, as long as the husband and wife cherish it desperately, it is better than the meaning of jewelry.

A woman who has no bracelets, rings, or necklaces around her neck illustrates three things


Second, enhance the intrinsic value and be more confident.

There is a curse in the countryside: "Embroidered pillow, a bag of grass." ”

But anyone who has no connotation is dressed beautifully on the outside, but when he opens his mouth, he scolds, and his eyebrows are raised from time to time. Everywhere you go, you won't be welcomed.

A woman who takes the trouble to dress herself is often a manifestation of her lack of self-confidence and uses external objects to set off herself.

A woman who is confident enough will also dress moderately, but she will not care much about dressing up, let alone use jewelry to make herself have a luxurious performance.

Just like a sentence in Jia Pingwa's "Walking Alone": "People are like lanterns, the outside is the lantern paper, the inside is the lantern core, if the lantern core is not bright, then the paper on the outside is beautiful, it has no meaning." ”

Since ancient times, women who have really been admired have one characteristic: they have poetry and books in their bellies.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang did not follow Liu Bei, and first met the local celebrity Huang Chengyan.

Huang Chengyan observed Zhuge Liang for a long time, and then said: "I have an ugly daughter, marry you, okay?" ”

Zhuge Liang agreed.

After marriage, the husband and wife lived in a thatched hut for a long time, farming for a living. It's good to be well fed and warmly dressed.

Therefore, the locals said a proverb: "Don't learn Kong Ming to choose a woman, and be an ugly woman." ”

In fact, it was such an ugly girl who helped Zhuge Liang a lot. It is rumored that the ugly girl "knows astronomy, knows geography, and is familiar with military books", and she has her credit in the process of developing wooden oxen and flowing horses.

A Zhuge Liang who is full of wealth, who can be worthy of him, is definitely not an ordinary person. But Huang Chengyan must be confident that he can marry his daughter to him.

When a woman becomes a mother, daughter-in-law, and mother-in-law, knowledge can be of great help in educating her children and helping her husband to achieve industry and agriculture.

Look at the women who like to play with gold and silver jewelry, many times instead of helping their husbands, they ask for money. also in the family style, there is no good example for the children.

A woman who has no bracelets, rings, or necklaces around her neck illustrates three things


Third, it is purely because the family is poor and cannot be vain.

From the point of view of economic conditions, there are two situations in which a woman does not have jewelry.

First, a woman's family is very wealthy and can afford jewelry at any time, but if she doesn't like it, she won't buy it. Or I bought a lot of jewelry, but I don't know how to wear it.

Second, women are really poor, and the husbands they marry are even poorer. Not to mention jewelry, food and clothing are difficult to deal with.

Don't think that at the moment, the economy is developing rapidly, and even if you work part-time, you can earn thousands of dollars a month. There are not a few families with deep debts.

How many families, because of buying a house or doing business at a loss, try their best to keep their money, three meals a day have to be considered, what to eat? I often worry about my child's tuition fees, I don't dare to get sick at all, I don't dare to give myself a vacation, and I don't make money for a few days.

In a state of poverty, women continue to lower their living standards, and perhaps sell all the rings at the time of marriage and spend them as living expenses.

Poverty will also limit a woman's imagination, and she doesn't dare to look at those high-end counters, that is, clothes, the first time is to look at the price of the tag, not the style of the clothes.

A woman who has no bracelets, rings, or necklaces around her neck illustrates three things


Comparing the beauty of appearance, what is more important is the quality of marriage, the method of life, and the business model of the family.

Women should not forget that they have multiple roles: wife, daughter-in-law, daughter, mother-in-law, migrant worker, parent, etc.

Living a good life is more important than dressing up.

If your husband loves you, he will not look down on you because of your simplicity, but will look down on you because of it.

Any man who is picky about your appearance and dress does not love you, but is just a secular man.

Being a person, clean, simple, is better than anything else.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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