
Do a good job in trial management and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of writing work

author:Chinese Trial
Do a good job in trial management and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of writing work

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Text | Yu Sheng, President of the Qiantang District People's Court of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Do a good job in trial management and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of writing work

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: "We must give better play to the role of the rule of law in consolidating the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and benefiting the long-term, and comprehensively build a modern socialist country on the track of the rule of law." As far as the people's courts are concerned, it is necessary to focus on the theme of "fairness and efficiency", find out the role and position of judicial adjudication in the comprehensive governance of the country according to law, accelerate the modernization of adjudication work, and support and serve Chinese-style modernization with the modernization of adjudication work.

In recent years, the Qiantang District People's Court of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, has thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, persisted in seeking progress while maintaining stability, upholding integrity and innovation, doing a good job in trial management, serving the overall situation and the people's justice, and comprehensively improving the quality and efficiency of trial work. In 2023, the Qiantang Court judges will complete 473 cases per capita, and the key indicators of trial quality management such as the "case-to-case ratio" will be improved in a balanced manner, and it will be rated as a "grassroots court with outstanding work performance in 2023" by the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court.

Respect for the rules of justice

Quasi-case management "weather vane"

Fine-grained management of the whole process. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "To improve the judicial system and deepen the reform of the judicial system, we must follow the objective laws of judicial activities and reflect the requirements of unity of power and responsibility, power constraints, openness and fairness, and respect for procedures. "As the center of business, trial management can only effectively promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of trial work by accurately grasping and following judicial rules. The Qiantang People's Court has firmly established the concept of "one dispute and one case", strengthened the supervision of the whole process of cases, introduced market-oriented mediation forces to grasp the source of governance, intensively handled trial auxiliary affairs, deepened the governance of the source of enforcement through "pre-enforcement supervision + pre-compulsory measures notification", promoted the high-quality and efficient handling of cases, and prevented "one case from being closed and multiple cases from being born".

All-round and effective supervision. Oversight is motivation. Trial management should fully mobilize the forces of internal and external parties to achieve effective supervision of judicial activities and promote the standardized and orderly operation of judicial power. The Qiantang People's Court adheres to the combination of in-process management and ex-post supervision, dynamically reporting quality and efficiency indicators every month, achieving an "accurate portrait" of each case-handling personnel's key quality and efficiency indicators, consolidating the supervision responsibilities of court presidents and division presidents for the "four types of cases", establishing a working mechanism for regular special evaluations of cases in key areas and irregular spot checks on all cases, implementing cross-departmental consultation and feedback on procuratorial suggestions, implementing the work requirements of "replying to letters", ensuring that there are "no dead ends" in supervision, discovering problems in trial work through supervision, and promptly pursuing accountability.

Promote change in all fields. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "It is necessary to focus on the goal of making the people feel fairness and justice in every legal system, every law enforcement decision, and every judicial case, deepen the comprehensive reform of the judicial system, and accelerate the construction of a fair, efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system." "The Qiantang People's Court insisted on deepening reform and striving to promote the modernization of trial work. In 2023, the Qiantang People's Court will implement the "Horse Race for the First" Excellence Project in each courtroom, and identify 12 reform projects as the key tasks of the year, two of which were awarded the honorary title of "'Good Application' Achievement of the Reform of 'Zhejiang All-for-One Digital Court'", and one project was selected as the "Hangzhou Legal Publicity and Education Demonstration Base".

Stick to the right direction

Use the "baton" of personnel assessment

Unify thinking and understanding. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed: "Improve the cadre assessment and evaluation system, guide cadres to establish and practice a correct view of political performance, promote cadres to be able to go up and down, and be able to enter and exit, so as to form a good situation in which the capable are promoted, the excellent are rewarded, the mediocre are demoted, and the inferior are eliminated." Since 2022, the Qiantang People's Court has piloted a full-staff, comprehensive, and whole-process performance appraisal system, established and improved an evaluation mechanism corresponding to the quality and effectiveness of the trial, integrated case management and personnel evaluation, and effectively played the role of the "baton" of evaluation, and fully mobilized the enthusiasm of cadres and police officers with a perfect evaluation and evaluation system.

Scientific assessment and evaluation. The Qiantang People's Court implements the requirements of "evaluating the quality and efficiency of trials for all employees", continuously improving the performance appraisal mechanism for all employees, taking the quality, efficiency, and effect of case handling as the guide, benchmarking the key quality and efficiency indicators of the assessment of superiors, the core indicators of the business environment, etc., building a "coordinate system" for case quality control, establishing a three-dimensional index notification system of "numerical value, target, average value, year-on-year/ring value", carrying out refined and dynamic assessment according to the differences in positions and personnel, and guiding the correct concept of case handling through the implementation of scientific assessment and evaluation, and promoting " The case was concluded with political communication and harmony", and the organic unity of legal, political, and social effects was realized.

Strengthen the use of results. Only by organically combining the evaluation results with personnel management can the assessment always maintain its vigorous vitality. The Qiantang People's Court strengthened the use of evaluation results, established rules for deducting fines for trial management, directly linked performance appraisal results to performance bonuses, and used them as an important reference basis for promotions, post selection, and evaluations, and focused on using case management to drive personnel management. In 2023, according to the results of the performance appraisal, the Qiantang Court will cultivate and select 21 advanced models of collectives and individuals at or above the municipal level. Among them, one police officer won the honorary title of "National Advanced Individual for Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children", encouraging police officers to take responsibility.

Strengthen personnel management

Build a "ballast stone" for team building

Adhere to the leadership of party building. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "The leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee of the socialist rule of law, and upholding the leadership of the Party is the fundamental feature and political advantage of the socialist judicial system in the mainland." The cadres and police of the Qiantang Court have always kept in mind that the people's court is the state judicial organ under the leadership of the party, strengthened party building, and grasped the "political point of view, from the rule of law". In 2023, the Qiantang Court will carry out in-depth education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the principle of "branch building in court", carry out the creation of "one branch and one brand", deepen the joint construction and mutual promotion of branches, and build a solid role of the branch as a fighting fortress.

Implement judicial responsibility. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the need to fully and accurately implement the judicial responsibility system. Trial management efforts shall be combined with the in-depth advancement of the reform of the judicial responsibility system, to promote the comprehensive and accurate implementation of the judicial responsibility system. The Qiantang People's Court gave full play to the exemplary role of court presidents and division heads in handling cases, strengthened the management responsibility and trial responsibility of the "key minority", and drove the implementation of mechanisms such as mandatory searches for similar cases, weekly deliberations of the trial committee, and special consultations at professional judges' meetings, scientifically allocating trial teams, consolidating judges' main responsibility for handling cases, standardizing the exercise of discretionary powers, and realizing the combination of full delegation of power and effective supervision through scientific and perfect management mechanisms.

Abide by the bottom line of integrity. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "Corruption is the most serious problem that can easily lead to regime subversion. "Improving the party's work style, building a clean and honest government, and fighting corruption is a long-term task of the people's courts, and we must always sound the 'trumpet' for the charge. The Qiantang People's Court has integrated trial management with discipline inspection and supervision, trial supervision, and other work, integrated supervision into daily life, and grasped it regularly, especially taking the strict implementation of the "three provisions" on preventing interference in the judiciary as an important starting point, and strictly and practically grasping the discipline of honesty and integrity. In 2023, the Qiantang Court was awarded the "Demonstration Model of Integrity Construction in Qiantang District", and a police officer was awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Individual in the Construction of Integrity Courts" in Zhejiang Province.

The new era opens a new journey, and the new mission calls for new responsibilities. In the next step, the Qiantang Court will firmly establish the "concept of big management", continue to innovate management methods, effectively integrate trial management, government affairs management, and team management, and promote political construction, case management, trial supervision and guidance, and full staff assessment in an integrated manner, integrate political construction and professional construction in scientific trial management, and promote the modernization of trial work with the modernization of trial management.

Cover and table of contents of this issue

China Trial, Issue 5, 2024

China Trial News Semi-Monthly No. 339

Editor/Xu Chang

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