
The collapse of the empire begins in the Middle East: Israel is hit by a rain of rockets, and the situation begins

author:Fat cash cow


The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been the focus of global attention, and unlike usual, the scale of the conflict is unprecedented, with massive attacks from Palestine in the southern part of Israel, hundreds of rockets falling on Israeli towns and cities, causing hundreds of casualties. It is reported that this clash was due to the fact that the Hamas armed forces launched a military operation, and Israel reacted very strongly, even dispatching tank troops, and fierce fighting unfolded between the two countries, which also further intensified the contradictions between the two countries.

The collapse of the empire begins in the Middle East: Israel is hit by a rain of rockets, and the situation begins

In this conflict, Israel was not only attacked by a large number of rockets, even the Merkava tank was destroyed, but also soldiers were unfortunately killed, and even an army major general was captured by Hamas, which is undoubtedly a major blow to Israel. On the Palestinian side, they have also been heavily bombed by Israel, destroying a series of civilian facilities such as mosques and hospitals, making life extremely difficult for the people here.

The collapse of the empire begins in the Middle East: Israel is hit by a rain of rockets, and the situation begins

It can be said that innocent people have become the biggest victims in this conflict, and many innocent people have unfortunately lost their lives because of this conflict, which has also attracted great attention from the international community. Countries have expressed their views on the conflict, expressing the hope that the two sides can cease fire as soon as possible to avoid causing more casualties, and some countries have expressed their willingness to act as intermediaries to help the two sides mediate. In China, many people have conducted in-depth discussions on the causes and development of this conflict, believing that the occurrence of this conflict has a great deal to do with reconciliation in the Middle East.

First, Israel has been subjected to massive rocket attacks

Thousands of rockets fell from the sky and landed on many Israeli towns and cities, posing a great threat to the lives and property of the local people and causing hundreds of casualties.

The collapse of the empire begins in the Middle East: Israel is hit by a rain of rockets, and the situation begins

In the face of rocket attacks, Israel's civil defense system has also been fully activated, and they are trying to use the "Iron Dome" missile interception system to intercept these rockets and protect their own security, but due to the large number of rockets, Israel's air defense system is also a little inadequate, and some rockets still penetrate the air defense system and fall on the towns, bringing great harm to the local people.

In this conflict, Israel also reacted very strongly, not only dispatched tank troops, carried out heavy bombardment of Palestine, but also imposed a blockade, which undoubtedly had a huge impact on the lives of the Palestinian people, their daily necessities could not enter normally, and medical facilities were also destroyed, making their epidemic prevention work during the epidemic extremely difficult.

The collapse of the empire begins in the Middle East: Israel is hit by a rain of rockets, and the situation begins

2. Israeli soldiers have suffered a major blow

It is reported that an Israeli Merkava tank was directly hit by Palestinian rockets, the tank exploded, and the soldiers on it were unfortunately killed, which was undoubtedly a major blow to Israel, and also made the losses of the Israeli side even more serious.

The collapse of the empire begins in the Middle East: Israel is hit by a rain of rockets, and the situation begins

In addition, even the Israeli army major general suffered in this conflict, he was captured by Hamas forces in a Palestinian city, which will undoubtedly have a great impact on Israel, and also greatly provoke the Israeli side, making the contradictions between the two sides more acute.

Third, the livelihood of the Pakistani people has been seriously affected

Under the heavy bombardment by Israel, a series of civilian facilities such as mosques and hospitals in Palestine have also been damaged, which will undoubtedly have a great impact on the lives of the local people and will also make their lives extremely difficult.

In addition, due to Israel's blockade policy, the Palestinian people are unable to enter normally and receive necessary medical assistance, which will pose a great threat to their lives and health, and will also greatly anger the Palestinian side and make the contradictions between the two sides more intense.

Fourth, reconciliation in the Middle East may lead to an increase in the ability to keep intelligence secret

In this conflict, the Israeli side said that it was attacked by Hamas forces because Hamas wanted to launch a military operation for the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Israeli side also reflected that they were prepared for Palestinian military action during this conflict, but they did not receive any information and were not aware of the Palestinian military plan.

The collapse of the empire begins in the Middle East: Israel is hit by a rain of rockets, and the situation begins

This undoubtedly shows that there are indeed some loopholes in Israel's intelligence services in this conflict, their ability to keep secrets is not very strong, and to a certain extent, they have been affected to a certain extent, and Middle East reconciliation is very likely to be one of the reasons, because the implementation of Middle East reconciliation will indeed have a certain impact on the Middle East region, and may also lead to some unpredictable consequences, some organizations and countries may find some opportunities from it, and the situation in the Middle East may also undergo some changes as a result.

Fifth, proxy wars may become a new risk in the Middle East

Reconciliation in the Middle East may also lead to other risks, such as proxy wars, which will pose a great threat to the stability and security of the Middle East, disrupt the plans of some countries, and may even lead to a real chaos.

After all, as one of the world's largest arms exporters, the United States' stance will have a direct impact on the situation in the Middle East and may also have a certain impact on the development of the conflict.


It can be said that in this conflict, innocent people have become the biggest victims, they have suffered heavy bombardment from both sides, and they have lost their lives and homes, which also shows us the horror of the conflict, which has brought great threats to people's lives and property security, and also brought great obstacles to peace and development.

It is hoped that the two sides will cease fire as soon as possible and resolve their contradictions through dialogue and negotiation, and that the international community will provide some help and support, become an intermediary between the two sides, promote reconciliation and cooperation between the two sides, and jointly safeguard peace and stability in the Middle East.

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