
It cost 300,000 yuan to study abroad, and 3,500 yuan to graduate after returning home, is it really necessary to study abroad?

author:Zaha Curve

Zhang Ming (pseudonym) did not do well in the college entrance examination in 2019, and was admitted to a very ordinary second book in China, and the major was not very good, so his parents spent 300,000 yuan to study in the UK. I stepped on a plane to England with a thirst for knowledge and a vision for the future. He chose to major in computer science at a well-known university, where he hoped to gain cutting-edge technology and knowledge.

It cost 300,000 yuan to study abroad, and 3,500 yuan to graduate after returning home, is it really necessary to study abroad?

During his study abroad, Zhang Ming invested a lot of time and effort in his studies, and also actively participated in various club activities and internship opportunities, hoping to improve his abilities in an all-round way. However, life as a student was not always smooth sailing, and he also faced challenges such as cultural adaptation, language barriers, and financial pressures. Still, he persevered and eventually completed his studies with flying colors.

In 2023, Zhang Ming will return to his homeland with full expectations. However, reality dealt him a heavy blow. Due to the fierce competition in the market and the changing demand for returnees, he encountered many difficulties in the process of finding a job. After a few months of hard work, he finally found a job at a start-up company with a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan, which was much lower than he expected, although related to his major.

So he reflected, is it really necessary to study abroad?

In fact, whether it is necessary to study abroad cannot be determined simply by directly comparing the salary after returning to the home country with the cost of studying abroad. This issue needs to be considered from multiple perspectives. Here are some factors that can help you assess the value of studying abroad more comprehensively:

1. Long-term career development: Although the salary back to your home country may not be high in the short term, the study abroad experience may lay a solid foundation for your long-term career development. As you accumulate work experience and improve your personal abilities, your income is likely to grow with it.

It cost 300,000 yuan to study abroad, and 3,500 yuan to graduate after returning home, is it really necessary to study abroad?

2. Personal growth and ability improvement: Studying abroad is not only to get a high-paying job, but also includes the improvement of personal ability, the expansion of world view, and the exercise of independent living ability. These soft skills are equally important in the workplace and will help you excel in the future.

3. Social networks and resources: During your time abroad, you will have the opportunity to build an international network that may play an important role in your future career. At the same time, some study abroad countries have abundant educational resources and excellent research environments, and these experiences may have a profound impact on your professional development.

4. Cultural experience and language skills: Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of different cultures and improve your foreign language skills, which are valuable assets for those working in a global context.

It cost 300,000 yuan to study abroad, and 3,500 yuan to graduate after returning home, is it really necessary to study abroad?

5. Career planning and market demand: Your career plan and the market demand in your industry are also factors to consider. Some industries or roles may place more emphasis on studying abroad, while others may place more emphasis on practical work experience and skills.

6. Financial considerations: Although the initial investment in studying abroad is larger, if you are able to improve your competitiveness to get better job opportunities, this investment may pay off in the long run.

It cost 300,000 yuan to study abroad, and 3,500 yuan to graduate after returning home, is it really necessary to study abroad?

7. Personal interests and pursuits: Finally, your personal interests and pursuits are also important factors in deciding whether or not to study abroad. If you have a strong interest in a field that can provide better opportunities for learning and development, then studying abroad is worth it.

To sum up, the necessity of studying abroad should not be measured solely by short-term financial gains. You need to make a comprehensive assessment based on your career goals, personal interests, long-term development plans and other aspects. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the individual's financial situation and family support to make the most suitable decision for you.

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