
In a program, Xie Xian said: I spent 4000W to invest in a bar back then, and I lost it in 3 years

author:Elegant cheese IPm

Xie Xian: The twists and turns on the road to investment and the wisdom of the family

In the latest episode of the popular variety show, veteran movie star Xie Xian shared his investment anecdotes when he was young with his usual humor and straightforwardness. He joked: "Back then, I spent 40 million to invest in a bar, and millions to buy a new machine, but I lost it in 3 years." If I had taken the 40 million to buy land in Shanghai at that time, I would be richer than Ma Yun now!"

Xie Xian, a legend in the entertainment industry, his life can be described as magnificent and full of legends. When he was young, with his handsome appearance and excellent acting skills, he quickly rose to prominence in the film industry and became a hot star. His salary also rose, giving him enough capital to try various investments.

In a program, Xie Xian said: I spent 4000W to invest in a bar back then, and I lost it in 3 years

However, investing is not an easy task, and even successful people like Xie Xian will inevitably miss out at times. His experience investing in bars is a prime example. At the time, he may have seen great potential in the bar industry, so he didn't hesitate to invest a lot of money. However, his judgment proved to be wrong, and the bar lost all of its investment in just three years. Such a failure is a heavy blow to anyone, but Xie Xian's ability to face it calmly with humor and self-deprecation is admirable.

After the investment failure, Xie Xian did not collapse, but learned from it and became more cautious and rational. He began to study the market in depth, understand the risks and benefits of various investment projects, and no longer blindly follow the herd. This transformation of his is a testament to his tenacity and wisdom as a successful man.

In addition to the field of investment, Xie Xian also has unique insights on family outlook and children's education. The way his will is distributed reflects his deep love for his children and thoughtful consideration for the future of his family. He divided the property into four parts, leaving them to his son Nicholas Tse, daughter Xie Tingting and two grandsons. This distribution is both fair and reasonable, taking into account both the needs of the children and the continuation of the family.

In a program, Xie Xian said: I spent 4000W to invest in a bar back then, and I lost it in 3 years

Xie Xian is also very attentive to his son's education. He did not dot on his son because of his success, but gave enough attention and guidance to Nicholas Tse's growth. When Nicholas Tse was young, Xie Xian often shared his experience and lessons with him, so that he could avoid detours. Nicholas Tse also inherited his father's excellent qualities, not only achieved great success in his acting career, but also became a good son who was filial and sensible. He paid his father a high amount of alimony every year, so that Xie Xian could enjoy his old age in peace. Such a father-son relationship is deeply touching.

In addition, Xie Xian's attitude towards marriage and family is also worth pondering. After his divorce from Deborah, he did not resent each other because of the breakdown of their relationship, but was able to maintain a friendly relationship. This mature and sensible approach is the best option for both parties and the child. In contrast, some couples in the entertainment industry often stage various farces after divorce, which not only puts themselves in an embarrassing situation, but also brings unnecessary harm to their children. Xie Xian's approach has undoubtedly set a good example for us.

In addition to the successful management of his family and children, Xie Xian's acting career is also wonderful. His acting skills are superb and he has created many characters that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Whether it is the suave and suave when he was young, or the calm and introverted when he was old, he can accurately grasp and interpret the role to the fullest. His performance style is unique and full of personal charisma, which makes the audience fall in love with him.

In a program, Xie Xian said: I spent 4000W to invest in a bar back then, and I lost it in 3 years

However, Xie Xian's life was not all smooth sailing. He has also faced various challenges and difficulties, but he has always been able to face them with optimism and strength. This spirit has not only made him successful in his career, but also earned him respect and respect in his life.

In my opinion, Xie Xian is a legend full of wisdom and charisma. His life experience not only allows us to see his brilliant achievements in his acting career, but also allows us to see his unique insights on family outlook and children's education. His story teaches us that no matter what the environment we find ourselves in or what challenges we face, we should remain humble and cautious and keep learning and growing. At the same time, we should also cherish our relatives and friends around us, and run our own families and lives with love and tolerance.

In addition, Xie Xian's legendary life has left us with many suspense. For example, will he get involved in the investment field again? Will he be able to use his wisdom and experience to create an investment miracle again? And whether his two grandchildren will inherit their grandfather's mantle and continue to shine in the entertainment industry when they grow up? These questions are full of expectations and curiosity.

In a program, Xie Xian said: I spent 4000W to invest in a bar back then, and I lost it in 3 years

Xie Xian's life is like a wonderful legendary story, full of twists and turns and surprises. He used his experience and wisdom to show us the qualities and attitudes that a successful person should have. His story not only makes us feel his charm and wisdom, but also fills us with hope and motivation in life.

In closing, I would like to say that no matter what kind of environment we find ourselves in and what challenges we face, we should remain optimistic and strong like Xie Xian. Only in this way can we overcome difficulties, meet challenges, and create our own legendary life. At the same time, we should also cherish our relatives and friends like Xie Xian, and manage our own family and life with love and tolerance. Because in this uncertain world, only family and love are our most solid backing and warmest harbor.

In a program, Xie Xian said: I spent 4000W to invest in a bar back then, and I lost it in 3 years

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