
Warning Risks and Improving Capabilities The Municipal Development Zone has carried out campus safety and canteen management observation and exchange activities

author:Yangzhou Radio and Television
Warning Risks and Improving Capabilities The Municipal Development Zone has carried out campus safety and canteen management observation and exchange activities

In order to comprehensively improve the campus safety and canteen management quality of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the Municipal Development Zone, today (April 9), the Municipal Development Zone Education Group carried out observation and exchange activities in the revitalization of the Garden School. The activity organized the principals of primary and secondary schools in the district, the principals in charge, the middle-level cadres in charge and the principals of kindergartens to observe the canteen ledger information, security work drills, fire evacuation drills and other activities of the revitalization of the garden school, and also invited relevant experts to give special lectures.

Warning Risks and Improving Capabilities The Municipal Development Zone has carried out campus safety and canteen management observation and exchange activities
Warning Risks and Improving Capabilities The Municipal Development Zone has carried out campus safety and canteen management observation and exchange activities

Through the development of activities, let everyone clarify the work ideas, establish a safety management atmosphere that everyone is a safety officer and everyone is a supervisor, and work strict prevention at the source, strict management of the process, and strict control of risks, strictly control the safety of raw materials, strict personnel management, strict management of environmental sanitation, strict control of safety risks, and make every effort to protect the bottom line of campus safety.

Warning Risks and Improving Capabilities The Municipal Development Zone has carried out campus safety and canteen management observation and exchange activities
Warning Risks and Improving Capabilities The Municipal Development Zone has carried out campus safety and canteen management observation and exchange activities

来源 | 扬州广电扬帆手机频道

Edit | Peng Zhuyan

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