
Reading comprehension 4 tricks to grasp the key words, "read" to understand the heart of the article

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Reading comprehension 4 tricks to grasp the key words, "read" to understand the heart of the article

Concept + Question Type + Method + Training = Reading Comprehension Bootcamp Membership

Editor|Teacher Shaoming

April 10, 2024

Skillfully grasp the key words, "read" to understand the heart of the article - revealing the "mysterious code" in reading comprehension


It's hard to catch keywords

I found a headache for students - grasping the key words of the article.

Many times, students finish reading an article as if they were formatted in their heads, leaving nothing behind.

It's like going to the orchard to pick fruit, only to come home empty-handed, without even touching the skin.

Keywords are the "golden keys" that can help us understand the gist of the article and grasp the essence of the article.

The question is, where are these "golden keys" hidden?

Reading comprehension 4 tricks to grasp the key words, "read" to understand the heart of the article


Analysis of the four major reasons

(1) "Reading speed is too fast", like a train speeding by, there is no time to take a closer look at the beautiful scenery along the way, and the key words are naturally difficult to capture;

(2) "Lack of overall grasp", just like building a house without drawing drawings first, plunging headlong into the sea of words, how can you still find the "main beam" (i.e., keywords) to support the article?

(3) "The purpose of reading is not clear", this is like a trip without a destination, where you go, and it is also the norm to miss the point.

4. Reading habits: Many students read like a horse, their eyes sweep over, and they don't think deeply.

5. Comprehension ability: If you don't understand the deep meaning of the article, it will naturally be difficult to grasp those key points.


4-trick solution + formula

The first trick: slow reading and deep thinking

"Chew slowly, savor it". Slow down your reading, chew on important passages and sentences, and pay special attention to inflections (e.g., "but", "yet"), accents (e.g., "especially", "special"), and recurring words, all of which are common for key words.

Memorize the mantra: "The turning point strengthens the two brothers, and the repetition of words cannot be abandoned." ”

The second trick: the global observation method

Before you start reading, you can go through the full text to understand the general structure and theme of the article, so that you can more easily identify words that reflect key information such as the author's point of view, emotional attitude, etc.

Formula: "Sweep the whole article to determine the situation, and the theme framework is in mind." ”

The third trick: goal-oriented method

"Read with questions, keywords appear by themselves" clarify the purpose of the investigation behind each question, and then target the palindrome positioning, and the keywords will naturally jump on the paper.

Mantra: "The problem starts with the way, and the key words are not far away." ”

The fourth trick: chew + dig deeply

Change your reading habits, don't rush, read carefully. It's like tasting tea, tasting it slowly, and the taste will come out naturally.

Improve your comprehension skills and think more about the meaning behind the text. It's like digging a well, the deeper you dig, the sweeter the water.

Formula: Reading carefully is like tasting tea, and the deep meaning is like a deep well.

Reading comprehension 4 tricks to grasp the key words, "read" to understand the heart of the article


Case practice

Case Study: Mahogany Reading Comprehension

Suppose we have a reading comprehension material, Mahogany, which tells about the author's deep affection for mahogany and his praise for the perseverance of life.

When students read this article, it is often difficult for them to grasp the core keywords of the article, which affects their understanding and grasp of the main idea of the article.

Based on the solutions and mantras mentioned earlier, we can capture the key words in Mahogany like this:

Slow reading and deep thinking: Words such as "tenacious" and "vitality" appear in the text, and these words show the characteristics of mahogany through twists and emphasizes.

We use the mantra "Twist strengthens the two brothers, repeat the words and don't give up" to remind ourselves to pay attention to these words.

Global view: Before reading, we skim through the article and find that the article highlights the tenacity of mahogany and other plants by comparing their growing environment.

Therefore, "contrast" and "vitality" become the key words in our minds.

Here we use the mantra "sweep the whole article to determine the situation, and the theme framework is in mind" to help us establish a global concept.

Goal-oriented: If the topic requires us to analyze the author's attitude towards mahogany, we will take this question to the article to find the answer, and it is easy to find keywords such as "admiration" and "praise".

At this time, the mantra "start with the problem and point the way, and the key word is not far away" comes in handy.

Reading comprehension 4 tricks to grasp the key words, "read" to understand the heart of the article


Case solving

Now, let's use these methods to solve a question: "What is the author's attitude towards mahogany in the article?"

1. Through slow reading and deep thinking, we noticed that the article repeatedly emphasized that mahogany can still thrive in harsh environments, and the words such as "tenacious" and "unyielding" are all manifestations of the author's attitude.

2. We reviewed the overall structure of the article by using the global observation method, and found that the author highlighted the vitality of mahogany by comparing it with other plants, which further confirmed the author's admiration for it.

3. Through the goal-oriented method, we directly locate the part of the article that expresses emotions, find keywords such as "admiration" and "praise", and clarify the author's attitude.


The method has been tested in practice

In this way, students can not only find the keywords more accurately, but also better understand and comprehend the connotation of the article.

Of course, any approach requires constant practice and adaptation in order to truly internalize your reading skills.

So, don't forget, "practice makes perfect, and skill makes wisdom", as long as we continue to use these strategies in practice and grasp the key words of reading comprehension, it is like finding the key to open the door of wisdom and easily deal with all kinds of reading problems!

Reading comprehension 4 tricks to grasp the key words, "read" to understand the heart of the article


Apply what you have learned, review the old and learn the new

1. Question: Why do students have difficulty capturing reading comprehension?

Answer: The reasons include excessive reading speed, lack of overall grasp, unclear reading purpose, poor reading habits, and comprehension skills that need to be improved.

2. Question: How to use the slow reading and deep thinking method to find?

Answer: Slow down your reading, focus on transitions, accents, and repetitions, and use the mantra "Transitions strengthen the two brothers, and repeating words should not be abandoned".

3. Question: How does the global view method apply to reading comprehension?

Answer: Browse the full text, grasp the structure and theme of the article, identify it, and follow the mantra "Sweep the whole article to determine the situation, and keep the theme framework in mind".

4. Question: How does the goal-oriented approach guide the search?

Answer: Clarify the purpose of the question, target the palindromic positioning, and remember the mantra "The problem starts and points the way, and it is not far away".

5. Question: How do you use the above methods in combination when solving reading comprehension questions?

Answer: Combined with slow reading and deep thinking, global observation and goal-oriented methods, the author's attitude is revealed by finding "tenacity", "vitality", "contrast", "admiration", "praise", etc.

Keywords in this article

: Reading comprehension captures the causes of difficulty

: Slow Reading, Meditation and Capture

: Global Observation and Reading Comprehension Recognition

: Goal-oriented approach and positioning strategy

: Comprehensively use a variety of methods to solve reading comprehension problems

Reading comprehension 4 tricks to grasp the key words, "read" to understand the heart of the article

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