
The 9 little things that the stomach is most afraid of remind you that you must pay attention to it, especially those with a bad stomach!

author:Doctor Director Guo

The stomach, the digestive organ located in our abdomen, silently undertakes the heavy task of digestion. It is not loud or public, but it plays an indispensable role in maintaining human health.

However, in the daily trivialities of life, some seemingly insignificant little things are the silent enemies of the stomach. These little things that the stomach is "most afraid of" are often ignored until the onset of stomach pain, and people are suddenly alarmed.

Stomach health is a particular concern for people over the age of 35, as the recovery and resistance of the stomach gradually declines as we age.

Let's expose these little things that the stomach is "most afraid of" and take precautions in advance, so as not to make the stomach feel wronged.

The 9 little things that the stomach is most afraid of remind you that you must pay attention to it, especially those with a bad stomach!

1. Eating speed: an invisible killer that affects stomach health

Under the pressure of a fast-paced life, many people have become accustomed to the "fast food" life, rushing to finish their meals, as if the stomach is a container capable of infinitely expanding.

However, this gobbling up of food actually puts a lot of pressure on the stomach. When food enters the stomach at a faster than normal rate, the stomach does not have time to make adequate preparations for digestion, gastric juice secretion cannot keep up, food accumulates in the stomach, digestion is slow, and over time, it is easy to cause indigestion, stomach distension and other problems.

Studies have shown that eating too fast also increases the risk of obesity, which is one of the triggers of stomach problems.

The 9 little things that the stomach is most afraid of remind you that you must pay attention to it, especially those with a bad stomach!

2. Dietary temperature: the umbrella of the stomach

The stomach is extremely sensitive to temperature, and although steaming food is tempting, overheated food can cause "burns" to the gastric mucosa, and once the gastric mucosa is damaged, it will not only affect the normal work of the stomach, but also may become a cause of stomach problems.

Long-term consumption of foods that are too hot can increase the risk of esophageal and stomach cancer. Therefore, even the bowl of noodles that is hot in the winter should wait a few minutes for the temperature to be moderate before eating.

In addition, cold drinks are also the "nemesis" of the stomach, and cold food will cause the blood vessels in the stomach to suddenly constrict, affecting the secretion of digestive juices and leading to digestive disorders. Therefore, whether it is a hot summer or a harsh winter, the right food temperature is the key to protecting the stomach.

In terms of details, we can optimize these habits from two aspects. First, try to eat at a slower pace and chew each bite at least 20 times to reduce the burden on your stomach. Second, develop the ability to perceive the temperature of the diet, avoid excessively hot or cold foods, and allow the stomach to work in a comfortable environment.

The 9 little things that the stomach is most afraid of remind you that you must pay attention to it, especially those with a bad stomach!

3. Dietary hygiene: the first line of defense for stomach health

Dietary hygiene is like a strong line of defense for stomach health, and its collapse often means the invasion of stomach diseases. Among stomach diseases, infection with Helicobacter pylori is particularly dangerous, and it is one of the main culprits that cause gastritis, stomach ulcers and even stomach cancer.

The bacteria can be spread through unclean food and water, and once in the body, they can multiply on the lining of the stomach and cause inflammation.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, clearance of Helicobacter pylori can significantly reduce the recurrence rate of gastritis and gastric ulcers. Therefore, food hygiene is not only a matter of lifestyle habits, but also a health issue.

Seafood and river freshness, while delicious, can also become vectors for parasites and bacteria if not handled properly. When cooking these foods, it is essential to ensure that they are cooked thoroughly to kill harmful microorganisms that may be present.

In addition, the cleaning of dishes is equally important, as they are a medium for microbial cross-contamination. Overall, ensuring food hygiene requires not only individual efforts, but also strict management of the entire food supply chain.

The 9 little things that the stomach is most afraid of remind you that you must pay attention to it, especially those with a bad stomach!

Fourth, the control of food and drink: the way of harmony with the stomach

The stomach is an extremely elastic organ, but that doesn't mean it can expand indefinitely. Excessive eating will stretch the stomach wall, and in the long term, the normal function of the stomach will be affected, the secretion of gastric acid will be abnormal, the gastric motility will be weakened, and it may even lead to gastric sagging.

Clinical studies have shown that a moderate diet is one of the effective means to prevent stomach diseases. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, moderate diet was shown to reduce the incidence of gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Controlling the amount of food we eat requires us to develop good eating habits in our daily lives. For example, using small plates can unconsciously reduce food intake, while chewing slowly can increase feelings of fullness and avoid overeating.

In terms of dietary structure, the intake of dietary fiber should be increased, which can not only increase satiety, but also promote intestinal health.

The 9 little things that the stomach is most afraid of remind you that you must pay attention to it, especially those with a bad stomach!

5. Eating rules: the sense of rhythm that the stomach needs

Maintaining a healthy stomach is not just about what you eat, it's about when you eat it. Irregular eating habits, such as a full meal, can disrupt the biological clock of the stomach and lead to disorders in gastric acid secretion, which can cause symptoms such as heartburn and stomach pain.

A study published in the journal Science of Digestive Diseases showed that a regular diet has a positive effect on the prevention of GERD. Therefore, establishing a regular eating schedule is essential for maintaining stomach health.

To achieve a regular diet, set a regular meal time and try to avoid eating outside of this time, especially avoiding late-night snacks, as the night is a time for the stomach to rest. Not only does this help the stomach develop a healthy digestive rhythm, but it also optimizes metabolic activity throughout the body.

The 9 little things that the stomach is most afraid of remind you that you must pay attention to it, especially those with a bad stomach!

6. Diet quality: stomach preferences and taboos

The stomach's food preferences and taboos are something that every health-conscious person should know. Greasy, spicy, hard or excessively cold foods are bad partners of the stomach, they can increase the burden on the stomach, irritate the gastric mucosa, and cause discomfort.

A study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that a high-fat diet was significantly associated with gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Therefore, choosing foods that are easy to digest and rich in nutrients is a smart choice to protect your stomach health.

It is recommended to increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and aid digestion.

At the same time, the consumption of foods high in salt and sugar should be limited, as these foods can interfere with the normal function of the stomach and increase the risk of disease.

The 9 little things that the stomach is most afraid of remind you that you must pay attention to it, especially those with a bad stomach!

7. Habits: The invisible enemy of the stomach

Bad lifestyle habits, such as smoking and drinking, have a subtle impact on stomach health.

The nicotine in tobacco stimulates gastric acid secretion and destroys the gastric mucosa, while alcohol directly damages the cells of the gastric mucosa, increasing the risk of chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers.

According to the American Association for Cancer Research, long-term smoking and alcohol consumption are closely related to the occurrence of stomach cancer.

Therefore, for stomach health, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation are necessary steps.

The 9 little things that the stomach is most afraid of remind you that you must pay attention to it, especially those with a bad stomach!


Negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression can affect gastric acid secretion through the neuroendocrine system, which in turn can lead to functional dyspepsia or stomach ulcers over time.

Therefore, developing a positive attitude towards life and learning stress management and relaxation techniques are equally important for maintaining a healthy stomach.

The maintenance of the stomach requires long-term efforts and persistence, and I hope the above methods can help you regulate the stomach and strengthen your body.

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