
@甲状腺疾病患者: These foods should be eaten in moderation

author:Guangxi Film and Television Channel

In recent years, the incidence of thyroid disease has increased rapidly, and thyroid disease is the second most common disease in endocrinology after diabetes, but the public awareness of thyroid disease is far from enough. The causes of thyroid disease are complex, involving factors such as age, gender, immunity, genetics, and environment, as well as daily diet. Healthy eating habits can not only help people with thyroid disease manage themselves, but also improve their quality of life.

Small organs release a lot of energy

The average weight of the thyroid gland is 20~30 grams, which is equivalent to the weight of 3 quail eggs. Compared with the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs, the thyroid gland is a "little guy", but its energy is huge, and together with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, it builds a set of endocrine regulatory system to control human growth and development and various energy metabolism. If this "little factory" fails, it can cause thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The former manifests itself as weight loss, protruding eyes, thick neck, muscle weakness, and easy tension and anxiety, while the latter can lead to fatigue, fatigue, weakness and coldness, menstrual disorders, infertility, depression, constipation, etc. If these thyroid dysfunctions do not improve in time, they can cause serious harm to patients.

Self-check thyroid health through the mirror

●Look: Look in the mirror with your head slightly tilted back to expose your neck and see if your neck is significantly larger or more prominent than usual.

●Touch: Press the left side of the left thumb and the pads of the index, middle, and ring fingers on the right side of the trachea to feel for small soft bulges, small lumps, or small hard nodules. If you find a problem, go to the hospital as soon as possible for ultrasound examination.

●Pharynx: Subsequent swallowing movements, if a lump is felt that slides up and down with the swallowing action, it is abnormal.

Avoid falling into misconceptions

For patients with thyroid disease, a daily diet can not only meet nutritional needs, but also alleviate symptoms to a great extent. Patients with thyroid disease should pay attention to the following points in their diet.

Dietary planning should be individualized

Focus on nutritional balance

Patients should first understand the type of thyroid disease they are suffering from and the stage of their current condition, and then consult with a professional physician to develop a diet plan that suits them. At the same time, patients should ensure that they eat a balanced and varied diet that includes enough protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals. For example, fish, which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, helps maintain heart health and reduce inflammation in the body.

Control iodine intake

Iodine deficiency can lead to goiter, which is often referred to as "big neck disease", and too much iodine can lead to hyperthyroidism, so many people have doubts about whether to eat "iodine-containing" foods.

@甲状腺疾病患者: These foods should be eaten in moderation

Different groups of people have different requirements for iodine intake:

(1) Hyperthyroidism: strictly restricted. Consume non-iodized salt and avoid high-iodine foods such as kelp, seaweed, wakame, etc.

(2) Hypothyroidism: increase in moderation, such as kelp, seaweed, etc., and at the same time, you can eat selenium-rich foods, such as nuts, sesame, mushrooms, etc., and supplement sufficient high-quality protein.

(3) Thyroid nodules: If there is no hyperthyroidism, iodized salt can be consumed, but high-iodine foods such as kelp and seaweed should be restricted, and iodine intake should be strictly restricted if there is hyperthyroidism.

The following is a list of iodine-containing foods for your reference

(1) Seafood

Seafood can be divided into three categories: algae, shrimp and shellfish, and fish, and their iodine content varies greatly.

Algae: such as kelp, seaweed, wakame, hair cabbage, etc., are high-iodine foods.

Shrimp and shellfish are moderately iodine-contained, compared to shrimp and dried shrimp, which have a slightly lower iodine content.

Marine fish such as small yellow croaker, hairtail, mackerel, and salmon belong to the low iodine content. The iodine content of marine fish is almost the same as that of freshwater fish, and even lower than that of eggs and meat.

(2) Iodized salt, chicken essence

At present, the average iodine content of iodized salt in China is about 2000~3000 micrograms per 100 grams. The iodine content in chicken bouillon is also very high, containing about 766 micrograms of iodine per 100 grams.

(3) Pickled foods

Processed or preserved foods, including ham, salted fish, bacon, sausages, dried tofu or canned foods, are generally added with a large amount of iodized salt, so the iodine content is not low. For example, the iodine content in Cantonese sausages is about 91.6 micrograms per 100 grams.

(4) Eggs

Eggs also contain a lot of iodine (mainly concentrated in egg yolk), the highest iodine content is quail eggs (37.6 micrograms/100 grams), eggs are 27.2 micrograms/100 grams, duck eggs are lower, 5 ~ 6 micrograms/100 grams.

@甲状腺疾病患者: These foods should be eaten in moderation

(5) Miscellaneous

Nuts, such as walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds, etc., have an iodine content of 8 ~ 35 micrograms/100 grams, and the higher the degree of processing, the higher the iodine content.

The average iodine content of meat, such as chicken, beef, mutton, etc., is about 10 micrograms per 100 grams. The iodine content of beans and soy products ranges from about 7 ~ 10 micrograms per 100 grams.

Some foods can interfere with thyroid function

For example, soybeans and soy products contain phytoestrogens, which tend to reduce the production of thyroid hormones.

The cauliflower, cabbage, radish, broccoli, kale, etc., which people commonly eat, all belong to the cruciferous family. These vegetables contain an antioxidant substance called glucosinolate. Under certain conditions, glucosinolate inhibits iodine absorption by the thyroid gland and impairs thyroid hormone production. This effect occurs only in the following situations:

(1) The level of thiocyanate in the body is high (>4.8~6.4mg/L). Usually only those who eat more than 500~1000g of cruciferous vegetables per day or smoke a lot will reach this level.

(2) Eat a lot of flavonoid-rich fruits at the same time. Some flavonoids will also strengthen the effect of thiocyanate on inhibiting the thyroid gland, and some fruits we usually eat, such as oranges, grapefruits, grapes, etc., contain flavonoids that can strengthen the effect of thiocyanate in inhibiting iodine uptake by the thyroid gland after being broken down by bacteria in the intestines.

(3) Those who are already deficient in iodine. People who have been avoiding iodine or low iodine diets for a long time and living in iodine-deficient areas have iodine deficiency in their own bodies, and then eating cruciferous vegetables may aggravate the degree of iodine deficiency, causing or aggravating goiter and hypothyroidism.

(4) Patients who are ready for iodine-131 treatment. Eating cruciferous vegetables may affect the effectiveness of iodine-131 treatment, so our intake should also be minimized.

Therefore, the emphasis is on eating it "in moderation".

Certain foods and medications are taken together

It is not conducive to the exertion of the efficacy of the drug

Studies have shown that foods such as brown rice, corn, soybeans, oats, buckwheat, wheat bran, celery, and bitter gourd are rich in protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc., which are not conducive to the absorption of thyroxine tablets. There are also drinks such as grapefruit juice, strong tea, and coffee, which can also reduce the efficacy of thyroxine tablets. When eating these foods, patients should take care to keep a distance from the time they are taken, and at the same time pay attention to continuous monitoring of blood levels and adjust the diet plan if necessary.

Spicy and stimulating food control

Including chili, garlic, mustard, strong tea, coffee, alcohol, etc., it is best not to eat, especially for patients with hyperthyroidism and thyroid nodules. These foods stimulate the nervous system and metabolic processes, leading to excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, which can exacerbate the condition or trigger clinical symptoms.

@甲状腺疾病患者: These foods should be eaten in moderation
@甲状腺疾病患者: These foods should be eaten in moderation

Attention should be paid to a reasonable diet


Consume high-quality protein, such as lean meats, fish, soy products and eggs. Protein has many benefits for maintaining muscle mass and promoting recovery.


Consume moderate amounts of healthy fats, such as olive oil, fish oil, and nuts. These fats help with anti-inflammation and are important mediators of vitamin absorption.


Supplement with complex carbohydrates, including whole grains, vegetables and fruits. These grains, fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which can help control blood sugar levels.


Low-salt diet. It is recommended to control the daily salt intake at 5g, and patients with hypothyroidism should pay more attention to controlling salt intake due to the possibility of myxedema, excessive salt intake will aggravate edema.


Drink plenty of fluids. Due to the accelerated metabolism, it is very important for patients with hyperthyroidism to increase their water intake in moderation.


Eat small, frequent meals. Eating small, frequent meals can help patients regulate blood sugar levels and avoid hunger, while also helping the body better digest and absorb nutrients.

Patients with thyroid disease need to adhere to the correct diet for a long time and adjust it flexibly, and the adjustment is based on the results of the patient's thyroid function test. Therefore, regular check-ups and compliance with doctor's advice are important prerequisites for dietary regulation.


Can you eat "hair things"?


For different diseases, there are different so-called "hair products", such as the "hair matter" of thyroid disease should be high iodine food, and we should decide whether to eat this kind of food according to the results of urine iodine in our daily life, and some beef and mutton, chicken, eggs, freshwater fish, etc. do not belong to the "hair range" of thyroid disease. For friends after thyroid surgery, it is necessary to ensure sufficient protein supply to promote the healing of the incision, so it is necessary to eat it.

Source: China Food News Network, CCTV News, Chongqing Satellite TV WeChat, Life Times WeChat

Editor: Yu Zhuohan

Duty Director: Yuan Yuzi

@甲状腺疾病患者: These foods should be eaten in moderation

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@甲状腺疾病患者: These foods should be eaten in moderation

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