
Ten years of Chunhua丨I wish to do it without giving up, and the future can be expected

author:Interpreting China

Editor's note:

The smoke and rain in March unveiled the warm spring, interpreting the day when the Chinese studio ushered in its tenth year of establishment. In the past ten years, with the care and support of all parties, this team has been moving forward, from planning news talk shows, to launching various short videos, to filming series of documentaries and documentary films. Looking ahead, the mountains are endless, so what's the matter. In special moments, you always have to leave some words. Today, we are publishing an article by Zhang Xiangyang, the producer of the comprehensive department of the Chinese studio, "I wish to do it without giving up, and the future can be expected", which records our past journey.

Ten years of Chunhua丨I wish to do it without giving up, and the future can be expected

△ Interpretation of Zhang Xiangyang, producer of the comprehensive department of the Chinese studio

On the calendar of time, there are always some special moments that allow us to temporarily stop our busy pace, look back at the road we have traveled, sort out what we have done, sort out our mood, and clarify the direction. This year, Interpreting China Studio celebrates its 10th anniversary. At this moment, it is such a moment.

As a "freshman", I have only been involved in interpreting China studios for less than three years, but every time I have experienced it, I feel that there are so many people who love Chinese stories, so many creators who love documentary films, and so many leaders and partners who trust and support the interpretation of Chinese studios. With these encouragements and helps, we interpret the steps of Chinese studios step by step and leave our mark in time.

Every honor is an affirmation and a spur

Time is the most faithful recorder and the most objective witness.

After joining the company in October 2021, my familiarity and understanding of the work have been "overwhelming" awards. Interpretation China Studio was awarded the honorary title of "2021 Outstanding Youth Team" by CIPG;The documentary "On Firewood, Rice, Oil and Salt" was selected as the "Five One Project" of the 16th Spiritual Civilization Construction, and was selected for the Chinese Contemporary Works Translation Project (Phase 10) implemented by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television; The 28th China Documentary Academic Festival Feature Film Good Work Award, the documentary "Above the Field" was selected into the second batch of "14th Five-Year Plan" documentary key topic selection plan of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television in 2022, and the interpretation of China Studio was awarded the "Top Ten Documentary Promoters in China......

Of course, no achievement is easy to obtain, and many honors do not fall from the sky.

The more I understand, the more I feel that although I have not been able to participate in it, it is very important for the team to interpret the China Studio, the guidance, support, expectation and affirmation from leaders, experts and other parties, the professionalism and dedication, dedication and efforts of colleagues, and the help and encouragement from friends at home and abroad. All this is the confidence to interpret the continuous progress of Chinese studios, and it is also the driving force that spurs us to keep our original intention and struggle.

Ten years of Chunhua丨I wish to do it without giving up, and the future can be expected

△Interpretation China Studio was awarded the honorary title of "2021 Outstanding Youth Team" by CIPG

Every departure is a challenge and a pioneering

Over the past decade, Interpretation China Studio has cooperated with more and more domestic and foreign directors and institutions to create, produce and broadcast documentary video works. In addition to the production of documentary documentaries and short videos, the studio has co-planned and produced the keynote speech "Understanding China" with the China National Institute of Innovation and Development Strategy, co-produced the "Peace, Friendship and Love" concert with TV5 Monde of France and Beijing Fausti Culture Media Co., Ltd., and co-organized the first "New Era, New Image" Sino-foreign co-creation program with Discovery Channel, Fujian Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, Fujian Radio, Film and Television Group, and Bilibili...... Every departure is a new attempt and expansion.

In December 2021, the studio officially prepared for the Sino-French "Peace, Friendship and Love" concert. This show can be said to be full of the studio's strength, everyone has no rest, working overtime, participating together, and going all out. For me, who has just joined the company, this is undoubtedly a difficult and dangerous task. The urgency and difficulty lie in the tight time, with the participation of more than 10 countries, recorded in China and France respectively, from the beginning of the planning to the final broadcast, it is really less than two months, and it is just when the Spring Festival is approaching, China and France still have the objective obstacle of time difference; the danger and seriousness lie in the fact that at that time, it was faced with the unfriendly noise of some Western countries, and the impact of the new crown epidemic at home and abroad.

Will there be any situation during the filming process? Will it fail to achieve the desired effect? Looking back now, I have indeed experienced a lot of difficulties, but more importantly, I am also moved. Both the Chinese side and the French side have done this with great enthusiasm, trusting each other and giving each other trust. As Xin Shaoying, the Chinese director of this event, sighed: No matter how difficult it is, the work has never stopped, the program has been changed again and again, and the post-editors have been fighting day and night. The team urgently created a number of duets and communication programs, which happily ended up being the highlight of the concert. Because, behind every program, there is a desire for civilized exchange.

Ten years of Chunhua丨I wish to do it without giving up, and the future can be expected

△ "Peace, Friendship, Love" concert poster

"Only by communing with the heart can it become long-lasting." An event made us deeply realize the importance of seizing the opportunity and opportunity to do international communication, and we were also extremely emotional: Sino-foreign exchanges, communication and trust between people are precious. It is precisely because of the deep friendship of so many international friends that it has contributed to the cooperative broadcast of a series of programs. The essence of cross-cultural communication is macaronia engineering. Once we have made true friends in the world, we can deliver sincerity and trust, appreciate each other, learn from each other, communicate with each other, and tolerate each other, which can withstand the persuasion of a thousand words and overcome the obstacles of a thousand difficulties and dangers.

The theme of international co-produced video works is often grandiose when viewed alone, but the narrative should not be too big and too empty. Many concepts, such as reform and opening up, poverty alleviation, and all-round well-off, are not very understandable to foreign audiences, so it is necessary to have clear information and stories to support the content. As Ke Wensi, the director of "On Firewood, Rice, Oil and Salt", said, he agrees with the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, which is the basic element of a story with global dissemination: it tells the story of "people", focuses on the common fate of "people", and cuts into the common emotions of "people".

Ten years of Chunhua丨I wish to do it without giving up, and the future can be expected

△ Participated in the preliminary research of the selected work "South China Tiger - Jedi Rebirth" of the "New Era, New Image" Sino-foreign joint creation project

We often say that moisturizing things is silent, and true feelings. How is it true, the content is true, the communication is sincere, the emotions are sincere, you can't talk to yourself, and you can't avoid contradictions and problems. Therefore, when we tell stories, we often emphasize that we should not make the goal of the show flawless, only look good and say good things. For example, in the Sino-French concert project, from the perspective of the program form, some children's chorus and some performance forms may not achieve perfect audio-visual enjoyment, but the final effect is that the children's simple chorus, guest duet, and many interviews and dialogues do not need decoration, and enthusiasm and true feelings are naturally revealed.

Small stories, big truths, small cuts, big scenes. The fate of the individual and the development of the family and the country are at the same frequency, the personal struggle is synchronized with the progress of the family and the country, and the personal yearning is in the same direction as the dream of the family and the country.

All the past is prologue. Ten years, from the perspective of the time of international communication, may just come suddenly. From this point of view, ten years later, the interpretation of Chinese studios is still on a long journey. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, I hope that the interpretation of Chinese studios will continue to work and the future can be expected.

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