
On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize

author:Cabotage Freight Index
On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize

Domestic coastal bulk freight index

On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize
On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize

Today Chengkō

On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize

Take over today

On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize

Market analysis

Today's market talks are weak and stable, and the bottom of coastal bulk freight is flat.

At present, the market capacity is still abundant, while the demand for thermal coal is weak, with the maintenance of the Daqin line, as well as the warmer temperature and heavy rain, coupled with the decline in coal prices, the procurement wait-and-see. On the other hand, driven by international coal prices and BDI prices, concurrently operating ships continue to outflow, and the coastal market may bottom out in the later period, so please continue to pay attention to the changes in domestic and foreign market demand.

Coal ships at anchorages in the north today

On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize

Coal yards in each port

On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize

Baltic Dry Index

On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize

CCBF Annual Trend Chart (2021.07.01-present)

On the 9th, the market negotiations continued to be weak, and the coastal bulk freight rate continued to stabilize