
Steamed dumplings, one of the traditional Chinese delicacies, have thin skin and tender filling, delicious taste and rich soup

author:Brother Kui talks about eating, drinking, and playing

Steamed buns are one of the traditional Chinese delicacies, famous for their thin skin, tender filling, delicious taste and rich soup. If you want to make the simplest and most authentic soup dumplings, the key is to master the production of dough and the combination of seasonings. Below, I will give you a detailed introduction to how to make soup dumplings.

Steamed dumplings, one of the traditional Chinese delicacies, have thin skin and tender filling, delicious taste and rich soup

1. Prepare materials

1. 500 grams of flour, appropriate amount of water, 5 grams of yeast powder.

2. 300g minced pork, appropriate amount of minced green onion and ginger, salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white pepper powder, and chicken essence.

3. Appropriate amount of broth (or water), 200 grams of pork skin jelly.

Second, the production steps

1. Make the dough

(1) Pour the flour into a basin, add yeast powder, slowly add an appropriate amount of water, knead into a smooth dough, cover with a damp cloth, and leave it in a warm place to ferment for about 1 hour until the dough rises to twice the original size.

(2) Put the fermented dough on the cutting board, knead it well and exhaust it, then divide it into small pieces, roll it out into a thin crust, and set aside.

Steamed dumplings, one of the traditional Chinese delicacies, have thin skin and tender filling, delicious taste and rich soup

2. Make the filling

(1) Put the minced pork into a bowl, add minced green onion and ginger, salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white pepper powder, chicken essence, stir well, and marinate for 10 minutes.

(2) Cut the pork skin jelly into small pieces, add it to the stock (or water), heat it until it melts, filter out impurities, and leave a clear soup.

(3) Pour the soup into the marinated meat filling, stir well, so that the meat filling can fully absorb the soup, and set aside.

Steamed dumplings, one of the traditional Chinese delicacies, have thin skin and tender filling, delicious taste and rich soup

3. Wrap the soup dumplings

(1) Take a piece of rolled dough, put in an appropriate amount of filling, then knead the dough with your hands, seal and pinch tightly to form a bun shape.

(2) Put the wrapped soup dumplings into the steamer and steam them over high heat for about 15 minutes until the surface of the buns becomes smooth, the skin is thin and the filling is tender, and then it can be removed from the pot.

3. Tips

1. When making the dough, pay attention to knead the dough evenly so that the dough rises sufficiently, so that the bun skin will be softer and more delicious.

2. When making the filling, the addition of pork skin jelly can make the soup of the buns richer and more delicious. If pork skin jelly is not available, it can also be replaced with stock or water.

3. When wrapping soup dumplings, pay attention to sealing and pinching tightly to prevent the buns from breaking during the steaming process, which will affect the appearance and taste.

4. When steaming the soup dumplings, steam them over high heat to make the steamed buns in a short time and maintain the fresh and tender taste of the buns.

Steamed dumplings, one of the traditional Chinese delicacies, have thin skin and tender filling, delicious taste and rich soup

Through the above steps and tips, I believe you have mastered the production method of soup dumplings. Not only are they delicious, but they are also nutritious, making them a great treat for the whole family. Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, it's a good choice. I hope that everyone can try making it at home and enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction brought by food.

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