
Xingtan Community: Cultivating Community Cultural Heritage and Opening a New Chapter in Grassroots Governance

author:Chang'an Weihai

Xingtan Community, Longshan Street, Wendeng District, was established in December 2018, with an area of 0.56 square kilometers and a total of 6 residential communities, with 2,795 households and a permanent population of 7,184 people. In recent years, Xingtan Community has adhered to the guidance of party building, people's livelihood and culture, "stringing beads into a chain" of resources in the jurisdiction, and actively building a new era civilization practice station and a comprehensive cultural service center to meet the yearning of residents at all stages of the jurisdiction for a better life, and achieve detailed services, practical activities and good results.

Strengthen functional facilities and build cultural positions

First, the foundation of civilization is strong. Relying on the New Era Civilization Practice Station, Xingtan Community has carried out iterative upgrading of the site in combination with grid visits, created five characteristic warm spaces of Comfort Workshop, Warm Heart Workshop, Parent-Child Workshop, Skillful Workshop and Green Fashion Workshop, and established a comprehensive civilization practice position integrating theoretical preaching and cultural and sports services such as the Environmental Innovation Corridor, Book Corner, Folk Classroom, and Red Chamber. Vigorously create a strong atmosphere for civilized practice in the new era, create a civilized practice place with standardized standards and rich content, and provide venue support for the development of community cultural activities.

Xingtan Community: Cultivating Community Cultural Heritage and Opening a New Chapter in Grassroots Governance

The second is the culture of good people and the new style. Dig deep into the resources of good people around you and create a "golden signboard" of good people culture. The "Li Yukun Good People Cultural Corner" was innovatively set up to display the touching deeds of Li Yukun, the "moral model of Shandong Province" and "the most beautiful waste picker", who has donated to education for more than 20 years. Li Yukun is regularly invited to carry out deeds publicity activities for community residents, teenagers and children, so that the "good person culture" can be imperceptibly integrated into the lives of the community. With the "Li Yukun Good People Cultural Corner" as the position, we will gather "good people", cultivate "new good people", and create an "incubator for good people" around the community.

Co-ordinate and jointly build resources to improve cultural quality

The first is to gather school resources. Relying on the position of "Sunflower Parent-Child Cottage", it combines resources such as Big Windmill Kindergarten, Sanlihe Kindergarten, Sanlihe Primary and Secondary School in the jurisdiction to jointly provide residents with special cultural services such as parent-child exchanges, parenting mutual assistance, early childhood education, scientific infant care, and parental accompaniment.

Xingtan Community: Cultivating Community Cultural Heritage and Opening a New Chapter in Grassroots Governance

The second is to gather social forces. Relying on the construction of child-friendly communities in Weihai City, we will create a "Xingtan model" of establishing morality and cultivating people in the whole environment. At the same time, with a focus on ensuring children's safety, we set up children's safety education classes to prevent the occurrence of school violence, domestic violence, and social violence, improve children's awareness and ability to protect themselves, provide professional and high-quality services for the all-round development of children in the community, and promote the healthy growth of children.

Xingtan Community: Cultivating Community Cultural Heritage and Opening a New Chapter in Grassroots Governance

The third is to gather volunteer forces. We have built a volunteer service position in the community, and innovatively launched the Red Pioneer Party Member Volunteer Service Team, the Green Environmental Protection Volunteer Service Team, the Blue Science Education Volunteer Service Team, the Orange Volunteer Service Team to Help the Poor, and the Yellow Children's Healthy Growth Volunteer Service Team, creating a group of capable, enthusiastic, reliable, and daring to take on the main force of civilized practice. More than 350 special volunteer service activities have been carried out for residents of different groups and different needs in the jurisdiction, covering legal knowledge publicity, community policy publicity, disease prevention and control, visits and condolences, etc., to improve the level of community volunteer service and make community services more intimate and warm.

Xingtan Community: Cultivating Community Cultural Heritage and Opening a New Chapter in Grassroots Governance

Focus on the needs of the masses and create a cultural business card

The community focuses on the needs of the people's spiritual and cultural life, actively expands the invisible cultural resources around the masses, and constantly innovates the forms of activities to add a brilliant background to the happy life of residents.

The first is to let red education be presented at the "doorstep". Excavate the red resources in the jurisdiction, give full play to the strength of old party members and retired soldiers to form a "red story" new era civilization practice propaganda group, relying on the new era civilization practice station, "parent school" and other position carriers to carry out red propaganda, party history competition, red movie viewing and other theme activities nearly 100 times, for more than 1,200 residents in the community to promote the red spirit, inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, and promote red education to become a new highland of cohesion.

Xingtan Community: Cultivating Community Cultural Heritage and Opening a New Chapter in Grassroots Governance

The second is to let the whole people's reading be shared at the "doorstep". Based on the improvement of "micro-services", the community fully excavates resources, continuously enriches the construction of scholarly culture, actively creates new immersive and diversified reading scenes and new experiences suitable for all ages and people, and organizes community veteran party members, old teachers, and veteran soldiers to carry out 33 "red classic" reading activities; 45 parent-child reading sharing sessions with themes such as "Books Nourish Children's Hearts, Reading Grows Together" in combination with the construction of child-friendly communities, and carry out more than 220 family education classroom theme activities in combination with the needs of parents in the jurisdiction. The warm and down-to-earth "reading space" allows the fragrance of books to "float" to the "doorstep" of the residents.

Xingtan Community: Cultivating Community Cultural Heritage and Opening a New Chapter in Grassroots Governance

The third is to let traditional culture be inherited at the "doorstep". Relying on the community cultural activity room and the new era civilization practice position, paying attention to the cultural needs of the elderly, teenagers and other groups in the community, 10 social organizations such as community dance teams, paper-cutting classes, and calligraphy classes have been established, and "public welfare classes" such as paper-cutting classes, baking classes, and yoga classes have been set up to meet the diverse spiritual and cultural needs of the masses. At the same time, the community takes the traditional festival as an opportunity to actively carry out traditional folk culture activities, and invites residents to participate in the experience to re-understand folk culture. Up to now, Xingtan Community has carried out more than 230 brand cultural activities such as "Dragon Boat Festival Dumplings Fragrance and Strong Party Flavor", "Sweet Baking and Strong Community", "Writing Spring Festival Couplets and Sending Blessings", so that the seeds of culture can blossom at the grassroots level and among the masses.

Xingtan Community: Cultivating Community Cultural Heritage and Opening a New Chapter in Grassroots Governance

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