
Saint Seiya 3D Animation Original Plot Taurus vs. Resurrected Cancer Dees draws with Arudiba

author:Lazy Black Snake
{"info":{"title":{"content":"圣斗士3D动画原创剧情 金牛座大战复活的巨蟹座 迪斯战平阿鲁迪巴","en":"Saint Seiya 3D Animation Original Plot Taurus vs. Resurrected Cancer Dees draws with Arudiba"},"description":{"content":"圣斗士系列的3D动画,这次官方又整出来一套原创剧情出来,算是某种意义上给故事加长了不少,这次的故事主要描绘的还是雅典娜的...","en":"The 3D animation of the Saint Seiya series,This time the official has come out with a set of original plots.,It's a lot longer to the story in a sense.,This time the story is mainly depicted by Athena..."}},"items":[]}