
Knowledge of Buddhism| How to recite the scriptures in a logical way?

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Knowledge of Buddhism| How to recite the scriptures in a logical way?

"Dharma is gained from respect"

The scriptures are the essentials of the Buddha's teachings, which can lead people to transcendent sanctification.

If anyone can recite it sincerely, the Heavenly Protectors will hear it at any time.

If you read the scriptures with respect, you will be able to enlighten immeasurable wisdom, but if you are not respectful and lead to desecration, you will increase your sinful karma.

Therefore, those who recite the scriptures with respect will always be blessed by the good gods of the heavens.

Knowledge of Buddhism| How to recite the scriptures in a logical way?

Congratulations to the classics

If you want to get the practical benefits of the Dharma, you must first be sincere and sincere before reading the scriptures, and purify the three karmas of body, mouth, and mind.

The body should sit upright, be strict and solemn, as if facing the Buddha, keep silent and not gossip, laugh, or joke, and hold your breath and distract from distractions, let go of all external edges, not fight delusions, and concentrate on the Fa.

◆ 1. Before chanting, wash your hands, do not touch the scriptures with your hands, and do not turn the pages with saliva on your fingers. Regardless of whether you are a vegetarian or a meat eater, you should brush your teeth and rinse your mouth before chanting.

◆ 2. Choose a place where no one is disturbing you and avoid unknowingly interrupting your chanting.

◆ 3. Those who study Buddhism should abstain from spicy foods such as onions, garlic, and leeks, and avoid alcohol. If you have just eaten the above food or drank alcohol, you should not chant sutras. You must brush your teeth and rinse your mouth, stay in a ventilated place for a while, and wait until the smell has dissipated before you can recite the scriptures.

◆ 4. If there is a Buddha statue in the place, the Buddha should be bowed three times, and if there is no Buddha statue, hold the sutra in both hands and raise it to the eyebrow.

◆ 5. After worshipping the Buddha, sit upright (or sit cross-legged) and put your palms together.

Knowledge of Buddhism| How to recite the scriptures in a logical way?

Respectfully recite the holy name of "Buddha Shakyamuni of the Buddha of the Southern Void Buddha" three times and the opening of the scriptures, "The supreme profound and subtle Dharma, hundreds of thousands of calamities have been encountered, I have seen and heard it today, and I am willing to understand the true meaning of the truth";

When chanting, in addition to not crossing your feet or crossing your feet, you should not eat while chanting. Do not read the Bible lying down or in an impure place.

◆ 6. יהוה, יהוה, יהוה, יהוה.

◆ 7. When chanting, when someone visits or asks questions, they can fold their palms together in reply, or write down the scriptures with a note, and get up to greet them; If you cough, cover your mouth with a cuff.

◆ 8. When the classic is not finished, do not fold the page, fold the corner, etc. to mark, or buckle the book, put it in the shape of a "person", and put a bookmark, a note, etc. as a mark.

When reading and reciting scriptures, make sure that you understand every word of the scriptures you are reciting, and do not engage in delusions. Reciting sutras in this way can not only dedicate oneself to merit and benefit everything, but also achieve one's own path, which is truly a bodhisattva practice of self-benefit and altruism.

Reciting sutras not only inspires wisdom, but also cultivates concentration.

When dedicating oneself to oneself and one's relatives and friends, one step further, to the Supreme Bodhi, and dedicating this merit to all sentient beings in the Dharma Realm, one can eliminate karma and attain happiness from suffering, that is, to form good karma with immeasurable sentient beings invisibly, not only for self-benefit but also for altruism.

Knowledge of Buddhism| How to recite the scriptures in a logical way?

Buddhist scriptures are placed

● 1. The Buddhist scriptures should be respectfully placed in a clean place, not in the bedroom of the husband and wife, and other impure places.

If a Buddhist scripture is placed in a single bedroom, the sutra should be placed on a high place and covered with a clean cloth when resting at night, and the head should be rested on the side of the sutra, and the feet should not be rushed into the sutra.

Do not engage in all kinds of filthy deeds in the place where the Buddhist scriptures are.

● 2. Buddhist scriptures should be neatly placed in the order of sutras, Vinayas, and treatises, from top to bottom: Mahayana scriptures, Hinayana scriptures, Vinaya collections, treatises, commentaries on the classics, works of the patriarchs, general Buddhist books, books and materials of the world under all Buddhist scriptures.

● 3. If you need to carry Buddhist scriptures with you, you should not carry them below your waist and under your armpits.

● 4. If there is dust in the scriptures, it should be wiped with a clean cloth, and the dust should not be blown with the mouth. Secular classics and miscellaneous objects should not be placed in the scriptures, and the Dharma should be respected as Buddha. Place it on a classic tabletop and should not place clutter.

Knowledge of Buddhism| How to recite the scriptures in a logical way?

● 5. It is intended for reading and reciting, and cannot be written. As a last resort, take a pencil as a memorization, and wipe it off after reciting it.

● 6. When placing the scriptures, do not put them half inside the table and half outside the table, but keep them straight. The scriptures and Buddhist instruments should be treated respectfully.

● 7. The classics have no time to read, and should be circulated to others.

● 8. Where the classics are, they are all protected by the dragon, and if they are allowed to be damaged and discarded, the sin is immeasurable. If there is any damage to the old Buddhist scriptures, they should be repaired as soon as possible.

If it is too badly damaged to be repaired, it should be placed in a clean place. Not a single scripture or even a single Buddha word should be burned or discarded.

Knowledge of Buddhism| How to recite the scriptures in a logical way?

The Dharma is the truth, and when we are reciting the scriptures, we are also practicing it, once or twice...... Constant practice, coupled with the constant reflection on the righteousness of the scriptures, the reflection and examination of one's body, mouth, and mind, and the correction of one's own knowledge, in the long run, will naturally have the wisdom to transform all kinds of troubles and attachments.

Through further practice of Buddhism, we can realize our inherent mind, understand what is our true self, and be able to be the master everywhere without being subject to external circumstances.

Source: Buddhist morning and evening classes

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