
"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

author:Ikan Finance
"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

Text: Ikan Finance

Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article

"It turns out that the central bank has been buying gold"

On April 7, the Financial Associated Press reported that the People's Bank of China has increased its gold reserves for 17 consecutive months, and domestic and international gold prices have followed the "rising tide", and the pure gold jewelry of gold stores on the market has even reached 700 yuan/g.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

With the continuous rise of international gold prices, the domestic gold market has shown an unprecedented hot scene, feeling that buying gold is like buying cabbage, as if there is no money, and people only recognize this real "real money".

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

So is the sharp rise in gold a good signal? Is it really the same as ordinary people buying gold?

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

Bags of gold were taken out and sold

In March 2024, the international gold price continued to rise, and the domestic gold price also reached a new high.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

A gold store salesman's "circle of friends" has become a "daily broadcaster" for pure gold prices, "today's gold price is 693 yuan/g", "today's gold price is 709 yuan/g", "still rising, today's gold price is 718/g", and the gold price has risen and risen.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

After the soaring gold price in March, the domestic gold price in April is still soaring.

The rise in the price of gold can not stop people's enthusiasm for buying gold, in the past, when robbing the house was the same as buying Chinese cabbage, now it is the turn of gold, and many shops that recycle gold have even hit a high price of 550 yuan/g, attracting many people to cash in gold.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

Many investors holding gold began to hesitate about the all-time high gold price: whether to sell or not to sell?

Investors who bought at a low price have joined the selling army, and even many investors have taken out their "family funds" and sold them bag by bag, so that many of their own gold have been released, and Xiao A, who has not already made a move, said: The 50g gold jewelry bought in May last year was sold in less than a year and earned 4,000 yuan.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

In fact, gold such a hard currency, long-term holding or has a relatively strong value-added space, short-term price fluctuations are normal, gold prices are high, there will be people choose to wait and see, there is a demand for wearing, many gold is not sold is generally gold jewelry buyers.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

Don't equate gold investment with buying gold jewelry, how can the same money be reasonably invested to get greater returns, is it appropriate for ordinary investors to follow the country in the end?

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

"Investors buy gold" and "Yang Ma buys gold"

On April 7, 2014, the world's central banks have been hoarding gold for 17 months, which makes people "ready to move".

In fact, this is not a good phenomenon, they all say that "gold in troubled times", "central mother hoarding gold" and "people hoarding gold" are not the same thing at all.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

"Central gold hoarding" is to take the country as the main body, through the diversification of foreign exchange reserves, increase the reserve of gold, can reduce the mainland's dependence on US dollar bonds.

"People hoarding gold" is an act of buying gold by investors personally, mainly in order to preserve the value of assets.

As an international hard currency, investors have always adhered to the principle of buying at a low price and selling at a high price.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

It's a bit like a wholesale gold market

Gold has always been used as a hard currency, which can be used as the confidence of "wealth as jewelry, and poverty when it is poor".

Back then, I looked at wearing gold and silver, and I still felt earthy, but now I know that this is the real fragrance, and luxury bags are not as real as gold.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

In previous years, gold was the off-season in the first month or two after the year, but at this time this year, the off-season of the gold market disappeared, and various merchants are still vigorously recruiting clerks, and many gold stores have posted "recruitment notices" at the door.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

The gold trading market is crowded, so that many investors choose to buy up rather than buy down, the current consumer market is still more people buying, rather than selling more.

But there is still a big difference between gold jewelry and investing in gold, if you want to invest, don't buy gold jewelry, not only will there be manual costs but also gold store brand premium.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

Just to buy gold bars, you also need to consider whether the gold store is reliable, for fear of running away suddenly, you will be "backstabbed" and lose all your money.

At present, the gold market is hot, for ordinary consumers, it is still necessary to protect their basic life, buy gold can not take too much investment, buy less and there is no benefit (and not buy no difference), buy more can not bear the risk,

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money

Whether it is more or less money that can be used to invest, don't follow the trend to buy, keep a normal heart, maybe others take a few million to buy gold, and there are still tens of millions of losses, but they only have hundreds of thousands, and the loss is really heartbroken.

"A lot of people take out bags of gold and sell them one by one!" Buying gold is like not having money


Gold investment market - today's spot gold price (analysis of the latest spot gold market chart)

Hatpas://m. Kangol. org/kwot/gaj/gajj_shaj. html

Securities Daily - Exploring Shenzhen Luohu Shuibei Market: "Gold Diggers" Crowd the Market Gold Consumption and Recycling "Two Ends Heat"


Finance Associated Press - Foreign reserves rose slightly in March, and the central bank increased its holdings of gold for 17 consecutive months, and experts hotly discussed the price of gold at $2,500


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