
A woman wanted to rub a strange man's umbrella on the side of the road to avoid the rain, but the man kept dodging: I have a girlfriend

author:Fun House

Title: Street Umbrella Fight! The woman wants to rub the strange man's umbrella to avoid the rain, but the man keeps dodging: he has a girlfriend

Introduction: In the rain on the streets, an umbrella battle is about to be staged! A woman is anxious to avoid the rain and rub a strange man's umbrella, but the man ruthlessly refuses on the grounds that she "has a girlfriend"! This scene can not help but make people cry out and think about interpersonal communication and emotional boundaries.

Street encounter: Woman asks for help, man dodges

Walking through the streets, the rain is pouring down. The woman was looking for an umbrella to protect herself from the rain and came across a man holding an umbrella. She was so anxious that she decided to ask a strange man for help. However, her request was rejected and dodged by the man, and the reason turned out to be "having a girlfriend".

A woman wanted to rub a strange man's umbrella on the side of the road to avoid the rain, but the man kept dodging: I have a girlfriend

Emotional confrontation: women are entangled, men insist

The woman was unwilling to give up and still pestered the man, hoping to rub an umbrella to shelter from the rain. However, the man insisted on refusing on the grounds of "having a girlfriend" and dodged many times, unwilling to share the umbrella with the woman. The emotions of both sides reached an impasse, and the atmosphere on the streets became awkward and delicate.

Emotional game: women don't flinch, men are angry

Although the man repeatedly explained his position, the woman was still unwilling and continued to entangle. The man was angry and confused, not understanding why the woman was so persistent. The rain on the streets is getting heavier and heavier, umbrella battles are intensifying, and the emotional game is becoming more and more intense.

A woman wanted to rub a strange man's umbrella on the side of the road to avoid the rain, but the man kept dodging: I have a girlfriend

Reflection and warning: respect the wishes of others and communicate rationally

Events have taught us that in interpersonal interactions, we should respect the wishes of others and not rely too much on and entangle. Especially after learning that the other party has an emotional relationship, you should keep an appropriate distance to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and embarrassment. Rational communication is the key to solving problems, and let's work together to create a more harmonious society.


Behind the street umbrella fight, there is the emotional game and boundary definition in interpersonal communication. It is hoped that everyone can learn to respect and understand others in similar situations, handle interpersonal relationships with a rational and mature attitude, and jointly create a harmonious and pleasant social environment.

A woman wanted to rub a strange man's umbrella on the side of the road to avoid the rain, but the man kept dodging: I have a girlfriend

Summary: "The boundaries of emotions need to be outlined with respect and understanding. ”