
Persistence in copying the book on Day 4: You have your Prince Charming, I have my persistence

author:Elegant Tangerine eP2

I'm an early orange, it's a new day, and it's important to copy books every day.

Persistence in copying the book on Day 4: You have your Prince Charming, I have my persistence

The first glass of water in the morning is also important to replenish water, prevent constipation, empty the stomach, clear the brain, and also beautify the skin - eliminate toxins.

Today's sharing is about water.

The story of Evian

Persistence in copying the book on Day 4: You have your Prince Charming, I have my persistence

The origin of Evian mineral water

97% of the world's water is saltwater, and only 3% of fresh water is melted by icebergs at the north and south poles of the planet, of which less than 1% is drinkable, and Evian mineral water from the Alps accounts for 0.00000004% of it.
Persistence in copying the book on Day 4: You have your Prince Charming, I have my persistence

“物以稀为贵‬”。 依云水‬富含‬丰富‬的纯天然矿物质,对人体健康‬非常有益,不仅可以‬喝,还能够美容。 光凭这些一‬点,依云‬就‬在全球市场占有一席之地‬。 至今‬,整个‬小镇‬的收入‬大都‬和‬依云‬有关‬。

人们‬常说‬,女人‬是‬水‬做‬的‬,这句话‬出自‬《红楼梦》,平时‬我们‬也‬用‬水灵‬来‬形容‬女人‬。 但在‬真挚的爱情面前,女人往往更爱璀璨的钻石。 "A diamond lasts forever, and a diamond lasts forever".

水资源‬如此‬珍贵‬。 为什么钻石比水贵呢‬?

Persistence in copying the book on Day 4: You have your Prince Charming, I have my persistence

原因很简单,因为钻石更‬稀少,得之不易‬,往往‬就更‬加‬弥足‬珍贵‬。 人们愿意出很高的价钱,赠予‬钻石为‬爱情‬加冕‬‬,但‬从没‬听说‬过送‬一‬杯‬矿泉水‬向‬心爱‬的人求婚‬。

Therefore, human desires are endless, but resources are limited, and limited resources become scarce relative to infinite desires.

Enlightenment Today

The more successful you are, the greater your desire. The more mundane, the smaller the desire.

Happiness is not about what you have, but about what you see.

One husband, two children, three meals, four seasons, enough!

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