
If there are these 4 changes in the feet, it reminds you that it is time to lower your blood sugar

author:Tomato health

With the progress of society and economic development, people's living conditions are getting better and better. From the material scarcity in the past to the abundant food and clothing now, people's living standards have been significantly improved.

Modern people's life is getting faster and faster, work pressure is high, time is tight, and many people will choose fast food and convenience food as the main choice of daily diet. These foods are usually high in sugar, fat, and salt, and consuming too much of them can lead to a rise in blood sugar. In addition, there is a general preference for sweets and high-sugar beverages, which can quickly raise blood sugar levels and put a lot of burden on the body.

If there are these 4 changes in the feet, it reminds you that it is time to lower your blood sugar

If the fasting blood sugar level of the body exceeds 6.1 mmol, and the blood sugar level exceeds 7.8 mmol, 2 hours after a meal, then it is judged to be high blood sugar.

High blood sugar is far more harmful than you think

Long-term hyperglycemia can damage multiple organs and systems, including the cardiovascular, nervous, kidney, and eye. Heart tube disease is one of the most common complications of hyperglycemia, including heart disease, stroke, and angina, which can lead to serious and life-threatening consequences. In addition, high blood sugar can damage the nervous system, triggering neuropathy and potentially leading to kidney failure. Eye damage manifests itself as blurred vision, cataracts, and glaucoma and other diseases that can severely affect vision and even lead to blindness.

In addition, high blood sugar can also weaken the immune system and make people more susceptible to diseases. In addition, high blood sugar can also affect people's mental health, leading to problems such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

If there are these 4 changes in the feet, it reminds you that it is time to lower your blood sugar

4 foot changes that remind you to pay attention to the problem of lowering blood sugar


High blood sugar is a common health problem, and swollen feet can be a sign of high blood sugar. When blood sugar levels exceed the normal range, in the case of high blood sugar, the kidneys are unable to effectively filter waste products and excess water from the blood, resulting in water retention, leading to the appearance of swelling. Therefore, when you notice that your feet are visibly swollen, you should take timely steps to control your blood sugar levels, and instead of ignoring this problem, you should take proactive steps to control your blood sugar levels.

If there are these 4 changes in the feet, it reminds you that it is time to lower your blood sugar


High blood sugar can lead to impaired nervous system function, which can lead to neuralgia or pain. The damage of hyperglycemia to the nervous system is mainly due to the fact that the concentration of glucose in the blood is too high in a long-term hyperglycemic state, which exceeds the normal metabolic range of nerve cells. This leads to metabolic disorders inside nerve cells, impaired their function. At the same time, high blood sugar can also cause blood vessels to constrict and poor blood circulation, further aggravating the degree of nerve cell damage.

When the nervous system is damaged, people experience a variety of symptoms, the most common of which is neuralgia or a feeling of pain. This pain usually manifests as tingling, numbness, itching and other sensations in the feet, and in severe cases, it can even affect walking and quality of life. This pain sensation is caused by damaged nerve cells transmitting abnormal signals to the brain, causing the person to feel pain.

If there are these 4 changes in the feet, it reminds you that it is time to lower your blood sugar

Dry and chapped skin

In the early stages of the disease, due to poor blood circulation, the skin of the feet will become dry and flaky, and even peeling, causing great discomfort to the patient. In addition, the temperature of the feet can also be abnormal, often feeling cold, and sometimes accompanied by itching symptoms, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients.

In addition to skin problems, blood circulation in diabetic patients' feet can also be affected, resulting in abnormal changes in the skin tone of the feet. Normally, the skin tone of the feet should be a healthy pink color, but in diabetic patients, the skin tone of the feet tends to appear dark blue due to the obstruction of blood flow, which causes some confusion to the patient's appearance.

If there are these 4 changes in the feet, it reminds you that it is time to lower your blood sugar

Wounds on the feet that are difficult to heal

In daily life, we will inevitably encounter some bumps or scratches. Under normal circumstances, as long as we take good care of the wound, the wound will heal and recover quickly. However, for people with high blood sugar, the process of wound healing can become extremely difficult.

When a wound appears, the immune system of a normal person is quickly activated, sending white blood cells to the wound to remove bacteria and promote wound healing. However, people with high blood sugar have a sluggish immune system response, which gives bacteria more time to multiply at the wound site, increasing the risk of wound infection. Therefore, wound care is especially important for people with high blood sugar. Keeping blood sugar levels under control, taking appropriate wound care measures, and seeing a doctor regularly can help the wound heal and recover.

If there are these 4 changes in the feet, it reminds you that it is time to lower your blood sugar

The complications of diabetes cannot be ignored. Pay more attention to your physical condition. If you feel unwell, you should seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying treatment and delaying your condition!

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