
Russia has fully rolled out a three-front operation and added 170,000 mobilized troops, will it escalate into a big melee?

author:铁血 Outpost

Since the terrorist attack on Moscow, Russia has launched a massive bombardment of the entire territory of Ukraine. In just one day on the 29th, at least 12 Tu-95MS bombers, 20 MiG-31Ks and hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles were dispatched to bomb many airports, substations, hydropower stations and other infrastructure in Ukraine. In Sumy Oblast alone, there were at least 167 explosions in 24 hours. An air raid alert was also sounded in neighboring Moldova, detecting that a Russian cruise missile had crossed its airspace and was heading towards Ukrainian territory.

Russia has fully rolled out a three-front operation and added 170,000 mobilized troops, will it escalate into a big melee?

The goal of the Russian army this time is very clear, and the focus of this strike is on western Ukraine, because since the conflict, NATO's military aid has been continuously delivered to Ukraine through Poland in the west, and military aid materials are all transferred from here, and the Russian army bombed the transit materials. The actions of the Russian army have also made these Eastern European countries uneasy. Both Poland and Romania urgently took off warplanes to the border, fearing that Russia would be caught off guard.

At the same time, the Russian army also launched a number of hypersonic ballistic missiles to Kyiv, hitting targets in Sterry and Shepetovka, which, according to the Russian side, are NATO command strongholds. It can also be seen from this that Russian intelligence has always known about the existence and precise location of NATO's military, and it is likely that it did not want to tear its face before. In addition to the explosives transit center and NATO command positions, the focus of Russia's attacks on water, electricity, and energy facilities is also the focus of this round of attacks. Since the 29th, the Russian army has bombed the Kremenchuk Hydropower Station and the Krivoy Log Thermal Power Station in Ukraine, and the fire in the latter has lasted for a long time. In addition, the Ukrainian company "Central Power Grid" announced that a thermal power plant (Zmiivska) in Kharkiv Oblast has been destroyed by the Russian army. Ukraine's cascade hydropower stations on the Dnieper River have been hit by airstrikes, and since most of Ukraine's railway network is electrified, the lack of electricity means that logistical transportation and military mobilization are impossible. If it were the United States, which had bombed the target's water, electricity, transportation network and other facilities at the beginning of the conflict, the Russian army would only be willing to strike now, which shows that it has also recognized the reality.

Russia has fully rolled out a three-front operation and added 170,000 mobilized troops, will it escalate into a big melee?

But Russia is not just facing Ukraine to the west, it needs to hold back an enemy on all fronts. In parallel with the massive bombardment of Ukraine, a Russian intelligence-gathering ship approached the coast of Japan and then sailed southwest through the Tsushima Strait, where it is expected to appear near the Ryukyu Islands. Prior to this, Russia also conducted exercises in the Sea of Japan to search for hypothetical enemy submarines. Japan also needs to be beaten, because at the beginning of the conflict, Japan still wanted to take advantage of Russia's war and had no energy to manage the east, and planned to recover the South Kuril Islands, and it has always been eyeing it.

Russia has fully rolled out a three-front operation and added 170,000 mobilized troops, will it escalate into a big melee?

And at the same time, the ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet began to enter the Red Sea. Since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the situation in the Red Sea has been tense, and the Houthis in Yemen have been keeping an eye on US, British and Israeli warships and cargo ships every day. Now Russia has also begun to join, directly giving the United States some strength.

Russia is quite prepared for large-scale operations, and recently the head of the enlistment bureau of the Russian General Staff, Burdinsky, also said that large-scale conscription will begin in April. According to the number previously announced by Russia, this time the number is 170,000, and Putin has signed a presidential decree at the end of last year, and the increase in military spending is also 70%. From any point of view, Russia is indeed preparing for a big war. In fact, if you look at the news of the international situation, you will know how chaotic the situation outside is, and our peace is not easy to come by. Whether it escalates into a big scuffle or not, I can only say that the outside world is disturbing, and I will not move.