
FireProx: A powerful proxy tool for AWS API Gateway management and IP address rotation


About FireProx

FireProx is a powerful AWS API Gateway security management tool that enables researchers to create real-time HTTP forwarding proxies that rotate unique IP addresses.

FireProx: A powerful proxy tool for AWS API Gateway management and IP address rotation

Implementing source IP address rotation when sending network requests or interacting with the network is a complex process, and while there are tools in the community that can do so, they are either limited by the number of IP addresses, are too costly, or require a large number of V*S to be deployed.

FireProx can leverage AWS API Gateway to create forwarding proxies and rotate source IP addresses on a per-request basis. FireProx supports creating a proxy URL that points to the destination server and then making a web request to the proxy URL that returns a response from the destination server.

Function introduction

1. Rotate IP addresses for each request;

2. Support the configuration of a separate area;

3. Support all HTTP methods;

4. Support passing all parameters and URIs;

5. Support creating, deleting, viewing and updating agents;

6. The X-Forwarded-For source IP address can be forged by including the X-My-X-Forwarded-For Header in the request;

Tool download

Since the tool is based on Python 3.6, we first need to install and configure the Python 3.6+ environment on the local device. Next, researchers can directly use the following command to clone the source code of the project to the local computer:

$ git clone           

Then switch to the project directory and create and activate a virtual environment:

$ cd fireprox

~/fireprox$ virtualenv -p python3 .

~/fireprox$ source bin/activate           

Once in the virtual environment, install the other dependent components required by the pip tool and the requirements.txt files provided by the project:

(fireprox) ~/fireprox$ pip install -r requirements.txt

(fireprox) ~/fireprox$ python           

Docker uses

If you want to build a Docker image, you can run the following command (the current version does not support Docker on the Windows platform):

$ git clone

$ cd fireprox

$ docker build -t fireprox .

$ docker run --rm -it fireprox -h           

Tool use

It is important to note that the proper functioning of the tool requires the provision of an AWS access key/sensitive data access key or AWS CLI configuration.

usage: [-h] [--access_key ACCESS_KEY] [--secret_access_key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] [--region REGION] [--command COMMAND] [--api_id API_ID] [--url URL]           

Tool Parameter commands

usage: [-h] [--profile_name PROFILE_NAME] [--access_key ACCESS_KEY] [--secret_access_key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] [--session_token SESSION_TOKEN] [--region REGION] [--command COMMAND] [--api_id API_ID] [--url URL]


FireProx API Gateway Manager


optional arguments:

  -h, --help            显示工具帮助信息和退出

  --profile_name PROFILE_NAME


  --access_key ACCESS_KEY


  --secret_access_key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY


  --session_token SESSION_TOKEN


  --region REGION       AWS区域

  --command COMMAND     支持的命令: list, create, delete, update

  --api_id API_ID       API ID

  --url URL             URL终端节点           

Example of how to use the tool



Screenshot of the tool running

Help with the tool

FireProx: A powerful proxy tool for AWS API Gateway management and IP address rotation

Create an agent

FireProx: A powerful proxy tool for AWS API Gateway management and IP address rotation

Delete an agent

FireProx: A powerful proxy tool for AWS API Gateway management and IP address rotation

View proxies

FireProx: A powerful proxy tool for AWS API Gateway management and IP address rotation

Demo of tool usage

FireProx: A powerful proxy tool for AWS API Gateway management and IP address rotation

License Agreement

The development and release of this project is under an open source license.

Project address



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