
Seek • Be a great thinker

author:Phantom brother of Mingfu Academy

Author: Phantom Brother|President Li Yuan's No. 10 scholar

I have written about this theme, and I have been repeatedly pondering some theories in "The Elephant and the Elephant Rider" in the past half month, and I have some new thoughts......

I listened to this book 6 times on the sail book, and read it for more than two hours on the last flight from Shenzhen to Xi'an, and I always felt that this book was different, and I thought about it for a while, and I reflected on it for a long time, and I kept asking myself: Why do I like this book so much, and what problem does this book solve for me?

Seek • Be a great thinker


Recently, I have been thinking about some problems that I rarely calm down to think about along the way, or some problems that I am unwilling to face?

Because he is stationed in Langya Pavilion, he will ask President Li Yuan if he doesn't understand anything, but sometimes it feels like all this is really complicated, and it is really not so easy to understand some very profound things......

For example:

What do you want to leave behind in this world when you come to this world?

What are the negatives of this long-term calm mood when getting along with others?

When do you justify yourself, and when do you prove that others are right? On what basis? It's really challenging to grasp this degree in the middle......

From the study of "The Great Qin Empire", "The Art of War" to "On Protracted War" to "From Excellent to Excellent", about the core and essence of organizational construction, to build an organization that can withstand all kinds of tests and beatings, and enduring, behind the various human hearts, iterations, and eternal points, what is it?

Seek • Be a great thinker

Every day in Langya Pavilion, I watch people come and go, listen to my favorite music from Kugou music, sometimes observe people in the flow of people, sometimes reflect on myself, and sometimes practice mindfulness.

Two days ago, when I was walking, a thought suddenly flashed in my mind, and I don't know how to suddenly pop up such an idea, so I immediately did it, and after thinking about it, it should still be somewhat useful, what to do?

I bought a chess game and played chess with myself......

Of course, the chess I bought has not yet arrived......

Seek • Be a great thinker

Maybe it was at that moment that I realized why I liked the content of this book, because many of the questions I had been thinking about matched the content of the book, and I found many answers in the book that I had been puzzled about. Of course, it may be that writing this paragraph at this moment is my understanding at this moment, and I may have new thoughts after a while......

In the past three years, I have been thinking about the meaning of life, and the more I think about it, the more I know that this is an unsolvable problem. Especially after experiencing all kinds of changes and baptisms, I want to understand how to live. I have the efficiency of learning from Westerners, but I yearn for the impermanence of Oriental Chinese studies;

has been pursuing a happy life, but always tired of coping with the ravages of real life.

Two days ago, I read and interpreted "The Elephant and the Elephant Rider" to give me the most important answer, that is, moderation, we must not only have a positive attitude, but also have a state of mind to live in the present, not only to actively pursue happiness, but also to have the courage to deal with practical difficulties.

Seek • Be a great thinker

In the end, I got the result that the meaning of life is to experience life, to live a happy life positively, to face reality bravely, and everything I experience is the meaning of life.

The meaning of life is embodied through life, and then life also has meaning, which corroborates a passage in "Living with Meaning":

a busy and active life, the purpose of which is to give people the opportunity to understand the value of creative work; A leisurely and retiring life is an opportunity for one to experience beauty, art, or nature, and to lead to an achievement. As for the lack of creativity and the lack of leisure, it also has a purpose: it gives people the opportunity to improve their personality and choose their attitude to life in situations that are constrained by external forces.

Seek • Be a great thinker

Chatting with Brother Long in Nansha last night, Brother Long said: "Brother Phantom, I have been busy experiencing life for the past two years, but I always feel that there are still shortcomings?" ”

I answered, and I said, "Brother Long, for you and me, our life is for struggle, happiness comes from struggle, struggle itself is happiness, and people like us are destined to create something for this world." ”

Brother Long said: "Yes, in the past, in order to solve the problem of food and clothing, there was no day and night, no spring, summer, autumn and winter, so I bowed my head and rushed forward, but in the past two years, I have no worries about food and clothing, but I miss the state of struggle before." ”

I said, "Brother Long, I often come to Langya Pavilion, and I often come to drink wine and tea......

Seek • Be a great thinker


It has been said that the way of thinking is the difference between success and failure of a person. In fact, every time I see a switch about the way of thinking, I think: "Famous and famous." ”

Why don't we discover and learn the thinking skills of those who are successful?

You may not be able to master all the skills, but if you learn any kind of thinking skill, you will benefit from it and get better and better. In fact, almost all successful people have common thinking skills, and they are excellent thinkers.

Great thinkers are always reflecting on their thought process. They don't think thinking is automatic, and they don't think that a superior way of thinking is innate. They are very focused on their thought process, constantly repairing and regulating it.

Seek • Be a great thinker

Great thinkers have a clear goal. They never think about it and know what their goal is. They are clear about their motivations, have feasible plans, and know the order in which they are implemented.

They are always constantly checking and adjusting their actions to serve their goals.

Two days ago, I was chatting with Brother Gang in Guangzhou, and I said, "Brother Gang, in fact, now that I think about it, the depth of our understanding of a matter makes me feel more and more that this point is too important to life. ”

Brother Gang said: "Zhang Yiming also said the same, ask a few more whys behind a theory?" Maybe you'll have the answer just asking......"

Brother Gang also said: "Now I think that those people who don't compete with others every day for right and wrong, and for the depth of their theories are really powerful, and he thinks everyone is a teacher." ”

Seek • Be a great thinker

I said: "That's really amazing, this kind of person has a relatively perfect self, he has his own track and is running independently, which is also what Brother Miao said in "Flash of Inspiration":

The essence of heaven is two;

The first one is alive. Therefore, as long as a person lives anytime and anywhere, he is heaven, and those who have the way of heaven are alive.

The second, continuous, alive and continuous.

The universe is in continuous motion for hundreds of millions of years, and it will not stop moving. And today, ordinary people think about it and stop when they act, so a person who stops and goes can't connect with the sky. When you last, it will always be. Worship heaven is to exist like heaven, so every person who achieves a career, his life is different from others, and it burns.

In fact, he only seeks a real being. All those who have attained great karma are only manifesting their true state of life. Therefore, the key is not to cultivate life, but to where life appears. All kinds of great karma are just detonated at that point in this life.

All these things are innate, no one can add anything, only the power of people's original existence is revealed, all beings have the way of all beings, I am taking you to the other side where you are going, not to the other side where I think you should go.

In Langya Pavilion, Zhuoer is such a person......

Seek • Be a great thinker

Excellent thinkers, with the help of some thinking tools, to improve the quality of their thinking. They know how to articulate their way of thinking clearly and how to adjust their way of thinking to be more precise and precise.

Exceptional thinkers, who know how to focus on issues related to the purpose, who know how to look at problems in all their aspects, from multiple perspectives, make the way of thinking more rational and realistic.

At this point, I am reminded that openness of the heart means wisdom.

The more the heart is opened, the more wisdom there is. Lao Tzu or Buddha does not have "ego" because their minds are completely open.

Lao Tzu looks in a thousand directions from a "point", and the Buddha will look at a "point" in a thousand identities, if you are like Lao Tzu and the Buddha, will there still be "ego"?

Without a fixed perspective, without persistent thinking, without ignorant belief, without unaware awareness, self-grasping will not arise.

Seek • Be a great thinker

The heart is a room, and outside the south-facing window is a mess, full of waste, flies, and foul-smelling gases; If you only know that world, you must be depressed, hated, angry, and even greatly annoyed!

But if you open the east-facing window again, wow! A green mountain, flowing springs and clear pools everywhere, birds singing and flowers, your heart will be happier to see this, right?

What if you open the north-facing window again? There is a river, the clear water is secluded, the white sails are dotted, the seabirds are chirping, and then you are happy, right?

Continue to open the west window: Wow! It was a vast grassland with zebras running, sika deer roaming, and lone lions.

When you open four windows to your heart, the troubles you just had because of the filth under one window are gone, right?

Seek • Be a great thinker

The more the heart is opened, the less troubles there will be, and the more joy will increase. These are the first of the four windows to be opened. What if you tear down all the walls, doors, and windows of your heart?

Your heart is the whole universe. Are you still angry at something somewhere?

So what causes suffering, self-grasping, or afflictions is our lack of wisdom. Wisdom means openness of the heart, and openness of the heart means wisdom.

Great thinkers often separate their thoughts from their feelings and needs. They know that ideas don't automatically turn into reality, and that people often lose their minds and become angry, frightened, or insecure because of something.

They will not allow these negative energies to influence their decision-making.

They have a clear understanding of their own minds, and they are constantly reflecting and adjusting their thought processes, so that they can take good control of their thought processes.

Seek • Be a great thinker

Great thinkers often break down and dissect what they have experienced. They are always analyzing their way of thinking. They don't think that the mind automatically analyzes the way of thinking. In life, one must consciously learn to think analytically. Only in this way will there be fewer detours when doing things, and you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Excellent thinkers often judge their own way of thinking, so as to discover the strengths and weaknesses of their way of thinking. A good thinker does not think that the mind will automatically evaluate itself. They know the limitations of their minds and don't judge themselves by it.

In reality, we should consciously learn ways to judge the way of thinking, and use critical thinking to measure our own thinking rather than others, of course, to accomplish all this, it requires continuous accumulation of knowledge and diligent practice.

We live in an ever-changing world, we can understand ourselves correctly, do not blindly believe in authority, uphold an open mind to accept the changing self and the complex world, and have our own insights and thoughts on everything. However, how to get to such a state? It is necessary to have independent thinking ability and logical judgment ability, which is easier said than done, otherwise there will not be so many motivated people who have been hovering on the bridge of knowing that it is easy to do.

Seek • Be a great thinker

The matter of waking up early is a stark illustration of this problem, think about how many times you have decided to get up early and then ...... This also includes my current self. Why do you say that you are your current self, because you believe that your future self can transcend the past, and you must believe in your own strength. Face this reality and try to find a way to cross over.

Then the reality is that most of us lack the ability to think for ourselves. There are many possible reasons, such as too little reading, too much Internet, too short knowledge, and a lack of deliberate practice.

How do I know I'm right when we rest on our laurels and think we're right? We don't want to use our brains, we are afraid of trouble. But the more you are afraid of trouble, the more trouble likes to find you. Face the troubles head-on, and maybe you'll have unexpected surprises.

Seek • Be a great thinker


How do you become a great thinker?

1. Read more books and read good books

Reading is the fastest path to all knowledge. To read a book is to read a good book.

First: absorb the essence of others, crumple it and put it in your own pocket, and use it at any time. It feels good to put the knowledge to use.

Second: understand the world and understand the laws of this world. Reading is not about quantity, but about quality, and the good methods in the book are used in life and work. Many people are afraid of their hands and feet, and their ideas are not put into action, that is, they just think about it, and it is often their inner thoughts, which leads to their own stopping.

We may not realize that life itself is an experiment, and we really don't know what will happen until we do it. Then you might as well try more.

For example, I don't know how many books I read to form my own insight, my own body of knowledge. After all, everyone's starting point is different, but if I don't start reading, I'll never know the answer.

Seek • Be a great thinker

What I do know is that a lot of celebrities and smart people can't get their hands on it. There is no doubt that reading a book is a matter of course, and when it will work, it is a matter of course. Take your time and don't rush. Recently, I finished listening to the classical "Tear Down the Wall in the Mind", Mr. Wu Jun's "Insight", Mr. Cheng Jia's "Study Hard", and now I am reading "Poor Charlie's Book" and "Flow", the more I watch, the more interesting it is, the more I watch, the more focused I become, and reading is a happy thing.

2. Reading notes

In the past, I always thought that note-taking was not interesting. Only now do I realize how much I have missed out on the good. Since the past two years I began to write articles, there are a lot of articles I have written before, from time to time to turn them out to see, there is also a taste, and there are some new understandings, now I know that repetition is the best way to learn, which can make perfect, simple things to do repeatedly. Start taking notes again, start taking notes.

3. Be diligent in thinking

It's always right to think about everything.

Our brains are used in and out.

In fact, thinking is not as difficult as we think, and many people can't do it, probably because they refuse to think or don't know how to think. Try to set aside a period of time from now on to observe your every thought and think about why you think the way you do.

Seek • Be a great thinker

Another way is to observe how others think, how they think in the process of making decisions or expressing ideas, and whether this thinking is reasonable.

If you persist in thinking like this, I believe that there will be unexpected gains.

When I read the article now, I wonder why the author said this, and whether his conclusions are reasonable.

How did he arrive at this theory?

You will find that some articles are actually illogical, and the author's expression is unreasonable.

I don't believe blindly anymore, this feeling is very cool.

Seek • Be a great thinker

Being an independent thinker is something we should insist on and practice. Think about it, you can at least be a wise person, a smart person, this thing is a happy thing.

We don't know more than we know, so always keep an open mind to embrace the unknown and explore the world.

Take control of your own life and be the master of your own destiny. If you don't give it a try, you know if you can't?

After reading the book, form your own thinking, summarize your own thoughts, internalize and extend them, and insist on writing reading notes.

Constantly reading others, but not being read by others.

A nerd is a person who reads books, but a thinker, a genius, a person who illuminates the world and drives human progress reads the big book of life directly.

Seeking, to be an excellent thinker, to be a great thinker, to rush to the love in your heart, let life surging!

Brother Phantom was recorded at Langya Pavilion on the evening of May 22, 2023

Seek • Be a great thinker